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Showing posts with the label resistance

Ideas surpassing the pull

 When we see people taking about the things that is not yet discovered or existing, we often refer them as nuts. Some of the things they were referring makes least sense. And the probability of making it to the real world is almost null. These crazy ideas never made the mediocre to astonish. Instead it induced them to criticize and drag it to the ground over time. Yet some ideas turned real and surpassed the resistance . This is not uncommon.   Most of the ideas still gets reverted by mediocre pull. This world would have been a different one if there is no pull. But these pulls are, like some other barriers, meant to cross. Almost everything new has to surpass this resistance. Of it is strong enough, it will break the barrier. The strength of idea is a by product of the source where it born. A rigid determined source can often disrupt the pessimistic ambient field. Many ideas backed by less driven person dies with fear. And couple of years later, someone with powerful mindset...

Surroundings and influence

  Most people who are brilliant enough let themselves to suffer only because oh their lack of courage. They were well equipped and learned, yet they find themselves stumbling upon when faced with an adversity. They weren’t really shy, they are afraid of embarrassment. What would happen if something happens always make them uncomfortable. It is not only the failure that makes them sweat, success too. They don’t know what to do when confronted with their peers, these people sweats a lot. The reason these people fell into these category isn’t their fault. Not technically, but yes they chose it. But by doing a simple analysis we can conclude that the environment that they were in contributed a better part. But these environment doesn’t create itself. Keeping in mind it could be again concluded as ancestral influence . That is much powerful. Even people with talent feels the resistance. What about this resistance is it keeps the action at bay and paves a great way to live the unlived li...

You must dare to change

 The reason sudden change feels uncomfortable is because of the uncertainty in leading a same life with old belief. Certainly new way occupies by threatening the old belief . But we don’t want to get left behind only because of our resistance to change. Change is nothing but new way of thinking. So the major task is to shift from old pattern.    Accepting new pattern requires updated knowledge in order to feel comfortable. Old software with new hardware is a rough combination. The hardware is of no use of it wasn’t for the updated software. Mindset is similar to software. But here we have to do the coding and be a developer. No one sends occasional updated software. Here luckily to update mindset, we don’t need as much pennies. Every tools is free now. The only thing that needs to be fixed is the broken curiosity, the enthusiastic behavior that is currently fucked by society. Society doesn’t have to be this way. But the folks out numbering the few optimists runs the socie...

Dip is the villian

 Considering the process of procrastination, it is relevant to explain its tie with dip. The curve that offers resistance to everything from top to the bottom. It is our cup of tea and needs attention. Because it would be impair sustain hope with the absence of the ‘dip’ knowledge. Dip is a curve that each person have to go in order to bring any change. The change could be personal or professional, dip is an inevitability. The reason it cannot be avoided is that it acts as filter. Distilling the broken and detected one thereby bringing the best out of it. That is the reason only very few people make it the end. Only few people are exceptional at what they do. One reason is that are holding the title of ‘Survivor of the dip’. Sometimes they themselves aren’t aware of their achievement. Yet they are recognized as very few indispensable people. They are the role models worthy enough to follow. And they are qualified by the society to give advices which most folks averse. All of them ...

Fixing an intimidating deadline

 Fixing a time which has a limited duration is what actually drives the person. Vaguely making any commitment would always ends up unfinished. The thing that is observed throughout this vague sense is tha false belief of there is plenty of time exists. That's in a way correct. But the moment tha thought rushes in, every things get grubby. The natural tendency of us towards laziness is far more comfortable than any. This is well appreciated by our second self who wants to live in the darkness of comfort zone. This evil self hates dead line and flees at the time of deadline making it all to our good self which wants to finish first thing first. This deed self often get offended by the evil part. Evil part is expert at making us blind to the truth. Although it is clear that you won't make it unless by starting now, you chose not to. That's is the resistance that keeps the exalted version at bay.  This is not good for us. We want to shut those negatives up. Let's intimidat...

