The easiest way to accomplish something is just to start it. The hardest part to accomplish something is the laxness of starting. Even a job which requires countless hours could be finished if there is a good start. The hardest part isn’t jogging every morning, but putting the sneakers. That’s where resistance lurks the most. It isn’t energy consuming or an hour long work. Yet that’s the part where most people tend to fail.
The reason for this particular behavior is our inability to switch from tasks. A sudden change is totally unwelcoming to both the body and mind. Once entered into the state of flow, mind tends to live there for as long as possible. Difficulty in getting out of the bed is one such behavior and a profound one too. About 6 to 8 hours of flow demands high energy to break. The attachment of the previous state continue to live until there happens any new activity. And a new activity requires leaving the previous state and enter the new one. Mind needs to prepare. But giving it a chance to make comfortable with dropping the old pattern is foolish. Mind never detach, instead makes it robust by constantly thinking about it
Instead of letting the things to happen itself, making a move to break the pattern is such powerful thing. Giving too much time to brain to think is not that wise. It never reaches the conclusion. Here it’s not necessary to think twice before you act.
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