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Defining our path

What we should strive for is greatness. Greatness is nothing but becoming the best version of ourselves. We are the sum total of the impressions imprinted on our minds through our actions and thoughts. Of course, the rest is a combination of external factors. But the fact that we can control our thoughts and actions makes it our own responsibility to take care of our lives. We should be responsible because there is no one else to blame. Blaming someone else for our failure is a total waste of time. Once we accept the fact that without our involvement, nothing is possible, we'll take charge. It is that simple to observe. Everyone is busy with their own life. If we expect someone to come and help us, we will be fooled until we realize it ourselves. Maybe we can find someone trying to help us, but they can't do it every time. They know that their own life is more precious. Humans are mostly selfish, but the layers of selfishness are what make the difference. We can alter this conc

The mystic pleasure

The exaggerated fact of life being there to enjoy often results in suffering and misery. Pleasure wears the crown of both joy and misery. Only the joy of the moment is seen to a and he alone will understand and experience the depth of suffering. It is often blind to us. Or we could say we act as if we are blind to it. But it is our destiny that we should face it. There is no escape.

Tackling the same problem in different ways

The process of breaking the ice should be treated from different angle. Consider the stone as a rigid and hard moulded personality. And we know that it is not the first hit or the last hot that's gonna break the rock, but a series of constant impact is what brings the results. So the thing is understanding and the hitting in accordance with what exactly is missing to break the rock

Discipline is the key

Why there should be a disciplined routine for a person is often considered to be a good thing. Because most of the people in life actually lacks a disciplined lifestyle and often leads to a regretful life. Misery and depression is the actual byproduct of indisciplined life. A meaningless life we could say. Life is always a blent of good and evil. Make a good out of it by having a disciplined life.

Beyond belief: The existing essence of a religion

Why the comparison between monotheism and polytheism is considered unhealthy? First of all, those who engage in this unhealthy debate doesn't even know the existence of the god. The essence of these beliefs stems from being a builder of good life. But once they experience the comfort of religious shell, things go out of hand. A mere belief for wellness and prosperity turning into an ideology for hatred and violence. The core essence still not changed. What actually changed is the way of interpretation. Interpretation is contextual and seasonal. With time and situation, the message we receive from religious ideology certainly differs.  With the comfort and safeness, the tendancy to trigger people who believes in other religion gets in and slowly they revert. This will eventually turns into rivalry and violence. This is the reason we should be analytical about our beliefs and the core essence of its existence. Most of the religion that surpassed the hurdles of time has it's essen

Reward for deep diving

The only reason people won't go questioning again and again is because it takes a lot of time and effort. Meanwhile they might be thinking about spending their time which can give quick results. Is quick results an effective thing or not is subjective. But going deep inside a topic certainly gives you the reward. You may not get it quickly, but get it for sure

Necessity of breaks

Occasionally, achieving concentration can prove to be a formidable challenge. This difficulty may stem from an array of factors, and notably, the subject matter at hand significantly influences this endeavor. Engaging with material where one possesses foundational knowledge often facilitates a smoother focus. In such instances, allowing the mind some respite to unwind and decompress can be exceedingly beneficial. The necessary duration of this interlude varies significantly among individuals, yet the utility of such breaks is undeniable. Empirical evidence suggests that intervals of relaxation interspersed with periods of effortful concentration can greatly enhance learning efficiency, surpassing the outcomes of attempting to maintain uninterrupted focus amidst a milieu of distraction.

The path of experience

Genuine conviction is invariably born from firsthand experience. This is because, innately, our belief systems are wired to accept anything that can be perceived through our sensory experiences, a trait that evolved during our ancestral hunting epochs. Once we acquire such direct experiences, no further evidence is required to cement our belief. These experiences thus become the compass by which we navigate our existence. Hence, the optimum method of learning is through experimentation and introspection, for knowledge acquired in this manner becomes deeply embedded within our psyche, imparting indispensable lessons for personal development and growth. Predominantly, our learning derives from the direct  experiences of others who possess a profound understanding and apply this wisdom to enhance their lives. Regrettably, we often fail to leverage this wealth of knowledge to our own advantage.

Finding solutions

How we see problems is the reason our solution is the way it is. We can confront a problem in a variety of ways. either we could solve it permanently or we could find a temporary one for instant relief. but the outcome is what often matters. The permanent solution leads to new outcomes, new opportunities, and therefore a new better problem. But the temporary comes with the same old problems every time.

Flawed beliefs

Admitting our faults can be difficult at times, as we may feel that we lose our status when we acknowledge the truth. However, considering ourselves as the ultimate destination of knowledge can lead to arrogance and rudeness. Although admitting our flaws may result in a loss of status, it is essential to avoid being drained by our imagination, which can keep the graph of our status down. We can actually benefit from acknowledging our flaws, but many people find it hard to admit them.

How fear is useful

There are two ways you can look at it. one is dangerous to yourself and the second is to others. In both cases, the only difference is where the fear is directed. Because with fear, you can do many things and make people do things for you. but once the fear is gone, then you won't necessarily get the desired outcome. Fear is only a motivator. It won't stay for long. Either you must increase the fear or find an alternative means.

Don't wait for the perfect moment!

There is no use in waiting for the perfect time to start. the best perfect time is now and is only what exists. so waiting for the time that hasn't happened is a definite way to disaster. and the thing is we don't have as much time as we think we do. to realize the fact that we don't have time to come in contact with reality. So whatever you are procrastinating, whatever is in your mind that you want to do. just do it anyway. Do not care about the lack of resources or lack of contact. It will come along the way. and it is a great thing too that you only are starting with what you have and that is only what you are about to lose.

Stunning technology

Character ai is redefining the old way of acquiring knowledge. (Of course it does lot more). But the things is that we perform better under a mentor or a friend. With technology, you can befriend any person in the world.

Welcoming the fate

Marcus Aurelius once said " To welcome with affection what is sent by fate". He meant every word he said. It is possible to get ourselves to welcome the fate. It brings oppertunity and self control. Knowing that we can have the control of our being is powerful when it comes to being vulnerable with emotions.

Achieving the highest

Doing things even when we don't feel like doing them is super quality. It can be developed through discipline. The only thing that differentiates between those who achieve despite their situation and those who don't is very wide. Avoiding the responsibility and putting things to another day often ends up in misery and internal suffering. We regret it, we lose our sleep and everything feels fucked up. So do the work consistently. Be a stoic. Just focus on the work and think nothing. This is how you do things consistently even when you don't feel like it

Doing things ourselves

One thing that we realize later or maybe much later in life is that we are alone in our journey. Of course, people will be with us, but the ultimate thing is our personal interest, our personal fulfillment, and our own ethics and morals. We don't sacrifice these things for anyone or anything. We built it over decades. we stand up for these and is a part of our identities. So we are ourselves and our need is more to us than others. The thing is we have to work to make it happen. No one is coming for us to make these things happen. 

Small change for good future

 Small changes create big impact over time. Giving consistent effort in developing a good habit is like watering a seed. The benefits seems far away. But you never know how useful it will be. At least view it as a process of trial and error. In the end, we are the ones who gets the benefitted from. So keep doing the practise.

Hardest part in realization

It is one of the hardest thing to draw lessons from what we know. That is the reason why even after reading hundreds of book, we feel like we learned or to be specific realized nothing. But upon coupling with the reflection and experience, we can actually draw it from anywhere. The key still is to learn more.

Time concious

The irony in observing time is an impediment to truly experiencing life. We make decisions based on how we see our time. Most of the decisions we make are on the notion that we have ample time in hand. But the irony is the only thing we don't have is time.

