When lot of things surge around it is easy to get manipulated by the intentional intuition which is crafted along the number of years lived. But to priorities the things is what frustrating. It's to make things in order and aligning them as a routine or as a to-do list is what resistive. When plenty of things got structured, it reflects the beauty and brings the satisfaction although things are undone by then. The most irritating and frustrating part is not to do things, it is to simplify it. It is to eliminate the unwanted things and filtering out the best. This process needs pretty good focus. The destination appears when things are aligned. And it becomes clear to follow them.
The latter part comes meaningful when seen with a progress made with sort out plan. When the cycle of motivation and performance comes to play, it is wise to take the notion of being motivated by initiating the process. Careful ! Not the otherwise. Cause if we wait to get a motivation before getting into work we wait forever untill the realization that the reverse is correct comes in.
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