What’s there to take credit from when they say that you contributed to their growth? Nothing. We do nothing for the better or improvement of other. All we do is giving their returns for the things they did in the past. We may think that it is because of us that they are here or he is rich or successful because of you. This is wrong and foolish to think of. We did our duty of spreading the message which we were obliged as a result of our past actions. Same with them. His past actions and character which resulted seek us demanded the aid. It is he who decides to make the change. It is he who thought of trusting us. It is the past action due to Karma led him here. What we did was our duty which we devoted to help. No credit for us. Neither we are allowed to expect any return. Because return is the consequences of action. And every action bears a fruit of consequence. Like Murphy’s law, whatever is about to happen will happen. Therefore the action that we performed will reflect in one way ...
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