For a lot of reason some people avoid reading news. It is convinced by the society that reading newspapers or watching news for hours is good for us to get updated. In a sense that is true. News is something that should be watched or read. But what if the news itself diverges from its . Instead of delivering the news, these media’s are keenly focused on delivering addictive contents. A culture of attracting views got the foremost prioritization. As with the internet, the competition for getting views or subscription soared. This led the media companies to focus on customer acquisition than delivering news. They broadcast contents that are addictive and short term pleasurable.
Our minds are readily acceptable to negative news than positive news. A bribe investigation is lot pleasurable a development project. We all know that negativity is bad for the mind. Yet we consume it as like we do with alcohol. What is even worse is we do this in the morning when our brain is fully functional. ...
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