The internal war

Usually, everything falls the line which it is traveling. But in order to make the results the way we wanted, we should strive and be disciplined. breaking discipline due to circumstances that are out of our control would not be a reason to let it go permanently. We should win that internal war.

Trusting the guts

 Following the guts feels like a task that is impossible to crack. But once we follow our intuition and persistently find the right, it always allows us to create the happiness and satisfaction we wish for. There will be the process of trial and error, but it is worth giving it. 

Discipline is the key

Whatever the things we try to do, without a consistent effort result will be negligible. We start and then stop, this repeats and results in a shallow reward. Consistent work, even smaller can bring the actual change.

Core learning

Surface level learning a waste of time. Not entirely, but to a large extent it is wastee. Of learning doesn't helps in making better choices. That shouldn't be considered as learning in the first place.

Is nationalism a solution?

Is nationalism a solution for colonization? Nationalism can act as an andidote to prevailing oppression that has been suppressing the locals for decades. It is ultimately a shared notion. Whatever the reason that's considered for oppression results in the emergence of movement that are known to be in different names.

Better making use of time

Utilizing the time means making it more productive. We can make it productive by doing quality things in between. But the question is whether the quality thing is enough. Certainly not. The difference here is the degree of concentration. Being more focused irrefutably bring better result.

Winning is everywhere

There are companies that benefits from the competition of companies from another sectors. The thing that benefits them is that both these competitors are the customers of this one. Primary examples are the open software companies. They sell software to different companies to make thier product and these manufacturing companies compete themselves for domination. Whoever wins, software company benefits.

Least concern before investing

The one thing that every amteur looks before investing is the stock price. The movement of stock price for the last couple of days, weeks or months. They neglect the very important financial metrics. But in the investing world, stock movement is the least concerning factor by professionals. If it is the one thing that you want to look before investing, earnings will be a better pick.

Fest for ideologies

Fests, especially cultural fests are meant to make the tribal ideology robust. We can see this with religion and even scientific communities. These events brings people of same ideology and let them speak themselves and proliferate the idea. This is the essence of a communal gatherings. Those memories lingers and make the accept ideology stronger.

Hustle culture

Hustle culture is useful in certain cases if you have the balance. A lot of people hustle at their work or business, neglecting their health and family. Hustling while complicating the natural balance is a sure recipe for emotional disaster.

A better break

A break if  needed should be taken. There is nothing such as continuity that is unending. We usually breaks the rituals from lazy and lax behaviours. But if the break is essential for a better tomorrow, there is nothing to regret. PS : You will recieve the daily dose of knowledge again.

You are responsible

Whatever the things that you avoid which falls under your responsibility will have to pay with interest in the future. Be it your health, relationship or anything which comes under your responsibility. So be alert to take responsibility. 

Articulating the comments

Being articulate in an argument is necessary to win it. Articulation is about delivering quality in a simple way so that everyone can understand better. Fragile speaking is always scattered. Articulating your view is a skill. Develop it to become a good speaker.

Power greed

The greed for power and money made humans do inhuman things. slavery was one of those the product of power greed. It began from the very personal level and extended to the macro level. We see geopolitical tensions arising among nations. We can observe the development ongoing to make themselves powerful. nations investing in military, science, technology, and economy has this side to show power than making the country a better place. This race to power blessed humans with a lot of inventions that modernized our life and made our lifestyles better. But the flip side is that it led to the greatest wars that humankind ever witnessed. It killed people beyond numbers and put a lot of lives miserable. Every event comes with pros and cons. The cons side requires years or decades to settle. the radiation effects in the nuclear-affected areas, slavery, climate change, plastic wastes, racism, caste, inequality, and man-made diseases are prime examples. 

Matrix prison

Getting out of the matrix is an easy part. All you have to do is analyse the person who has opposite views than yours and try to learn from them as much as you can. What is the hardest part is to realise that you are in a matrix. This matrix is a lot more similar to a prison. The difference is that you know you are in a prison when you are in a prison, but you don't even know there exist a matrix when you are in a matrix. One is visible and the other is not. The only way to realise your position is to ask questions about everything everytime and never stop the process until you get the answer that satisfies you.

Be bold at times

Boldness is need at the moment where something need to be delivered. Without boldness we cannot express our identity. Raise your voice at times when it requires. Of you keep yourself silent at these times, you'll lead a miserable fearful life.

Avoidance of reality

Avoidance of reality is the major corruptive thing in our lives. 95 percentage of the time we avoid the reality and immerse ourselves in the illusion that surrounds us. Only while facing the reality we become fearful about the future, don't know what to do in life and the foremost that we need to face. Avoidance of reality makes us weak toward the real world problems.

Evolution is must

Evolution is must. Without evolution we cannot advance or move anyway foreward. Evolution comes with the increased knowledge. Cognitive revolution led us to be the grinders of this knowledge and with this knowledge, specifically scientific knowledge we can move forward at much faster rate.

Invest in businesses you know

Without a basic knowledge in the business, one should not invest in companies. Investing in companies is like being the business owner. If you don't know about the business or not satisfied with the management, stay away from those companies.

Isolating your victim

Isolation is a part of seduction. To isolate your target is nothing but taking them out of their comfort and exposing to unfamiliar circumstances. This will be more seductive if you are familiar with that unfamiliar place. This should not done with a hurry mind. You must let the tie break slowly and you will have the chance soon. It is a gradual process, but utterly effective. Once your target found themselves in a strange atmosphere, as per biology their 'fight or flight' mechanism activates and most probably, for almost everyone, the flight tendancy take the superior position. This is the time you must make the comfortable with your presence. They must feel secured under your wings and let them warm by your words. This has a immense power to make the target vulnerable to each and every actions of yours.

Amount of masculinity

Masculinity can sometimes have a superior effect over faminine. It will certainly attract the opposite sex with a great probability. Buy with extreme masculinity, it would have a reverse effect. Too much of this triat induce fear and dominance which eventually repells people.

Market corrections

Market corrections are inevitable and every correction should be seens as an opportunity to accumulate more good companies. As long as you are invested in companies with solid fundamentals, you don't need to worry about correction.

Existence of god

Gods existence primarily stands at the inability of science to declare what's beyond the universe. Earlier people used to reclaim this belief using the explanation of sun and thunder. But lately scientific improvement led to the discovery of nature of sun and thunder and this thereby ending the myth. Gods existence will only prevail at the unknown phenomenon and unanswered questions.

How to seduce

The difference between music and noise is evident that one is soothing to hear and the other is distracting. One can heal some disease while the other does the exact opposite. We can integrate this into the seduction. Seduction is like music. The perfect way to seduce a person is to do what music does to us. The way we talk must be soothing to hear, able to alter the mood, create imagination, and the words must resonate even after the seductive talking is done.

Know them better

Seduction becomes relatively easy once you have the information that is caught by minute gestures and spells. While having a conversation, try understanding the other person better. It is a skill that can be developed over time. Once you become a master at finding people's information without letting them say it directly. It is much easier to integrate this information with seduction. By showing them that you remember what they said, they get this feeling of heedfulness from them which is much useful in creating a bond.

Conflicts are inevitable

Humans from far hunter-gatherer stage till now, the basic instinct of forming a group and trying to get superiority over others prevails. Back then, it was the communal tribe. Now we could see this same instinct with religion, caste, color, and nationality. There is no permanent solution since human emotion stays the same.

