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Showing posts with the label social media

One click away from a wave

Rise of celebs and social media influencers are peaking everyday. Now wonder tomorrow by a sudden phenomenon of a viral video you might get a celebrity status. It is the connectedness of people by ease with the help of technology that is responsible for this. Responsible might be a hard word ,a  perfect replaceable one will be fortunate. We are fortunate enough to be born in this time as humans,can you imagine being born as a tree in this century. The power of technology is at the stage of exploding. People used to say about making a fortune in stock market and oil industries earlier, but the tone is veered to the phrase " Let me try my fortune in instagram". Weird! . But this thing made so much difference in the old dusty patterns of thinking. It convinced most of the youngsters that they are something truly magnificent since their last video 100 more views than the previous one. And the fools, they believed. They changed their whole routine. Since they are convinced by this...