The amount of exposure one is getting from the world he is must have a great influence in his future. Otherwise, you don’t need to copy the things they did, if those are successful. We can also scribe personalities from this. How we spend our day has direct correlation with how we spend our future. And the days we used to live are often controlled by the experience gained from the previous we had. We can sometimes accuse fate for letting us live in a negative atmosphere, but mostly not. There is a choice to choose from and you chose the easiest one. Where you got lot of pleasure. It kept us hooked and you thought you never meant to live. That foolishness might take couple of years or days to relieve. But the good thing is, if we know the theory we can actually make it our benefits. Lot of people do this and it is simple and powerful. We can change the exposure voluntarily and can change the way we think and act. By finding the right sources to rely upon which leading an exp...
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