Discovery of gods

While the curiosity of man led to the discovery of many things, it indeed gave birth to the notion of religion and god. Man searching for the origin of mankind and earth, without getting anywhere near the answer found the answer himself was this was all the creation of mighty invisible gods. There ends the solution for lotnof questions.

Do you need to read if you're not taking action?

Reading shouldn't be considered as an actionable procedure. Lot of people say they what is the use of reading if you are not applying what you read. This is the wrong way of approaching reading. Instead reading should be viewd as an experience. Reed for fun, read for knowledge, explore the literature world, walk through greatest mind, see the same things with different eyes, widen your imagination and give your brain some food. From this perspective, reading is fun.

Seduction through mystery

Within the first confrontation, don't give everything at the moment. Seduction comes with the hidden complexity of character. Leave them with a mystery amid nice introduction. With a mystery to solve, they will keep track of yourself to get the clues. That is human nature. Nice introduction is nothing near the seduction when compared to having a complex character that is hard to unfold.

Use information for seduction

The ability to get out of yourself and dig into other people's lives can be useful when it comes to seduction. we must let ourselves subside and know the opposite person well. Know what they want, what they like, how they would react to different circumstances, and whey they like and dislike. During this process of minute scrutiny, never leave a clue that might lead to suspicion. Digest this information and keep tracking the person occasionally and ask them subtly about those private things to show you really care what they said. This sense of feeling that this person cares about us when used correctly can be a tool for seduction.

Experience everything

How could there be any exceptional emotional growth without ignorance, resentment, left out, and rejection. Life will not be fulfilled without tasting these emotions. The mind will not reach its full potential without confronting and overcoming these emotions. We will become more mature once we surpass this situation.

Charming qualities

We say someone as charming person if we see a particular trait that the majority lacks. Something which posses a charismatic effect. It may be boldness, fearlessness, eloquency, calmness or anything that the mob aspires, but few have. Having this ability is an advantage both for a leader and those who wishes to lead.

Keeping promise

There are things that kills confidence. Among the major one is failing to keep the promise we made ourselves. Either keep the promise that you think you can accomplish even when things won't go as expected or do not make it at all.

Economic growth calculator

We can use a daily metric product performance in the market to get an idea about the status of economy. Copper is widely used in most of the industry. Recent months saw the drop down of demand in copper due to the dlslow economic growth and inflation fear. Daily using products are great indication of economic status.

Have a health goal

Like every professional goals, there must be health goals. We cannot some random assumption over our health schedule and then plan the diet according to it. Prepare a good health diet that suits our personality and requirements is important as doing the things we love. One fulfills our heart, the other our body.

Taking a hedge position

The concern of domestic rupee falling in comparison with the reserved currency is a common thing at the time of inflation. At the time of recession, this is inevitable. Worrying about what is already confirmed to be a cause won't make anything better, but taking a hedge position does.

Focus for success

focus is the profound thing that makes us effort. Without focus, nothing could be accomplished. A well-focused mind is a sign of productivity. We can increase the focus by practicing it. It takes time and effort. But worth putting it.

Money can't buy everything

We cannot buy wisdom and knowledge with money. This requires consistent effort and practice. Even if you have a million-dollar, we cannot expect the enlightened to enlighten us. We must put the effort and it takes time.

Centre of new world order

Dominant powers at the brink of a war with power and wealth have the very high chance to become the next centre of new world order. They write the new constituency around them and make their currency as the foreign reserves.

Have a pen and paper

If you cannot focus while reading or listening, have a pen and paper. By just listening or reading, we are freeing our mind to do whatever it wants as we have nothing literally nothing in action to take. But with a paper and pen, we are forced and responsible to take notes. So the mind itself shows some responsibility to be attentive.

Flattery fallacy

Those who know how to spot the dark side in a person with his edgy scrutiny over subtle gestures and unconscious murmur can make the person fall into his prey. He can manipulate the weakness and gain his need. The most common desire which humans crave is the appreciation and flattery. It possesses great value in the selfish world. People will fall prey to those who appreciate and flatter. Learn these qualities to gain power over anyone without them knowing it.

Mirroring psychology

Mirroring is important when it comes to attraction. People always get attracted to individuals with the same ideology and beliefs. That is how organizations are formed. We feel secure and comfortable sharing our thoughts and secrets with those who think and do things in our way. Understanding this could be a game changer in forming relations. That is why people working in sales and those who deal with customers undergo training in mirroring their personality and emotions. It really works. When we see a stranger and engage in a conversation, we do analyze their personality unconsciously and act in accordance with that. Long hours of conversation happens when we find a person with our belief and mindset.

Thoughts on laziness

The reason for our laziness and procrastination is not that we weren't motivated, it is that we think we have more time than we think. We live in a way such that we won't die. Each and every moment we are moving towards death. We barely notice ourselves getting older and then suddenly we find ourselves passed decades without doing anything special or gaining the experience. Experience is the only way to make life favorable. An experience like this comes from facing fear and reflecting upon that. Facing the fear requires you to be attentive and not be idle

Importance of discipline in trading

Having discipline in trading is the most important factor for success. anyone can learn or copy the best strategy in the world and make money at the initial stages. but without a disciplined mindset, no one can win trading in the long term. In fact, he loses more than what he earned in the initial stages. A successful trader is one who masters discipline even with modest strategy

Are we in a recession?

We cant wait to let the definition confirm the phenomenon. The hot topic among investors is the possibility of a recession. A lot of investors were in fact confirmed that we are already in recession. But the definition says the market must correct more than 40% and the decline in GDP on a QoQ basis. The main thing that makes investors speculate about the recession is the situation we are in. If we look at history, the atmosphere resembles the situation prior to the recession. Nations around the world are facing the worst inflation within a couple of decades. Frequent interest hikes by the central bank to keep inflation under control. Each time prior to the recession, we could learn from history that the price of commodities and oil touched new highs almost every week. We are witnessing this. Analysts credit this rise in price to the war. But the truth is that war only accelerated the recession. Sooner or later, we will hit the mark of recession and we will see the consequences in our d

Success is evolution

Success is the evolution of the mind. this evolution happens with experience and learning. Being exposed to more experience and learning from our mistakes, we reach a mental state where success can be felt.

Being insolent

Being insolent is a quality of seduction. People when they live in the territory of masses oppressed by the limitations in freedom of expression in the society often get exited by the presence of Rakes who doesn't give a shit about the status quo and have an inclination toward independent thinking. They don't limit their self to what they consider to be normal. Amid the bored life among the normal paranoid mob, people who are insolent are exciting to be with and have a supremacy over seduction.

Fill the void

One thing in the art of seduction implies that in order to seduce and fall in love, you should make the void fill. Some women lack the romance they need from their partners while others miss the adventure and appreciation. By neglecting the conscious behavior and scrutinizing the hidden clues, we can spot the void and by effort, we can fill it. When we give them what they want, the chances of getting seduced are higher.

Viral marketing

Startups can scale big with marketing done by themselves or by viral marketing. Viral marketing is the process where product reaches beyond the target number and become an obsession over the netizens ( considering majority of the new age startups are internet based). Viral marketing is done by people at it is completely free for the companies once they successfully implanted the idea. 

Time for shitty things

Itnis fine with being shitty sometimes. No one can be each and every moment as productive. Although working like that would yield incredible results, we avoid because we need time to flow as it is.

Hedging in difficult times

It is always healthy to maintain a hedge against recession. With the increased money flow in tha market above the limit can be an indication towards interest rate hikes and might lead to a mild recession if it could be brought under control. This is completely out of retailers control and the best way to fight aginst recession is having a hedge against it 


Flattery mostly acts as an infavour way. People like to get flattered and some are master at flattering. People who knows how to make people flatter make a killing achievement. This is directly related to the psychology. 

