Investing is more of a common sense than intelligence. An investor with high IQ and low EQ is not intelligent at all. In the contrary world on intelligence is considered as a measured value of IQ, but in the investing world it plays little role. Sure a person with high IQ can calculate the risk and rewards, the sectorial cage growth or even can find his own formula to find multibagger. But if he is fragile on patience and discipline, he won't be the intelligent investor. Investing is a fun process until we see a major loss. When confronted with such situations, we forget everything and the primitive brain of flight or fight gets activated. So most investors sell their holding along with the masses instead of buying more at the discounted price. They know the market is gonna revive sooner and stronger, but they won't listen to their logical mind and keep their selling activity on. Here the fear surmounts every knowledge and experience. So it is important to be an intelligent investor with little common sense and more patience.
Nostalgic has its own stand regardless of the age we stand in. In retrospect, we could see a lot of things that made us emotionally attached and then went far. But when we think of it, it reminds us of the things we enjoyed or experienced. There are a lot of ways we can actually make those emotionally attached things or moments with us. With the help of technology, we can even declare ownership. That may sound crazy and stupid. When everything is going digital, then why not the digital product itself cannot have this ownership. That is the only concern among some people about keeping their digital lifestyle memory ownership. But now there is nothing to worry about. With Blockchain we can create the digital age ownership to anything digital. NFTs are at the early stages of their digital ownership ventures. We can make those really important things more important and close to ourselves with the help of NFTs. Only a few people are making well use of this technology. By few people, I ...
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