The best way to make best way is to make best present. It is no use fearing about what would happen to the unveiled future. Tomorrow doesn’t fold its way, I mean not technically but looking from a perspective of destiny leading life. Each moment spent is a forging sword for the future. Making a better future is certainly possible. The most certain way is make the present better. Present is the only medium where we can channel the energy. Energy could be channelled to any direction. Directions leads to the destiny. That’s why most successful people rely on present and advise us to do the same. You must have heard of you want do something new, do it now. Which is true in every sense. If you don’t act now, you won’t act forever. It is true in technical terms. There is nothing happening anywhere in the world other than now. Actions are only possible in the now. Every action that took and are about to take must manifest through now. It’s now or never.
The reason why most things we wish we could have done is because that weren’t meant for now. If it is meant for now, it must have manifested and the results must be visible.
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