Expecting a mean day

Expecting life to be mean has actual benefits. The Stoics alway starts their day by imagining the worst thing that could happen. It prepares them to become more resistant and prepared. Once it is clear that worst things are ahead, then we won't get panic when it hits us.

Having a desired principle

Having a principle to act upon creates an outcome that is swayed towards the desired one. When we look at the behavioural psychology of a person, there must be some principle acts on. Having an intended principle than an unintentional created the desired outcome.

Different culture

Exploring different culture is good for the intellectual growth. Today technology can be used to get to know the diversities in culture. But to experience, we must put our selves there.

Facing fear

The pleasure or the happiness that we gain after facing our fears elevates the mental senses. We become more matured and can actually become wise. Every time we refrain from our actions because of dear is the number one mistake. Here we are limiting our growth and letting ourselves to suffer. Humans suffer for no reason. Fear plays an important part here.

Evolution of mind

Evolution happens to everything that is organic. Human progress really comes from the evolution of consciousness and mind. Consciousness can be improved by practice and experience.

Do not waste time

Time is always moving fast. it is we when get bored feels like the time is not at all moving. But once we realize that we only have limited time, we get nervous and we look back. Sadly there is nothing so big that we accomplished. Without respecting time we cannot achieve anything.

Career mistakes

Career mistakes although it seems to be trivial at the moment, it turns everything around. The effect is only visible after couple of years. The only thing that those decision leave you with is to regret. Career mistakes happens to everyone, but it should not happen because of laziness and procrastination which is absolutely innour control.

Facing problems

For almost every human, life will not be easy to live. There will be a lot of hustle and problems. Only after overcoming it, we can improve our life. Once we find out the way to tackle the problem on our own, we can create problems that are forth to come. No human in the world enjoys a problem-less life. Everyone has their own problems and the problem I have might not seem relevant to you. After all deep inside we are all selfish.

Quitting your job

Quitting a job is different for different people. Some people do it to start their own business and others in search of other ones. But quitting is hard. It is really challenging and one of the utmost level of getting out of the comfort zone. It requires courage and clarity. 'Why' is important here. Without a reason to quit, quitting is worthless and foolish.

How to focus?

Focusing is about eliminating the distraction and focusing on the goal. Goals are great way to make the path visible. With a clear, the probability of being falling into the wrong track decrease. In another words, focus is about saying NO.

Marketing Placebo Effect

The marketing placebo effect is popular among marketers. It is by tricking the consumer to buy products by carving a need in them. It is not just filling the void. It is creating and then filling the void. Almost all the product costs a way lot more than the actual cost. In exchange for the sensational feeling left by the advertising, the consumer feels the same feeling while using it. This is the placebo effect. Although the product is not as good as what we found in the ads, the power of advertising makes it so. The prime example is the coco-cola. Everyone from the creator to the consumer knows that it is a toxic drink, the annual revenue is growing in a rapid manner and they made a 17% increase in the total revenue in YoY from FY20. The marketing placebo effect is, in most cases, good for the company and awful for the customer.

Learning from mistakes

Keeping track of our mistakes is a good way to learn from them and not make them twice. Making mistakes is good as long as we are learning from it and not making it twice. Making the same mistakes more than twice is a complete waste of time. We only have a limited amount of time and making use of it is the best way to avoid pitfalls.

Lesson from experience

Most of the learnings come from experience and one should focus on gaining experience than pleasuring ourselves in the unrealistic world of social media and pornography. Reflecting upon the experience is the greatest lesson we can ever learn from life. Missing this opportunity is a blunder.

Focus on mission

Startups instead of focusing on the investors and profit, they should look at solving problems and making an impact. By doing so they can create a culture where it alters the way people think and act.

Investing after the crash

Why should we invest after the crash? It has a lot to do with just buying the stock at a discounted price. After the crash, we can filter out the fundamentally strong stocks that survived the crash and made very little correction. Most of the new age stocks are overvalued and could not survive the crash. They might lose half of their value and would be a disaster for investors. By the way they publicize the IPO most of the retailers fell for it and make the investment. During the crash, this would be the top loser and struggle to break the all-time high. Therefore a crash can be viewed as an opportunity to invest in the filtered blue-chip stocks.

Truth will save your life

The difficulty in telling truth outlines how falsified we are ourselves. It is difficult, to tell the truth, especially if it hurts anyone. But telling truth is essential to keep ourselves integral and to kill the growing monster under the carpet. Telling truth is like being naked and thus nothing to hide and easier to be ourselves. We don't have to try to please anyone if we have nothing to hide.

Telling truth

You can change your life by telling truth. The reason we suffer more often is because of the false image that we created to confront others. This may be good for external pleasure. But we being ourselves, not comfortable with this situation suffer  

Placing the target

Having a fixed percentage of profit brings meaning to the trade. First, we don't know the logic behind placing the target, but gradually we will find the logic behind fixing the target. In the long term, it will increase the accuracy of prediction.

Market condition

If the market condition is not good and impossible to predict even to the half probability, then there is nothing wrong with staying out of it untill you find the time after things loosen up.

Who suffers more

Inflation is not a natural phenomenon. It is created by humans as a consequence of their greed and neediness. But who suffers more is the common people whose partaking in the creation of inflation is less. They cannot escape from the inflation consequence and the interest rate hikes by the central bank.

Extending the circle of safety

Extending the circle of safety to the employees at the very bottom of the pyramid actually creates a safe environment in overall nature. Often times priority is given to the people at the top and those who involve directly in increasing the shareholder's value. It is good for the short term, but miserable in the long run. The people at the bottom of the hierarchy deal with the core of the business. They manufacture the products, interact directly with the customer, respond to the feedback, and know a lot more than actual people at the top. The more care provided to the employees, the better the business will be.

Caring the employees

A company management that is focusing on shareholders value than employees safety and wellness, that might turn to be a disaster. It may bring revenues and profit to to the company in the short term, but in the long term, it kills the company spirit.  People forget what the company is about and its moral values and make them feels like they are not considered as a human, but a machine.

Levels of maturity

Levels of maturity can be attributed to the various developmental stages of life. Maturing enough to take decisions and accepting the responsibility is the stem behind being mature. Maturity often comes with suffering or in an easy sense, seeing reality as reality. It is harder than before. No one actually wants to face the brutalities of the real world. Often we can spot adults and working professionals playing video games to relieve, relief from the real world. We cannot expect age-based maturity from those individuals. They are feeding the monster under the bed. They have to face it sometimes.  Seeing reality as it is the best way to be mature. This way we will reach the conclusion that nothing is permanent and everyone is destined to disappear from earth anyway.

Integrity and trust

Integrity and trust is the most important thing when it comes to leadership. The reason we see many individuals in the leading position as not deserving is because of these two factors. There is no point in leading if none of the followers trust you. Trust comes from being integral to ourselves and others.

Confront the question

The reason we often stumble upon finding the meaning of life is because of our laziness towards finding the answer to the difficult question about life. Often times we came across some difficult and daunting confronting questions comes up that literally have the power to change our life. But what we do instead is immerse ourselves in the pleasure of an illusionary unreal world and thus creating a miserable life.    Like Buddha said, life is suffering. Once we learn to cope with suffering by understanding the reality of life, we can stand emotionally balanced in every situation.

