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Beyond belief: The existing essence of a religion

Why the comparison between monotheism and polytheism is considered unhealthy? First of all, those who engage in this unhealthy debate doesn't even know the existence of the god. The essence of these beliefs stems from being a builder of good life. But once they experience the comfort of religious shell, things go out of hand. A mere belief for wellness and prosperity turning into an ideology for hatred and violence. The core essence still not changed. What actually changed is the way of interpretation. Interpretation is contextual and seasonal. With time and situation, the message we receive from religious ideology certainly differs. 

With the comfort and safeness, the tendancy to trigger people who believes in other religion gets in and slowly they revert. This will eventually turns into rivalry and violence. This is the reason we should be analytical about our beliefs and the core essence of its existence. Most of the religion that surpassed the hurdles of time has it's essence pivoted on the wellness of human beings.


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