Oh yeah,
This is Sarath
I am a reader, writer, entrepreneur, trader, and investor and I write about what I think and read here on Insanely Practical —trying to give a profound insight into the future, technology, life, spirituality, and marketing thereby making sure that my readers won’t get left behind in this competitive world. Founded in 2021 as a weekly blog, but later decided to convert into a daily blog for some nuance private reasons. It now includes insights about my field of expertise and it is a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually, and emotionally — drawn from my extended marginalia on the search for the meaning of future, science, art, philosophy, business, and the various other tentacles of human needs and cravings. I like to walk with my readers in this critical journey of life and death.
This blog is a small contribution to my readers to make them indispensable.