Literature philosophy

We should dive into ancient wisdom to find the deeper meaning in life. The reason I meant to look at that philosophy is that it survived the great barrier of time. Time is the greatest filter. We, humans, survived the time to become dominant in the evolutionary hierarchy. The philosophies are the self-help literature of ancient times. If it stands out after decades, we call it philosophy. Philosophies are nothing but a guide to become better. It requires quality for the survival of literature. Therefore philosophy can be absolutely trusted.

Going beyond the numbers

The ability to go and look beyond numbers makes a huge difference in an organization. Mostly, the leaders do take notice of the revenue decrease and this push layoffs and payment cuts. They should be more focused on what is bothering the employees and what makes them suck at whatever they do. Threatening with salary cut and layoff will work in the short run. But the fuel ceases soon and the individual at the top need to figure out another intimidating stuffs that would make employees ass on fire. It doesn't work.


You cant make it to each moment without hope. I mean what is the point of knowing the future if you can't change it. We still hope that someday everything will be fine. Some take action to make their life better while others still hope someday they get the motivation to take action.

Not giving a shit

Not giving a shit actually benefits a lot when it comes to making our lives better. Some are really paralyzed by the effect of what other people think. The problem is what WE think they think about us. This is shit and it always renders us from reaching our true potential and worse, a disaster for dreams. So there is no point in carrying this garbage habit in mind. The more we put the blind glass, the faster it grows.

Masculinity and extrovertism

Masculinity has its own way of attraction. It is not that masculinity is visible in every man. Some were born with a natural tendency to expose their traits. We can spot them from their extroverted behaviour. They are more likely to be social than being alone and most of the time seek attention. The feminine traits are less visible here.

Real meetup

Why is it more important to develop a mutual in-person connection than online bonding? In fact, there are many, humans are more likely to trust a person when met in real. Here conforming identity is the part. We tend to lend money to people with great trust once we met them. The reason important business meetings are conducted offline is due to the high chances of making the deal as expected. Going online is a great way to get in touch instantly, but the bond won't be stronger.

Managing things

The benefits of doing things on our own must be overrated. The reason is once it is overrated, it will grab the attention of a lot of people who ignore it. This is the process of setting up the foundation of everyday life. Knowing how to prioritize our day is a skill that is worth pursuing.

Controlling the inner self

There is cost for everything when we consume more that sometimes makes us unable to express ourbtrue personality. We have to overcome those obsessions over these items, otherwise the worst scenario will unfold shortly. Everything must be in our control has a subjective meaning to it.  We cannot control the things that is unfolding externally against our consent. External things are certainly the consequences of millions of things. But what should we focus on is the internal self which can be bought to our control by consistent practice. This way we can heal ourselves from the moral disorders and damages that were resulted by the world out of our control.

Read for your own good

Make reading an integral part of your life. In one way or another it willake you a better person. Being a reader will bring us this amazing opportunity to travel through the greatest mind of the world.

Preparing for the future

If you don't prepare your kid for the worst, he would probably suffer in the time ahead. The best and most practiced way is that making them naive and not agressive. A kid refraining from a aggressive move always limit himself to the situation that demands courage. And the irony is, anything worth pursuing requires courage.

Diversified investment

The importance of diversification is still unknown to many and they focus on pouring their majority of money into one thing or few things of the same sector. Investment should be diversified and must be done ater thorough study.

Fear is an illusion

Fear is an illusion created by the mind. The human mind is more susceptible to the imagination than reality. That's true. Peoples are more stirred by fear, happiness, and love. We see people committing suicide due to the emotional humiliation that they couldn't handle anymore. Even physical torture can be withstandable. In case of fear, we let our minds run wild and interpret their own stories. Unfortunately, the mind itself believes that the story interpreted is gonna happen and starts to create anxiety. Similarly, anxiety multiplies over time and people with a weak mentality get sick. Even worse they end their life consciously *(in case of suicide ) or unconsciously ( in case of heart attack).  Here it is not the situation that made our life worse, it is our weak personality that we developed over time. It is our inability and the responsibility is entirely upon us. The situation gets worse with time if we don't take responsibility.

Mental development

Why would anyone care about the neighbors while he got loads of shit to do? Whether we have enough time or more than enough time, we do focus on our things. Apparently, this is not good for society. The kids growing up always expresses their curiosity to peep inside the neighbors' home. They are complete stranger to him and when he notices that his neighbors are not in term with his family, it will instill in his mind and he accept the irony that one should not consider smiling towards the stranger even when he is sitting near him. Kids take this behavior and struggle to make relationships in the future.

CPR strategy

Expecting a big move while with the formation of wide CPR is unwise. CPR indicates the movement in advance and studying deeply about it before taking a trade is extremely beneficial.

Weather creation

Wealth creation in stock market is the process of taking money from the impatient to the patient. The reason why 90% of the people will not make any progress is that they don't have enough patience to let their investment grow.

Expressive tendency

People express when they feel like they are safe among the peers. It is a trust factor. This trust factor can be developed through mutual understanding. When a group of stranger collabs and start to express the embarrassing truth, individuals within the peers develops the tendency to vomit the dirty truths. This is like a chain reaction, the more people express, the trust gets stronger and stronger.  


Traveling may be expensive, but it offers a lot of exploration. We often tend to backnoff from travelling due to tightening money. Travelling should not be neglected. It gives us plenty of experiences and memories.

Caring for ourselves

Treating ourselves as someone who is responsible for our attention makes a lot of difference than treating ourselves as like we treated before. When people get miserable, they neglect themselves and simultaneously they empathize people around them for their misfortunes and failures. But the irony here is that both are equally miserable. Then why is that we empathize her self than caring for ourselves. Although we might stumble upon the vague reply, that moment might change our lives. We must give priority and care of ourselves as much as we give to those around us.

True world

It takes years to find out the world we live in is the actual creation of ourselves. We cannot become disidentified with the world unless we put the effort. People complain because of the inability to think independently. Of course, it can be taken in to consideration, but only when we initiate the process with small and consistent steps we can think better.  But it takes tremendous effort to think independently. That is why there is scarcity for such kind of people. Those who brag themselves as independent thinkers are actually not.

Prioritizing the day

Prioritizing the day and doing the most important thing as soon will leave the rest of the day radiant. Once we complete the essential tasks at hand, we feel the sense of satisfaction and stay inspired throughout the day. Even the mundane task might become interesting. People categorize their schedule based on their lifestyle, and is different for different people.

Death reminder

Constantly reminding of death is a great filter tonsort outnthe important decision in life. But what people do instead is they act like they live forever. Once we get alerted by the death, we would make more wiser decision.

Using adversity for our advantage

The reason many people suffer lately in life due to the fear of being harmful things and events are mainly due to fucked up childhood. Children bought with very little adverse effect often struggle in life due to their inability in standing up after a defeat. These children's are more likely to get bullied. Once they found themselves unresponsive against the bullies, they intend to go a more easy path where they no longer have to face the adversity. When they grow up, they keep a low profile and struggle to socialize, make friends and fearful amid mobs. These are the people who will easily get sick and depressed, more fragile towards heart attack and sucks in relationship. The point here is that adversities have this amazing power to build a tough character and robust mindset. Instead of grieving after a problem, let us confront and grow.

Emotional scars

It is important to have emotional scars. Once you're hit so badly emotionally, your mind reacts in such a way that of the experience it had. By exposing ourselves to hard experiences, we could constantly make our mind more rigid, capable of facing hard problems. The sooner we get there, the better the life experience will be.

Emotional than logical

Humans are always influenced by emotions than logic. That is why we see people getting attracted to things they feel emotionally tantalizing. A person with emotional intelligence will have a superior advantage over others. That is why there is scarcity in 'leaders' everywhere.

