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Showing posts with the label reality

Avoidance of reality

Avoidance of reality is the major corruptive thing in our lives. 95 percentage of the time we avoid the reality and immerse ourselves in the illusion that surrounds us. Only while facing the reality we become fearful about the future, don't know what to do in life and the foremost that we need to face. Avoidance of reality makes us weak toward the real world problems.

Practical usecase

What finds easy on paper is hard in real. We can actually make an attribution to the theories that we learn from books and other sources, but to imply we must rely on the odd behaviors that are lurking inside. The sooner we act upon the ideology that we were subscribed to, the better.  With time the laziness will get mustered and numbs all the positive behavior leaving us immersed in depression. The solution although it looks easy on paper, it is much harder to implement. The mental restrain will lurk there forever until we act upon them. In such cases of implementation, we must not let ourselves think wider because mind will create falsified reality that will hook us in the fear land.