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Practice for good

 To be great at something requires practice. You must have heard about the wisdom quote " Practice makes a man perfect". The case is no different for obstacles and adversity. We must face obstacles frequently so that we can strengthen our will. There is no lack of obstacles and adversity in our day-to-day life. We are being blind to it because of fear. Unless we face those obstacles we never grow. We tremble at those kinds of similar situations, not knowing how to face them. But only after getting acquainted with facing such adversities, we can become stronger.


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Use information for seduction

The ability to get out of yourself and dig into other people's lives can be useful when it comes to seduction. we must let ourselves subside and know the opposite person well. Know what they want, what they like, how they would react to different circumstances, and whey they like and dislike. During this process of minute scrutiny, never leave a clue that might lead to suspicion. Digest this information and keep tracking the person occasionally and ask them subtly about those private things to show you really care what they said. This sense of feeling that this person cares about us when used correctly can be a tool for seduction.

Business asteroids

  Several million years ago asteroid in a size larger than the moon hit the earth and wiped most of the species leaving the dust particles to afloat. Since then, asteroid is identified as mostly a negative thing. In fact, many historians believe that that was the turning point to the second life of the planet. Generally, we could see people referring asteroid as capable of destroying anything. This true, but it is not complete. The sentence only fulfills the moral meaning when we add “and bringing the new world of new opportunities”. We would be survived if it hadn’t happened amid the dinosaurs. We must have gone extinct long before. It is common to assign asteroid anything that is about to wipe out the old and bring the new.    The term Business asteroid got popular in the last two decades. Reason: we barely saw anything before. Like an actual asteroid it is perceived as wrong at its entry. Many people said it would not be a problem for them. Some sided with ´this is shit and child pl

Diversified investment

The importance of diversification is still unknown to many and they focus on pouring their majority of money into one thing or few things of the same sector. Investment should be diversified and must be done ater thorough study.