Work which generates more output is more valuable. That is what leaves legacy behind. We measure our worth of time in these kind of works. They are meaningful work and it is certainly different for different people. For a person interested in sports, it may be to practice the game for hours and for a writer it is the literary work that reaches the hands of mass. Those are purpose driven. These works, although in reality requires more effort, it doesn’t feel like we are putting. Because it is interesting and a passion. People who finds their passion and follows them are found to be more productive.
It is not a secret that people who loves what they do creates more output than who works for money. A sense of giving it to the world really is the key. While a group of people believe that they are changing the world, others focus on bundling the money. The former individuals are creative and the latter are the cogs.
Differentiating these two sects could be done by a mere factor of inspiration. One group is inspired and the other doesn’t. A single inspired person can inspire many and vice versa. Being surrounded by artists are lot batter than having by cogs.
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