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Showing posts with the label belief

Discovery of gods

While the curiosity of man led to the discovery of many things, it indeed gave birth to the notion of religion and god. Man searching for the origin of mankind and earth, without getting anywhere near the answer found the answer himself was this was all the creation of mighty invisible gods. There ends the solution for lotnof questions.

Technology and belief

Effects of our beliefs are now interfering with what’s called the tech revolution. This happens every time. Before going through the process well, the so called leaders arrive at a destination where everything they find is not good for the community. They even showcase the proof to uphold their claims. What is wrong here is that they over estimate the calculated adversity and under estimate the power of it. Community leaders when they study, they overlap the religious or community theories in the notion of those technology. New technology comes with the power to change the status quo. Changing the status quo means changing the beliefs, which is extreme violation against the law of tribe. So either they say tribe members should keep distance from it or it is wrong. Holding crypto currencies, in the eyes of some Indonesian Muslim tribes, is haram. This is a perfect example.

Beliefs of discount

 Seasons are mostly beneficial to those who are making whole sales. The sales are driven highly with anticipation of belief that people are ready to spend money than before. It is beneficial to both the customer and seller. The main reason is the volume. In normal days, people won’t go shopping vividly and manufactures are less active. We are taught to believe that during season sales companies sell products with more discount. Sometimes with buy one get one offer. No one wants to bet large amount of money during non-seasonal days. We wait for discount to hit thus to save money. And when the discount breaks, huge amount of masses place the order. This is way more than actual sale. Discounts are certain and hence the profit.   On the flipside, companies will profit like hell these days. They employ more workers during this time and install many outlets. They know they can swap money like never before. It is confusing to see who makes real profit. Both sides cannot maintain the...

Spotting the unimportant

  As a part of improving our life we do multiple things. How much we got from those activities are the key way to assess the quality. Attending sessions, reading books and weekly meetings are the prime examples. We cannot say that the assessment we did are exactly a true inspection. It is also the product of the quality of our brain. Everyone is provided with a good normal brain, but the years of molding is what makes the difference. This determines the perception and intuition. Both these plays a major role in determining the future ahead. It decides the importance and non-importance.    Whenever we were presented with an opportunity, the decisions are totally controlled by the intuition. The major difference in selecting a book to read is a prime example. And it forges the mindset. So the people with different mindset attracts different genres. When someone accidently reaches a webinar, which is not his genre, he often gets frustrated and understand nothing. Most of t...

Being ruthless is the cure

 For many reason ruthlessness is considered as wrong and interpreted as a bad thing. One of the reason that stands out is the lack of empathy. When you have enough empathy, some say you can’t have ruthlessness. Yet we see people with great personalities are ruthless . I’m not talking about Steve jobs here although I could interpret him as a perfect example. It’s hard to embrace but being ruthless and sometimes pain in someone else’s ass is considered as worthy. After we are all humans and we like to take advantage of naïve and harmless people. Once it is evident that he is unresponsive, it is easy to tease and neglect. No one does this with heartless individuals. They hit back. The emotionless firing of people when underperformed keeps many employed. The results comes when work is done. Works is mainly a stimulation of money and passion. But with a laxness, nothing gets done. To earn lots of money either one of the two things I’m about to tell must happen. 1. Being ruthless to yo...

Surroundings and influence

  Most people who are brilliant enough let themselves to suffer only because oh their lack of courage. They were well equipped and learned, yet they find themselves stumbling upon when faced with an adversity. They weren’t really shy, they are afraid of embarrassment. What would happen if something happens always make them uncomfortable. It is not only the failure that makes them sweat, success too. They don’t know what to do when confronted with their peers, these people sweats a lot. The reason these people fell into these category isn’t their fault. Not technically, but yes they chose it. But by doing a simple analysis we can conclude that the environment that they were in contributed a better part. But these environment doesn’t create itself. Keeping in mind it could be again concluded as ancestral influence . That is much powerful. Even people with talent feels the resistance. What about this resistance is it keeps the action at bay and paves a great way to live the unlived li...

Trend is only for short time

Using a specific technique for an interval of time could be best prescribed as trends. Trends exists everywhere regardless of the industry. The reason trend is so popular and at a hype is that, it ends with in a period. We like to try the things before it ends. We like to be a part of the temporary trending community that is in stardom right now. It’s like showing the attitude that catching up with present. Old fashioned way became an out trend when we started believing that old is not so cool. In fact in many of the cases we must have to leave the old ways. That trends are similar. Early adopters make things more difficult for laggards. Laggards don’t like to skip their so used pattern. Early adopters are nerds and are curious enough to feel the new launches. They are very much useful to the companies and societies. They provide a lot of money to the company and are the fore bearer of change. And the gap between these two group of people is quite large. By the  time laggards re...

Influence of core beliefs

This is very interesting to look at the life of people and their belief in accordance. They are related very much. In fact the total identity can be extracted from their belief. We can articulate the kids likes bullying believes that he can laugh by hurting others. Beliefs are certain. It is correlated and confused with the truth. Since belief is what complied with the truth, it is robust as truth. A kid bullying his mates feels absolute fun and fulfilment believing unconsciously the beliefs are getting implied. Since most of the time none try to alter their thought. No one actually cares the street wicked children while their parents keep fed them with wicked lulls. Some of these kids even miss proper parenting. But the one getting bullied gets a great attention from their parents. And that is why they are getting bullied. These kids believe that the way to get fun is through making friends, not the otherwise. This single belief have the capability to draw the entire graph. We can ...