Resistance is ill backed

Resistance is about not doing the things that matters the most. The things that leaves a lot of output in the long-term. The reason why we procrastinate the important things is because it is the manifestation of resistance. We might get bewildered if we knew what this resistance had done to us and to those around us. The craziest part is we don’t we know if there exists resistance. Because resistance itself blocks its discovery. It or the brain part which controls it knows that the slightest awareness of resistance is danger. It’s a threat for the existence. It cannot survive with proper knowledge. Each time an endeavor starts to unfold resistance keeps it under the bed.  Gradually making it repellant it succeeds in strengthening the procrastination. The main cause people won’t defy the resistance is they don’t know it’s existence. It’s invisible and involuntary. We easily spot a liar or a traitor after couple of days of engaging with them. They possess a body, a character and more...

Starting is the hardest part

The easiest way to accomplish something is just to start it. The hardest part to accomplish something is the laxness of starting. Even a job which requires countless hours could be finished if there is a good start. The hardest part isn’t jogging every morning, but putting the sneakers. That’s where resistance lurks the most. It isn’t energy consuming or an hour long work. Yet that’s the part where most people tend to fail.   The reason for this particular behavior is our inability to switch from tasks. A sudden change is totally unwelcoming to both the body and mind. Once entered into the state of flow, mind tends to live there for as long as possible. Difficulty in getting out of the bed is one such behavior and a profound one too. About 6 to 8 hours of flow demands high energy to break. The attachment of the previous state continue to live until there happens any new activity. And a new activity requires leaving the previous state and enter the new one. Mind needs to prepare. Bu...

Why shipping is expensive ?

Shipping is the ultimate part of change foe both the producers and users. There is no profit if there is no shipping. It is mostly believed that shipping is one the hardest part. It isn’t the only hardest part. In fact the whole process of collecting raw material to finishing the product is difficult. In this point of view shipping isn’t that hard. But that has a lot to do with how the future is about to fold.   The reason shipping seems so hard to cure is the vague sense of completion. This neurotic notion only pops at the time of ship. Here the only concern shrinks to shipping. Although works were divided into each section and requires sole focus there, this focus and concern lately narrows to shipping. Why? Because without shipping, everything is useless. And idea that isn’t a virus is worthless. Each decision made into the perfection of work sinks if not delivered.  But shipping can be easily delayed. There are many ways a product can be kept in the lab. The most popular o...

Why you need to reach tipping point ?

It wasn’t until it (a process, a habit or a system) surpasses the tipping point the real change shows off. All the work put in the initial stages until it reaches the tipping point makes a lot of sense when it crosses the tipping point. The tipping point may take few weeks or few months to show up, it is factor of where you are expecting the point. Some people and organizations see tipping point as a hope that it would pay off the hard work and patience.  And some induce fear for both themselves and others by crafting a disaster that might happen. Concept of Singularity in the field of artificial intelligence is great example for both of the scenario. We could argue endlessly about whether we would end up in immortality or extinction. Let’s respect both the opinions.    Tipping point now can be simply stated as where something big is lurking. The things that happened amid the initial and final point (where it tips) determines the future. This hope leads billions of pe...

Influence of core beliefs

This is very interesting to look at the life of people and their belief in accordance. They are related very much. In fact the total identity can be extracted from their belief. We can articulate the kids likes bullying believes that he can laugh by hurting others. Beliefs are certain. It is correlated and confused with the truth. Since belief is what complied with the truth, it is robust as truth. A kid bullying his mates feels absolute fun and fulfilment believing unconsciously the beliefs are getting implied. Since most of the time none try to alter their thought. No one actually cares the street wicked children while their parents keep fed them with wicked lulls. Some of these kids even miss proper parenting. But the one getting bullied gets a great attention from their parents. And that is why they are getting bullied. These kids believe that the way to get fun is through making friends, not the otherwise. This single belief have the capability to draw the entire graph. We can ...


