With an obsession over a thing, the given effort seems effortless. We will spend hours tirelessly and even make it to the next top level. But we develop this affectionate obsession with only a few items and most of them are addictive as well s destructive. We see this happen with people eagerly waiting for an episode of their favorite TV show. Since we do most of the fundamentals with what is most pleasurable than what is actually productive, we often fall into this trap of fake FOMOs. FOMO can be interpreted in two ways.
The first one is in the form of pleasing the external world. Protecting ourselves from being an idiot in the crowd. This is embarrassing to most people since they seek validation from the external world all the time. They are not allowed to miss what's trending, the new episodes of tv shows, celebrity divorce, millions of viewed videos, and much garbage stuff. In the process of showing the external world that you're up to date with what is happening in the trendy world, we can avoid being an idiot.
The second type of FOMO is the productive one. It forces us to think about life and death. We realize that we have only a limited amount of time and it is running out. Until we soon figure out the purpose in our life, we are wasting life living for nothing. Folks who care about this type of FOMO generally create wealth. I'm not saying the financial wealth. Of course, money is a by-product. By wealth I mean the wealth you truly care about even at the time of your demise. The relationship, your legacy, your friends, children, and most of all the life that you lived. This happens once you identify what's your purpose in life. That's worth pursuing.
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