As a part
of improving our life we do multiple things. How much we got from those
activities are the key way to assess the quality. Attending sessions, reading
books and weekly meetings are the prime examples. We cannot say that the assessment
we did are exactly a true inspection. It is also the product of the quality of
our brain. Everyone is provided with a good normal brain, but the years of molding
is what makes the difference. This determines the perception and intuition. Both
these plays a major role in determining the future ahead. It decides the
importance and non-importance.
Whenever we were presented with an opportunity,
the decisions are totally controlled by the intuition. The major difference in
selecting a book to read is a prime example. And it forges the mindset. So the people
with different mindset attracts different genres. When someone accidently reaches
a webinar, which is not his genre, he often gets frustrated and understand nothing.
Most of the time when people attend a session which he just got introduced at,
they show a tendency to leave ASAP. We cannot blame them at their behavior. The
reason they do so is because of the things they went so.
It doesn’t mean
that we cannot let people of different genre to expose to new things. The only
thing that keeps the resistance showing up is the gap. The gap that could be
filled by base level understanding. Without the base we cannot master anything.
Coaching is meant to master whatever the subject. They certainly advertise with
a title ‘also for beginners’. Why?. They prioritized money more than result. If
he emphasizes result, he shouldn’t welcome the babies. It is our responsibility
to end upon the right activities. Spending the time without result is a waste. We
went through it a lot of times. Many of us can relate this with global phenomenon
of educational institution. Honestly speaking, many of the students getting
graduated from here often admits that is a total waste of time. So it is
important to find time worthy and time wasting activities. Because these are the
flipsides of a coin.
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