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Showing posts with the label stoicism

Expecting a mean day

Expecting life to be mean has actual benefits. The Stoics alway starts their day by imagining the worst thing that could happen. It prepares them to become more resistant and prepared. Once it is clear that worst things are ahead, then we won't get panic when it hits us.

Controlling the inner self

There is cost for everything when we consume more that sometimes makes us unable to express ourbtrue personality. We have to overcome those obsessions over these items, otherwise the worst scenario will unfold shortly. Everything must be in our control has a subjective meaning to it.  We cannot control the things that is unfolding externally against our consent. External things are certainly the consequences of millions of things. But what should we focus on is the internal self which can be bought to our control by consistent practice. This way we can heal ourselves from the moral disorders and damages that were resulted by the world out of our control.

Controlling the inner self

It doesn't matter what is gonna happen in the world. We cannot control what's gonna happen, but our response is always in our reach. We can take accountability for the reactions that we incur. If we learn to control our response, we'll no longer get worry for the external adversity.

You need to read this

This is a blog for those who are expecting the unexpected niches of life at unanticipated time. This is expectable. You don't feel like reading when you are reading. You might wanna stop at uncertain moments, because you are not certain about the idealistic conviction.This is not about the things you need to hear, but the things you scrutinize in times ahead.It is said "When you visualize,then you materialize".I can expose the lear you likely skip, but totally need to digest. 100% productive reading guaranteed. Thanks for being here.Your presence means a lot. Quality stuffs are on their way.