Saying that you don’t like is often difficult. Especially when we need to say to our friends. One of thing that lurks behind this faking is the fear of misinterpretation. We say what we meant to say, but they take what they take. Most oftentimes we mean no offense, but the scenario makes it worse. We say most politely that “ I’m grateful for your offer, but I don’t do it “ through a single NO. But sometimes they take it as regarding. They hear something like “ I don’t want your shit “. We can read it from their face all the frustration and indignation ,even when displaying fake smiles. If that’s the case, then we conclude that NO is getting us and our relationship ripped. What we don’t realize is that the after effect of it, such as we blaming them for the entire thing. Here things get even worse and may lead to the demise of the relationship. Once you become comfortable with saying “no”, then it becomes easy to sort out the unimportant from important. Your priorities become explicit. It is like an art, the art of saying no, to express your vision through a single tiny powerful word.
Nostalgic has its own stand regardless of the age we stand in. In retrospect, we could see a lot of things that made us emotionally attached and then went far. But when we think of it, it reminds us of the things we enjoyed or experienced. There are a lot of ways we can actually make those emotionally attached things or moments with us. With the help of technology, we can even declare ownership. That may sound crazy and stupid. When everything is going digital, then why not the digital product itself cannot have this ownership. That is the only concern among some people about keeping their digital lifestyle memory ownership. But now there is nothing to worry about. With Blockchain we can create the digital age ownership to anything digital. NFTs are at the early stages of their digital ownership ventures. We can make those really important things more important and close to ourselves with the help of NFTs. Only a few people are making well use of this technology. By few people, I ...
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