While doing a job, whether we love it or not, what is more important or what is more it makes meaningful is the result. How much results or output stands afterward is always the measuring tool. We do lots of hacks such as productivity booster to increase result rate. Out of all, most of the time, assigning time is quite powerful. Time creates a sense of urgency. We all know that we have only limited amount of time, yet we waste it. But when we assign time to a task, we most likely to finish the work than thrash it. The reason is simple : our brain function more vigorously when time is included.
We never estimate the time spent in entertainment or on drugs. Although it cost a lot of time when we wander in unwanted things, we tend to avoid time management here. But feel drastic feeling when we finds a few minute increase in productive work. Here the problem lies with the brain itself. It tricks us to believe that a minute spent productively can be equated with an hour in entertainment. But this can be fixed. By assigning time for each practice let’s us to keep time management in hand.
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