Almost everything that added value to growth is provided by few things. About 80% of the growth is happened because of the 20% of the well contributed things. This is a very famous principle. This is one of the reason for advices such as focus on few things stands relevant. Giving time and energy to few things makes it easy to get more output. And the results are truly visible. By constantly trying to expand the focus to many things results in shallow results. It is no good for none.
To make that 80% improvement in our personal or professional matter, we need to spend the time wisely. By selecting the things to focus upon has this direct correlation with output. At times, we do feel that everything is necessary and it cannot be completed without it. But those are meant to finish as secondary. Primary works have primary importance and yields more results. For every energy we puts in, we expect results. The more we 80/20 principle, the more things get done.
We can easily sort out the shallow things. Shallow things requires almost no effort or to a certain extent, it could be avoided and results stands probably the same.
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