From the last few years storing a non readable data gained attention throughout. It's not been considered as worth giving attention by many unless it hadn't affected them. But the exponential growth of technology caught the attention of people by actually intervening in their daily lives. Slowly becoming a part of their routine, it integrated into the whole life. Infact everything is shrunk to the technology by getting easy to access with the help of electronic devices. Vastly by the invention of cheaper smartphones. Now technology became the foremost priority. And there opened a limitless oppertunity. We started realising the power and drifted our attention. Millionaires and billionaires started pouring their money into this tech world and nerds followed their career path here . And the intresting part is everyone except a handful of people made their fortune. Since they were convinced that this thing is changing the world, they decided to partake as a life long career. Eve...
A daily blog about life, future, investment and technology