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Showing posts with the label fear

Facing fear

The pleasure or the happiness that we gain after facing our fears elevates the mental senses. We become more matured and can actually become wise. Every time we refrain from our actions because of dear is the number one mistake. Here we are limiting our growth and letting ourselves to suffer. Humans suffer for no reason. Fear plays an important part here.

Fear is an illusion

Fear is an illusion created by the mind. The human mind is more susceptible to the imagination than reality. That's true. Peoples are more stirred by fear, happiness, and love. We see people committing suicide due to the emotional humiliation that they couldn't handle anymore. Even physical torture can be withstandable. In case of fear, we let our minds run wild and interpret their own stories. Unfortunately, the mind itself believes that the story interpreted is gonna happen and starts to create anxiety. Similarly, anxiety multiplies over time and people with a weak mentality get sick. Even worse they end their life consciously *(in case of suicide ) or unconsciously ( in case of heart attack).  Here it is not the situation that made our life worse, it is our weak personality that we developed over time. It is our inability and the responsibility is entirely upon us. The situation gets worse with time if we don't take responsibility.

Fixing an intimidating deadline

 Fixing a time which has a limited duration is what actually drives the person. Vaguely making any commitment would always ends up unfinished. The thing that is observed throughout this vague sense is tha false belief of there is plenty of time exists. That's in a way correct. But the moment tha thought rushes in, every things get grubby. The natural tendency of us towards laziness is far more comfortable than any. This is well appreciated by our second self who wants to live in the darkness of comfort zone. This evil self hates dead line and flees at the time of deadline making it all to our good self which wants to finish first thing first. This deed self often get offended by the evil part. Evil part is expert at making us blind to the truth. Although it is clear that you won't make it unless by starting now, you chose not to. That's is the resistance that keeps the exalted version at bay.  This is not good for us. We want to shut those negatives up. Let's intimidat...

You need less resistance

You don't need the genius part. Everyone is born as a genius ,but not everyone becomes a genius. Only a handful of folks. You can easily filter these these guys. They are not hard to find. They are the one who might make some of you uncomfortable and jealous. These are the people who becomes a pivot subject for content creators. And yes they creates job in both ways. They are indispensable. They are artist. They go to the unknown and leap to the dark. We can flatter as much as we want. Or we can get jealous about the genius part. But we cannot avoid the fact that it worth time learning their life. There are lot of things we can learn from them. It could be scribed at the end that they are the compilation of factors that is practiced and sustained over a long period ( maybe lifelong) which is considered to be necessary for success. It's like the secret sauce. But they are not secret anymore, but they are resistive. Most likely to skip ( or avoid). They are repellent, because you...