The best way to deconstruct the existing old system is to alter the principle roots. It means scrutinizing the core in depth and arranging in a different order for different outcome. The series of layers of belief caring for the root principle won’t become visible without peeling of the layers. But it is very tough. The layers starts to protect the principle once it is embraced. It is very much easy to embrace. All you have to do is to provide a notion with no questions. Make it more easy to fit in. Introduce timely suitable idea and by giving an urge to share. It will create a wild fire and it construct the base thereby securing it’s position. Once it settled it won’t leave that easy. It is a leech. You must do work to get rid of it. By the time we finish to reconstruct by demolishing the old, the process turns easy. What’s hard in this process is to peel the first layer. That’s where the maximum resistance hides. It won’t give up until you won’t give up. The difficulty rate starts to...

Saying NO is an art

Saying that you don’t like is often difficult. Especially when we need to say to our friends. One of thing that lurks behind this faking is the fear of misinterpretation. We say what we meant to say, but they take what they take. Most oftentimes we mean no offense, but the scenario makes it worse. We say most politely that “ I’m grateful for your offer, but I don’t do it “ through a single NO. But sometimes they take it as regarding. They hear something like “ I don’t want your shit “. We can read it from their face all the frustration and indignation ,even when displaying fake smiles. If that’s the case, then we conclude that NO is getting us and our relationship ripped. What we don’t realize is that the after effect of it, such as we blaming them for the entire thing. Here things get even worse and may lead to the demise of the relationship. Once you become comfortable with saying “no”, then it becomes easy to sort out the unimportant from important. Your priorities become explicit. ...

Why not go crazy ?

It is true that the greater number of herds don’t dare to dream billions. Or then pursuing what they dreamt of. And some even drop the dreams thinking why dream when not capable. This is common and we see everywhere. At least we must’ve witnessed by ourselves. These are the mediocre people who are afraid of dreaming. They offer countless resistance to themselves and others pulling both down to mud. They create a negative energy sucking atmosphere. If you’re lucky enough to be born in this drowsing vibrating field, you are probably f*cked . Unfortunately there isn’t any society or tribe there exists where all you have to do is to enter and rest will manifest. No it does not exist. You must create your own environment. Which is not that easy. The difficulty in spotting someone who dares to sacrifice his possession to achieve the dream keeps most of the explorers in frustration. The reason these indispensable are rare because they defy the society (or vice versa). The kids growing up in a...

Rescheduling and thrashing

Rescheduling and thrashing are both different words. But they are connected and dependent. One won’t (mustn’t) survive without the other. This was best described by Seth in his masterpiece Linchpin . It make sense when both are studied which levels the confusion of delayed shipping. Shipping isn’t confined to products and services, but it extends to anything. To think shipping as doing as per the schedule makes it more easy to grasp. Even the subtle things that hide along the appears to be meaningful.    Thrashing is nothing but excuses due to fear that delays shipping. And rescheduling is a by-product of thrashing. Thrashing occurs at everything and every time. Mostly due to the weak resistance, we are nullified about this. At times when resistance peaks, we consciously prefer to stay the same. We can’t relate the circumstances happened at the start and happening at the end. The usual cliché “ it happens each time” is the best explanation the resistance wants us to believ...

You need less resistance

You don't need the genius part. Everyone is born as a genius ,but not everyone becomes a genius. Only a handful of folks. You can easily filter these these guys. They are not hard to find. They are the one who might make some of you uncomfortable and jealous. These are the people who becomes a pivot subject for content creators. And yes they creates job in both ways. They are indispensable. They are artist. They go to the unknown and leap to the dark. We can flatter as much as we want. Or we can get jealous about the genius part. But we cannot avoid the fact that it worth time learning their life. There are lot of things we can learn from them. It could be scribed at the end that they are the compilation of factors that is practiced and sustained over a long period ( maybe lifelong) which is considered to be necessary for success. It's like the secret sauce. But they are not secret anymore, but they are resistive. Most likely to skip ( or avoid). They are repellent, because you...