Revolutionary trait

Revolution withstands with actions that are louder than words. Revolution always have these 3 things in common: 1. Goal 2. Action plan  3. An initiative The goal could be created by intense study and observation along with discussion around the table. The action plan could be prepared by the revolutionary mind when coalition occurs. But the initiative would only be carried by the revolutionaries. These are the people who think that their ideas are greater than their life. They know change is inevitable and even sacrifice their lives to robust the revolution.

Truth saving life

Telling truth somehow or another saves our life. Sometimes it is very hard to say the integral part because of the indignation society throw off. But what truth does is that it refreshes the adverse situation and make it satisfactory to congest. It always saves us from great traps.

Focus on the fundamentals

Panic selling the cause of loss. If we invest in a very good company with strong fundamentals and a leading player in the growing industry, there is no point in worrying about the correctionms that the market gives. Market always corrects if the valuations are in a state of bubble. You should be focusing on companies that are fundamentally good.

Gamblers fallacy

Gamblers fallacy can be observed anywhere. That is how the brain is designed, to gamble. If we gamble and make profits, we become greedy and play further. Same with when we lose money, we play further to revive the money disappeared. It is important to know the concept because we fell many times.

Reprogramming the mind

The mental cage that is created by the society from ever since we came across the life will get stronger with our inability to face the reality itself. Not the reality that is implied by the perception that is created by the experience we had from birth till now. The irony is that we were rarely conscious about what happened in the past and how it forged the inner self. But by the time we get to know what had happened to us, we might have already in a fucked up state. The more aged we are, the more we are fucked by the society. It might terrify a lot of people. And those who finds the truth often do the surface level solution shits and ends up being worser than before. The solution happens when we fix the deep root cause. It must be more psychological than surface scratch.

Practical usecase

What finds easy on paper is hard in real. We can actually make an attribution to the theories that we learn from books and other sources, but to imply we must rely on the odd behaviors that are lurking inside. The sooner we act upon the ideology that we were subscribed to, the better.  With time the laziness will get mustered and numbs all the positive behavior leaving us immersed in depression. The solution although it looks easy on paper, it is much harder to implement. The mental restrain will lurk there forever until we act upon them. In such cases of implementation, we must not let ourselves think wider because mind will create falsified reality that will hook us in the fear land.

Becoming rich and staying rich

Becoming rich and staying rich are two different things. Becoming rich involves a lot of effort and getting out of the comfort zone. Of course, you need to work your ass off. But staying rich requires intelligence. Because money put on depreciating assets can reduce the wealth into half within a short period. All the efforts that were put on creating this massive wealth goes in vain. Staying rich is equally important as becoming rich.

Money making perceptions

People's perception about money is different. But we can observe that regardless of their diversity in perception, all of them are busy chasing it. And very few realize early that chasing money should not be the first priority. So they chase experience and happiness instead. But those who are chasing money keep it as their prime focus. Not every one goes the same way to make money. We see people investing, doing business, learning the new age skills and few become thieves and pirates. The reason people choose different ways are because of their diversity in perception forged by unique experiences.

Leadership dilemma

Most of the time the bad performance is imparted on the employees or those who work as a group. With good equipment and working condition, there is still some huge loses. The revenue steeps down and the operational expenses are shooting up. The reason might be with the leadership. The person at the top must be the reason behind such a drastic fall in the profits or the desired outcome. Under him works the mob and he needs to make sure that they are well protected and safe. Safeness doesn't mean it is of external physical threat, it may be the insecurity that they feel inside the work place. By offering them the security, things would be better.

Deep work is beneficial

Deep work is the meaningful way to achieve the results within calculated time. Deep work isn't only useful for professional cause, its impact innthe personal life is substantial. It makes the cognitive brain to function at it best and to direct focus as the way we want.

Trading with favourite asset

We need to be cautious while taking trades on the assets which we barely heard about. Most of the time these assets, since they are far from our acquaintance gives us bad impressions every time. Either we have to make acquaintance with it or trade with what is already familiar to us.

Dark imperialism

Imperialism sometimes can be be referred as looting. The most effective way to show the power is to acquire more land as possible. This is was the motive behind imperialism that once it was flourishing. Although they knew somehow this will not be their land forever, they started looting and looted at utmost.

Breaking addiction

Addiction can be overcome by rewarding harmful feeling after performing it. Here the brain gets a notification that this act is associated with something dangerous and a frequent exposure to this phenomenon makes brain beleive that this is something that seriously dangerous.

Focus on industry average

Focusing on industrial average return is good for wealth creation. Most of the time, when trying to double the money by each results in havoc. The wealth creation turns into a rollercoaster of ups and downs and finally yielding to a huge loss. We tend to put money based on the momentum and by the time we put this, it will be over and might turn to the distribution stage. Since the long term vision is now way nearer, then it will be hard to sustain at worst stages.

Balanced life

Human cravings through abstinence can be restricted to a certain extent. But it won't work always. Even for monks, they sometimes fall into the prey of sexual pleasures and ruining their entire reputation at the end. There is nothing to blame. The biological desires, if not satisfied eventually comes back with strong appetite and we fall prey to the cravings. A balanced life portfolio is better than having mastering at a single expedition.

Courage to ship

Courage plays an incredible role in execution. For the things that demand creativity and focus often comes with a risk of failure. By creating our own product and making it suitable for the masses requires tonns of effort. But it isn't enough. The continuous push we gave to ourselves must be backed by the courage. Any time we must push the 'shipping' button not knowing what's gonna happen after that.

Power disparity

Colonialism happens when two nations with power disparity meets. The one with great military side and great wealth accumulation wins. That is strategic. More wealth means more power. Everytime they lose something, they can bring it back with monetary power. Being democratic isn't enough, being a superpower is what it takes to defend and invade.

Correction happens

 Valuation should be taken into account before considering the investment. Once you find the company as overvalued, then you should stay away from it at least till correction. Correction is inevitable and for whatever it is, correction will happen sooner or later.

Importance of diversified portfolio

To have a good portfolio isn't about finding several multibaggers or investing in coins that are ready to explode, it is about diversifying the portfolio. Diversifying the portfolio is not just putting money into some random assets, it is actually diversifying the risk. Because narrowing risk to just a few assets is foolish. The greater the risk, the greater the reward and worser the failure. So having a well-diversified portfolio is important than having multibaggers.

Leaving goods behind

 To become great we must let go of the good. Keeping the old prodigy and living in that term is certainly won't take us far. That is why we must adopt the fact that what bought us here won't take us there. we must always strive to become better each day to become great. Most people are averse when it comes to changing their beliefs and thereby changing their beliefs. The first and foremost is that it is hard and requires a lot of effort. But once we begin the journey to become great, we must adopt the habit of learning. Anything that requires the paradigm shift requires hardcore learning and never-ending questioning. But one thing for sure is that this journey will definitely reward the effort. 

Corrections are necessary

It is evident that the highly valued stocks always corrects itself. It doesn't matter whether it is in a booming industry or a company with solid fundamentals, once it reaches high valuation, it will someday somehow corrects itself. By somehow I meant that the usual occurance in stock market. The news, people's psychology, candlestick formation, poor financial results, corporate mismanagement, lawsuits and price action. It is not necessary that any of this should contribute to the fall. But one thing for sure is that, once overvalued, it always corrects.

