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Beware not to be fraud

Being cheated is common. We get cheated most of the time. Sometimes the effect is large. Only then we realise that we are being cheated. Cheating comes from false beliefs. We believe in the things that we thought to be the truth, at least we accepted as truth. By giving us the false information they are rectifying the probability of manipulation. It's easier to get convinced in this time. There is no scarcity for information. I mean made up false information. They are very likely to get hooked and there is plenty of them in the market. Only thing left to the marketers is to pick one and throw it in the face. You are most likely to engulf. Because the rule book say so, you must do so. You cannot turn your your face when you are nicely getting manipulated, the rule books say. Even the craftsman man who designed these b.s rule must've been frustrated by consequence of these rules made to the folks. They must have thought someone someday would replace it instead of blindly pursuing them. Lot of situation leaves us to thrust upon the willful blindness. We are obliged to. The content creators, marketers and corporates are exploiting these super easy loopholes. They are ready to hear the brag. You can do as much as you want. They never stop you, you don't either wanna stop. You hate that and they don't do what you hate. They don't say what you hate. They make you comfortable by showing and saying what you like. They gathered enough data from your bragging that no one wants to hear. Yet they made that boring sacrifice in exchange of your secrets and favourites. Now they are luring with the product. Invisibly hypnotizing with that oscillating watch. You know that, yet avoid it willingly. That's blindness. You are barely seeing what's infront of you. You see the story told version of fake product. Unless you don't see, you are robbed.


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