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Showing posts with the label time

Time concious

The irony in observing time is an impediment to truly experiencing life. We make decisions based on how we see our time. Most of the decisions we make are on the notion that we have ample time in hand. But the irony is the only thing we don't have is time.

Better making use of time

Utilizing the time means making it more productive. We can make it productive by doing quality things in between. But the question is whether the quality thing is enough. Certainly not. The difference here is the degree of concentration. Being more focused irrefutably bring better result.

Do not waste time

Time is always moving fast. it is we when get bored feels like the time is not at all moving. But once we realize that we only have limited time, we get nervous and we look back. Sadly there is nothing so big that we accomplished. Without respecting time we cannot achieve anything.

Running out of time

Death is a constant reminder that we are running out of time. When we look at the world, we see people running behind fame, material possessions and money. But what they are missing is the fact that these are all external placebos for external world. But what matters the most is the inner world. Once we know how to satisfy the inner world, then we no longer be the prisoner of this external dilemma.  We can sort out the things by making use of our time doing the things that makes us feel proud and satisfied. But this requires courage and persistence. Because here problems in the shape of emotions strikes is. We may get mocked. We might hear rude words. But it is okay as long as we are doing the right things. In order to do the right things we must be cautious about the time that is slipping by us.

Time and procrastination

  There are multiple benefits while assigning time to the task. Whenever we see ourselves procrastinating at a task, we must have noticed that we had not had any time frame on when to start and when to finish. This is really important because once we have this clear idea about when to start and finish, we can save a lot of time. After the end of the time, we are free and independent enough to do our favorite task. Most of the time we procrastinate on the things that someone assigned to us. It is not our willingness, yet we have to do this. At these times become the problem of procrastination. We tend to put things for tomorrow day after day until we reach a point when there is not enough time to do even half of the task we are supposed to do. With a time-scheduled process, we can actually calculate the process of work and the time needed. This saves a lot of time for procrastination. I can say procrastination sucks. It sucks everything. But being a non-procrastinator is impossi...

Waste less time

While doing a job, whether we love it or not, what is more important or what is more it makes meaningful is the result. How much results or output stands afterward is always the measuring tool. We do lots of hacks such as productivity booster to increase result rate. Out of all, most of the time, assigning time is quite powerful. Time creates a sense of urgency. We all know that we have only limited amount of time, yet we waste it. But when we assign time to a task, we most likely to finish the work than thrash it. The reason is simple : our brain function more vigorously when time is included.   We never estimate the time spent in entertainment or on drugs. Although it cost a lot of time when we wander in unwanted things, we tend to avoid time management here. But feel drastic feeling when we finds a few minute increase in productive work. Here the problem lies with the brain itself. It tricks us to believe that a minute spent productively can be equated with an hour in entertainm...

Allocating time

In order to get something at our grasp we must do the work. In any case giving enough time and energy is necessary to make it possible. And sometimes not. Those are not rare case scenarios. It is well observed around. We must have experienced this. The evident factor is that, due to the most valuable time, we often switch things around, like hedging. Unlike hedging you cannot do both simultaneously. So the thing is we have to make blocks of time. These blocks will save lot of energy and of course brings the time for our deed.   During this process, it is necessary that we must allocate the time to those defined blocks. By allocating, we are actually veering the time from anything that we usually do to something purposeful . Because doing something that creates meaning requires effort and consistency. Motivation is not enough, it dies soon.   Here some people often confuses this with their moral things. Such as relationship and routine. Instead of keeping it well nourished, th...

Time framing for success

 The problem with people who were used with instant gratification is that they would often assign wrong time frame with result analyses. What gets them to get their feet off the pride work is correlated with the measurement. The first few time blocks are always found to go against expectations. Without having the right time frame to measure, they often fall into the trap. The initials days or months always are meat to experiment and learn. During this learning process, things won’t go as expected and mistakes are necessary. Because learning at the early stages makes the person or the organization strong and keeps huge losses away in the near future.  This period is often misunderstood and depicted as a wrong scenario thereby instilling the wrong belief or notion of passion. This is imprudent in nature and could be fixed straight with understanding or guidance.   The range of possible net outcome differs different purposes. On a personal level, it requires less time a...

Spotting the unimportant

  As a part of improving our life we do multiple things. How much we got from those activities are the key way to assess the quality. Attending sessions, reading books and weekly meetings are the prime examples. We cannot say that the assessment we did are exactly a true inspection. It is also the product of the quality of our brain. Everyone is provided with a good normal brain, but the years of molding is what makes the difference. This determines the perception and intuition. Both these plays a major role in determining the future ahead. It decides the importance and non-importance.    Whenever we were presented with an opportunity, the decisions are totally controlled by the intuition. The major difference in selecting a book to read is a prime example. And it forges the mindset. So the people with different mindset attracts different genres. When someone accidently reaches a webinar, which is not his genre, he often gets frustrated and understand nothing. Most of t...

Finding perfect way

  Engaging in activities where outcome is not momentary makes people think twice. The reason most of you think that personal growth makes no sense is because that result may take some time to appear. It requires time and effort. That is why we see only few people succeeds in manifesting it. While we are living a world of instant stimulation, sacrificing time for the future is not reasonable. It might make no sense to do that. But by the time we realize that we achieved nothing, time might have gone by. Time is everything in a sense that death is confronting us. Only the people who made well use of their time achieved the things they want. It is not that easy to structure the time in a productive way. Since we born with no knowledge of time management , we are inbound to practice in a structured way. It takes a long time to learn how to makes use of time or in other way to master time management.    We can find a lot of people trying to be more productive by time managem...

Make a bright 'present'

 The best way to make best way is to make best present. It is no use fearing about what would happen to the unveiled future. Tomorrow doesn’t fold its way, I mean not technically but looking from a perspective of destiny leading life. Each moment spent is a forging sword for the future. Making a better future is certainly possible. The most certain way is make the present better. Present is the only medium where we can channel the energy. Energy could be channelled to any direction. Directions leads to the destiny. That’s why most successful people rely on present and advise us to do the same. You must have heard of you want do something new, do it now. Which is true in every sense. If you don’t act now, you won’t act forever. It is true in technical terms. There is nothing happening anywhere in the world other than now. Actions are only possible in the now. Every action that took and are about to take must manifest through now. It’s now or never.    The reason why most t...

Fixing an intimidating deadline

 Fixing a time which has a limited duration is what actually drives the person. Vaguely making any commitment would always ends up unfinished. The thing that is observed throughout this vague sense is tha false belief of there is plenty of time exists. That's in a way correct. But the moment tha thought rushes in, every things get grubby. The natural tendency of us towards laziness is far more comfortable than any. This is well appreciated by our second self who wants to live in the darkness of comfort zone. This evil self hates dead line and flees at the time of deadline making it all to our good self which wants to finish first thing first. This deed self often get offended by the evil part. Evil part is expert at making us blind to the truth. Although it is clear that you won't make it unless by starting now, you chose not to. That's is the resistance that keeps the exalted version at bay.  This is not good for us. We want to shut those negatives up. Let's intimidat...