Knowledge gap

Sometime the barrier lies in lack of knowledge. People often tend to develop their life using their existing knowledge which they tried and failed many times. Even while taking the financial decision people focus on planning what's they planned before and slay there. They might be good at the existing tried and failed planning. But learning about the different methods and concepts, they can actually make a better decision. 

Digital growth

Digitalization sometimes takes much effort to get accustomed. Companies tries their maximum to make people go digital and therefore benefiting from their usage. They do ad campaigns with movie stars, give incentives and rewards to those who engage constantly and even provide free tools that they might have to pay while processing offline. It became successful to an extent, but people won't change their traditional method unless they see any cause. Making a change is that tough. But with the pandemic strike, people were forced to go digital in every mean. They must go meeting digital,shop using digital providers, consume entertainment digitally and every other basic need integrated digitally. This is a huge advantage for the companies those are prepared. No one expected this pandemic and the sudden boom in the demand for digital products and services made the companies valuation rose. The companies with good quality products and services during the pre pandemic era benefitted a lot.

Instict behaviour

No one actually like being submissives. But they do love to put submission over others. It is an instict behaviour that is innated in the genes. This is why it is hard to suppress this thought and this is the basis of most of the problems. By ine way or another we are invading those who are weak.

How to invest?

It is evident that people migrate their assets to which gives good yields. Those who holds position in stocks at the time of bull run consider themselves as long term investors. But that won't last longer. Whenever the fed comes up with good bond yield followed by the inflation, these long term investors becomes short term investors and sell all their positions to build new positions in government bonds. This is swing. Wherever they see big number, they switch. But this is not how an actual investor do. He invests and stands still, may be even for decades. At the end of his tenure, we call him successful and study him. But the only thing that we see different there is a simple factor of patience. He never swings with the news, but stick with the guts.

What to do in bear market

 What to do when the market is heavily falling down? It is not certainly cell. Of course, you can sell if it is calculated and like you intended. But for the majority of the mobs fall into the mode of panic selling. The reason is quite simple. They are out of their wits. And they are acting like nuts. That won’t solve any problem. It actually makes things worse. What often people don’t realize at this time is that they are actually under the sunk cost fallacy. Sunk cost fallacy is simple to explain. But the practical solution is often to perform and very much rare to find a person who actually does above the fallacy trap. Sunk cost fallacy can be simply defined as an action inspired by fear and panic. But sadly these are the times we mostly do insane things captivated by decisions taken out of our wits. To make a better decision, either we have to be mindful or must be prepared. So when we are prepared, we know the decision that is ought to be taken at unanticipated times. Do it now

Getting out of comfort zone

Getting out of comfort zone is lot harder than you think. But once we surpass that barrier, it becomes less fearful to do another thing that is challenging. By breaking up the comfort zone, we are actually making ourselves stronger.

Why should you own your method?

Why you should develop your own analysis method for sorting outnthe stock is  a really important question. This question is relevant to most of the speculators in the market. We call them investors once they know what they do, which only could be attained by developing your own method. The irony is each way of investing is pegged with emotions. So, even if you copy Warren Buffet formula of investing, you will get a poor result unless you peg with emotion.

Controlling the inner self

It doesn't matter what is gonna happen in the world. We cannot control what's gonna happen, but our response is always in our reach. We can take accountability for the reactions that we incur. If we learn to control our response, we'll no longer get worry for the external adversity.

Perils of assets classes

Imperialism meant to take the possessions as much as possible. When the ideology of imperialism thrived at the period where everyone considered having more land is the sign of power and wealth, it is quite natural to have such a bias. The war were in the name of lands, bribes were measured by how much acres therein and certainly the wealth both of an individual and a kingdom. This was practised from the very beginning and multiple centuries before. The more land you own, the richer you are. Because there is no equivalent alternative to measure wealth. It took centuries to sway away from this notion. Slowly people started believe in assets. By then the most favourable one was gold (among matals). So the greedy ones went to hunt for gold, they dig deeper and deeper until they found some trace and they did. But with a short period of time, when compared with the duration at which people veered from lands to gold, people started believing in more assets classes are preferably the ownership

New technology

Web 3.0 is a game changer and it is sparkling many of the innovators. once they arrive the equation that matches their passion they'll change the world. Being resilient in the new unwrapped technology might create wonders.

Investing skills

Investing is a healthy habit. It creates wealth and wellness. But investing isn't easy. It is easy to create a broker account and our money in. But inorder to be a good, patience and courage is the skill.

Plan the day

Planning the day is gonna be real helpful to make it as productive. We often say that we don't have enough time to do all of these things, but by directing our time as the way we wanted will improve the situation.

Reminder for death

A reminder for death is a motivating factor. It helps us to filter out the unwanted things and narrows our focus into the things that is most important to us. We keep reminders of all the unwanted things and making our life miserable. To make it meaningful we should be aware that we are nearing the death and hence a reminder is helpful.

Overpriced stocks

When the current price of a stock is way higher than its book value, then it is the time to think before investing. It means then the share is over priced and we can expect a correction sooner or later. Once the fundamentals are equally balanced, them the further movement indicates the real trend.

Cash flow of companies

One in three main thing that can be used to evaluate a company whether to invest or to learn is to analyse it's cash flow statement. It is equally important as reviewing the balance sheet and p&l statement. Everyone keenly focus on the numbers in these colomns before investing. Everyone should if he is to invest. But cash flow, they mostly give less importance. One reason is that they just need to know whether it is positive or negative. If it is positive, good. Negative, then need to analyze further more deeply. We can get a sense of the operational and financial activities from cash flow statements. And by combining our findings from here to over-all findings will lead to a good sense of this company.

Investing with index

Expecting return a way more than the index average can be of greed influence. Index do gives a handsome return that sometimes even surpasses majority of the stock performance. But it is also true that index may stands still for some years. Yet in the very long it is way better than FDs.

Be an intelligent investor

Investing is more of a common sense than intelligence. An investor with high IQ and low EQ is not intelligent at all. In the contrary world on intelligence is considered as a measured value of IQ, but in the investing world it plays little role. Sure a person with high IQ can calculate the risk and rewards, the sectorial cage growth or even can find his own formula to find multibagger. But if he is fragile on patience and discipline, he won't be the intelligent investor. Investing is a fun process until we see a major loss. When confronted with such situations, we forget everything and the primitive brain of flight or fight gets activated. So most investors sell their holding along with the masses instead of buying more at the discounted price. They know the market is gonna revive sooner and stronger, but they won't listen to their logical mind and keep their selling activity on. Here the fear surmounts every knowledge and experience. So it is important to be an intelligent inv


Whatever the situation will be, the only thing that we should be caring is to make use of our time at its best. This makes the difference.

Pledging can be useful

Pledging of share can sometimes be seen as a positive thing. By pledging we can earn an extra money using the leverage that is available from the money invested without losing the money. This is great only when we are sure about the possible outcome regardless of its nature can be endurable.

Running out of time

Death is a constant reminder that we are running out of time. When we look at the world, we see people running behind fame, material possessions and money. But what they are missing is the fact that these are all external placebos for external world. But what matters the most is the inner world. Once we know how to satisfy the inner world, then we no longer be the prisoner of this external dilemma.  We can sort out the things by making use of our time doing the things that makes us feel proud and satisfied. But this requires courage and persistence. Because here problems in the shape of emotions strikes is. We may get mocked. We might hear rude words. But it is okay as long as we are doing the right things. In order to do the right things we must be cautious about the time that is slipping by us.

Descipline for success

The greatest impediment to achieving our goal is the lakh of se elf descipline. Descipline is sometimes or mostly underrated because of the reason that most people talk,but don't really apply. We can start anything because of the initial rush and curiosity. But it won't sustain and what matter will be the why. Without a why we won't be desciplined.

