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Showing posts with the label leverage

Leverage is good when used smartly

Leverage attracts people and vice versa. Whenever we want to trade or in any case of acquisition, what we expect is not the mere margin profit, instead we shoot for highly leveraged return. This is primitive emotion of greed. People making fortune at investments are great example. They invest after checking the fundamental and what the balance sheet has to offer and invest. This is not an easy job. They wait for couple of year to compound with a hope of no economic depression and make lot of money. That is huge. Here, like many modern day technological leverages are not available, instead they rely upon the opportunity leverage. The future is full of possibilities and by their analysis they might have found out the future of the organisation is about to explode. These rich people are very keen at predicting the outcome by the current, which now has been one of the toughest job. Because of the exponential curve of growth, predictions are less probable to tryst upon. Yet wen predict a...