Before starting a company, the foremost priority is at starting the company. We go to any extent in order to do that. But soon after having an idea and starting a business, the real problem starts to emerge. It comes form every department. Needs innovation at proper time and very good convincing marketing. When we look at successful companies, they are still working very much hard to stay on the top. Because when it comes to business delay means death. The field competition gets tougher year after year. So every company strives to be more innovative each time. Habit of people changed from having a product different than the old one for couple of years to every single year. This was reinforced by those corporate organization itself. This created a sense of urgency in customers to frequently change the product. They need better one different than before. It again forced companies to be innovative more than ever. This cycle gets tougher each time. The time durability decreases a...
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