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Experience everything

How could there be any exceptional emotional growth without ignorance, resentment, left out, and rejection. Life will not be fulfilled without tasting these emotions. The mind will not reach its full potential without confronting and overcoming these emotions. We will become more mature once we surpass this situation.

Lesson from experience

Most of the learnings come from experience and one should focus on gaining experience than pleasuring ourselves in the unrealistic world of social media and pornography. Reflecting upon the experience is the greatest lesson we can ever learn from life. Missing this opportunity is a blunder.

Not giving a shit

Not giving a shit actually benefits a lot when it comes to making our lives better. Some are really paralyzed by the effect of what other people think. The problem is what WE think they think about us. This is shit and it always renders us from reaching our true potential and worse, a disaster for dreams. So there is no point in carrying this garbage habit in mind. The more we put the blind glass, the faster it grows.

Reprogramming the mind

The mental cage that is created by the society from ever since we came across the life will get stronger with our inability to face the reality itself. Not the reality that is implied by the perception that is created by the experience we had from birth till now. The irony is that we were rarely conscious about what happened in the past and how it forged the inner self. But by the time we get to know what had happened to us, we might have already in a fucked up state. The more aged we are, the more we are fucked by the society. It might terrify a lot of people. And those who finds the truth often do the surface level solution shits and ends up being worser than before. The solution happens when we fix the deep root cause. It must be more psychological than surface scratch.

Balanced life

Human cravings through abstinence can be restricted to a certain extent. But it won't work always. Even for monks, they sometimes fall into the prey of sexual pleasures and ruining their entire reputation at the end. There is nothing to blame. The biological desires, if not satisfied eventually comes back with strong appetite and we fall prey to the cravings. A balanced life portfolio is better than having mastering at a single expedition.

Why people radically ignore philosophy

From infancy to the geriatric days of our life the philosopies we subscribed and dissented made the whole bunch of years a life . It's common to hear from old people "I lived a fantastic life" with a smile and pride or "I'm a failure"with great regression or even they express displeasure with a frown and stare when asked how they lived their life. It takes a life time to put this in a nutshell. The reason why these saying goes so is a simple factor. The inability to spot the unwise advices. It doesn't need a cumbersome effort to account for good ones,but to embrace it there requires some effort. Seems bizzare. Why is that ?. Because it is itching and dreary boring.It takes tremendous amount of energy to put your instinct diligently forward, especially when you are told to do. We don't like when we're forced.  Wait a minute...  But what if you are not told to do anything? I mean anything.Let's have brief look,  After the very minute of your bi...