Industries to looks for

Industries that is gonna thrive for the time ahead is what is in demand the most. Now demand is for those which makes our life easier and better. With better technology and place we can live a pretty decent life. So to build a new portfolio next year, we should look into EVs, green energy and tech spaces. Because these would definitely turns out to be the game changer.

Journaling as a resolution

Journaling is an outstanding habit that worth doing. The rewards are worthy to have it. Especially we are just few hours away for next year, although time is just an illusion, journaling can be a very good choice for a resolution. People often crave for self improvement and by some virtue they start something and eventually gives up. For those who do this, it is worth doing nothing, at least it would save some confidence. 

Investment with fundamentals

The common two types of benefits by doing fundamental analysis is that you can make money and you can become wise. People while mentioning about making money they often inscribe the situation as out of control. Their financial is like not their job to manage. And finally they end up in financial trouble. By actually studying a company fundamentally, we make make better choices for better return. And even if we fail, we can take those failures as an oppertunity to understand the process of investment better. Second as like I said about becoming wise. There is no scarcity for any scam. People do want to make money. Some people cares about the ethic while others don't. This happens everywhere. When it comes to investment, we can see some people offering tips about picking the right choice of stocks and that often turns out to be bullshit. By learning it by ourselves we can actually become wise at choosing the right industry for right kind of investment.

Practice for good

 To be great at something requires practice. You must have heard about the wisdom quote " Practice makes a man perfect". The case is no different for obstacles and adversity. We must face obstacles frequently so that we can strengthen our will. There is no lack of obstacles and adversity in our day-to-day life. We are being blind to it because of fear. Unless we face those obstacles we never grow. We tremble at those kinds of similar situations, not knowing how to face them. But only after getting acquainted with facing such adversities, we can become stronger.

Learn to earn

There is nothing insaner than investing without knowing the basic fundamentals of a company. A company should be subjected to study before investing. People those who invests based on news and tips often get in trouble and finally concludes that stock market is a gambling. This is wrong and stupid. But with internet we can make better decision to win the stock market. And guess what? Everything that you need to become a successful investor are freely available in the web.

FOMO dilemma

With an obsession over a thing, the given effort seems effortless. We will spend hours tirelessly and even make it to the next top level. But we develop this affectionate obsession with only a few items and most of them are addictive as well s destructive. We see this happen with people eagerly waiting for an episode of their favorite TV show. Since we do most of the fundamentals with what is most pleasurable than what is actually productive, we often fall into this trap of fake FOMOs. FOMO can be interpreted in two ways.  The first one is in the form of pleasing the external world. Protecting ourselves from being an idiot in the crowd. This is embarrassing to most people since they seek validation from the external world all the time. They are not allowed to miss what's trending, the new episodes of tv shows, celebrity divorce, millions of viewed videos, and much garbage stuff. In the process of showing the external world that you're up to date with what is happening in the tr

Failure as an opportunity

 Every adversity can be turned into an opportunity. Whatever we do, we are faced with barriers. Some can be crossed without any effort, but some barriers are really hard to cross and even some people quit here. Those people who quit at these stages are afraid of failure. They failed one time and they are scared about the unprecedented outcome. An outcome is not a certainty, it is a possibility with more than one possible outcome. But what we only think about is failure. That is the only outcome we see in front of us due to the impact caused by just one failure. But what here matters is persistence. The quality that only a few people in the world have. Those people are the founding fathers of the nation, self-made billionaires, great authors, and great athletes. They influence the world and change the world. They were not born with these qualities, they instead developed them with disciplined effort. We can do the same, but we must be disciplined. With this quality, we can make every fa

Startups boosting economy

 A developing startup ecosystem is a sign of a developing nation. Once a startup comes into existence, there comes with plenty of opportunities. That is why government are so exited about the growth of these entreprenaurial ventures. These emerging companies do what the governments do and what governments wants them to do. They provide them with jobs,security,payable taxes and an incredible increase in the GDP. The cash inflow is the most sort out thing that government sees in these startups. with more cash in hand, they can build better infrastructure, provide free education and foods. By taxing the private organizations, they will be able to provide pensions and bonuses to the government employees. This is quite intresting. A lot of wealth is generated through the existance of these companes. They are fast and efficient since they manage the operational cost fro, their own pocket or from institutions where they are obliged to return.

Usefulness of audiobook

Technology enabled us with a lot of things. Things to improve our life. Among them was the invention of audiobook. The greatest benifit of audiobook is that even people who don't know to read can hear. It is that much powerful. With less time more information can be collected.

Checklist important

We should create a checklist that matches our profile for our investment. Investing without checklist is like going to a tourist place without a map. Checklist guide us through good investment by backing with a good decision.

Keep up with trend

It won't matter much whether the company is at the number one position in market cap, if it fails to keep up with the trend, it will go out of the business. there are a lot of examples in front of us. This busting off will result in the rise of the next big thing. The general motor was once the market cap champion. But the rise of the internet and technology brought thousands of companies, which now rules the entire business era. And companies in this field is now valued extremely high than any industry. The Internet gave access to the information that is once only available to the presidents and prime ministers to a common man. this is revolutionary and it changed the world. the world order keeps changing. every major change leads to revolutions. when this happens successfully with business, it is the next big thing.

4 types of investments

 A retail investor, he must know the different phases of investment that companies undergo. Not each and every, but almost all companies. The first ones are from the founders. They muster their hard-earned money or money in exchange for some obligation to build the company. Actually, this is the initial investment and the best part is they can take as much as share they want. If it is founded by a single, he owns every share at the initial stage. But as the company grows, like any other company, it requires money for its future growth. So what the founders and chiefs of the company do this time is that they go to an Angel. Angel investors are the second-term investors backed up by their own money. This looks closely to each and every corner of the business and after a lot of obscure examination, they either accept or neglect the offer. If they’re to invest, they will do so by pledging share in return. Since the company is still at its initial stage, the ‘angels’ will get a large numbe

Invest after learning

Any investment we do must be fro our own analysis and study. In the financial market, we see people investing in stocks and bonds based on what they hear form their friends and colleagues. They say "it may give good returns". If we want to invest and don't know how to do oit, then most probably the chances would results in we slaying towards the tips and news. The good part about tips and news is that its role as an educator. We can look into the specific financial advice and draw our own conclusions based on our analysis. Investing based on pure news and tips is a disaster. It may give handful of returns in the short term, but in the long term it is dangerous.

Optimism is essential for achievement

Optimism is a great tool for changing the world. Only those who changed the world are optimists. They see opportunity in every adversity and somehow make it out to the goal. Being an optimistic is not that easy. Often life tests is with difficult times and very few stands with their view even at those times. And not surprisingly these people make it to the top.

Web 3.0

 The need for web 3.0 is a hot topic among innovators and tech pioneers. It is gaining rapid attention among people. People should know about it. It is a third-generation form of the internet where consumers and creators can directly do the business instead of a middleman in between. There will be no giant corporation to collect and regulate our data. We can choose whether to sell or keep our data on a server. And only with our permission can we see ads. This is like democratizing the power of the internet. Even from the very initial days of the internet, people claimed that we were democratized. Of course, it did. It gave an equal opportunity for every man who has access to the internet to get the information he desires to get. It is like putting the entire search process on the internet and was a huge success. But gradually corporations came in between and started monopolies. Monopoly will never end, even with 3.0. Only the mode of surveillance differs and those corporations must