In order to get something at our grasp we must do the work. In any case giving enough time and energy is necessary to make it possible. And sometimes not. Those are not rare case scenarios. It is well observed around. We must have experienced this. The evident factor is that, due to the most valuable time, we often switch things around, like hedging. Unlike hedging you cannot do both simultaneously. So the thing is we have to make blocks of time. These blocks will save lot of energy and of course brings the time for our deed.
During this process, it is necessary that we must allocate the time to those defined blocks. By allocating, we are actually veering the time from anything that we usually do to something purposeful. Because doing something that creates meaning requires effort and consistency. Motivation is not enough, it dies soon.
Here some people often confuses this with their moral things. Such as relationship and routine. Instead of keeping it well nourished, they tend to give less attention to these things. What is observed thereafter is saddening. It often leads to regret. Not being able to spend the time for the things that matter is hurting.
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