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Showing posts with the label selling

Winning is everywhere

There are companies that benefits from the competition of companies from another sectors. The thing that benefits them is that both these competitors are the customers of this one. Primary examples are the open software companies. They sell software to different companies to make thier product and these manufacturing companies compete themselves for domination. Whoever wins, software company benefits.

Raise your hand

 The raise  your hand strategy is   well-known   and practiced widely by people who do talking from any field. It is a simple and a call to action strategy. What it does is helps to engage people, more precisely,  the audience with   whoever giving the talk. We can call him the controller. He controls the crowd and their emotions. A   well-practiced   and experienced man can make people laugh or cry when he wants. That’s why they often let people laugh at the beginning by cracking some old jokes and making them emotionally attached to the end.   To actively engage a group of people is difficult than an individual. Because attention diversifies and an individual in the audience gets a fraction of it. So, here the possibility is to make them concentrated, fully engaged. Everyone knows that when the number of people increases, the effect of it which it reaches fades. As a result, the core intention of spreading the notion becomes vain....

Listening for selling

One fallacy when comes to selling is the methodology of listening. It is one of the hardest job. Because we always love to say than hear. We want to express our feelings and emotions. We don’t like when people talk always about what they do and what they believe. We have our own ideology and beliefs. But it is a key holding when it comes to selling. Selling involves emotions. Once we know how to manipulate the emotion we can easily make the deal. That’s what a good salesperson do. What is hard for many people will be mastered. He throws every hint, then learns a lot from it. People always to talk about whatever their thing is. It doesn’t matter if it is win or lose, everybody loves to talk about it. They expect us to show some me empathy or jealous. It is a bad habit to talk without a limit. Like every bad habits brings a consequence, being manipulated is one of them. Sales people found this and they created a separate module for its manipulation. They extract information from this an...

Selling by creating need

When is the right time to sell a product? An experienced seller can sell at anytime. There is no division of time of any kind of rime frame that he chooses to sell. Whenever an opportunity gets( keep in mind that a seller don’t seek opportunity, instead he seeks it), he proposes his plan. You might wonder how, the truth is you never know he is selling. In fact he is not selling, you are buying. What is the difference and why isn’t it same?. A seller sells a product even when the customer don’t interested. But the master seller creates a want in the buyer to buy. That’s all his job. He doesn’t emphasize on the qualities of the product he is about to sell, instead he expands the awareness of the customer about insecurities that this product is about to solve. Then, the problem almost solved. And people like to purchase form trustable sources. Of one points your flaws instead of flattering, he is to be trusted. Creating a want or the interest towards a product is more important than spe...