Looking at
the rate of growth of the world, we could arguably say that the growth is
accelerated from the last two decade. The graph is clearly exponential. It is
already predicted that the it would be further exponential. From the eyes of
this decade, it is most likely to find a horizontal graph when looking at
couple of centuries before. There were agricultural, industrial and even the
cognitive revolution took place. It is considered to be the slow growth period
relative to what is happening now. But for a person living at the time of
industrial revolution must have thought that it was the biggest ever revolution
that happened so far. That is totally right. Not a single country dared to
expel it. Most of them feared of being left behind. Revolution became
inevitable in the modern world. We are witnessing and partaking in lots of it.
Among the foremost one is AI revolution. Some of the Scandinavian countries are
still at the verge of digital revolution. They need some time to make google as
the part of life. But the developed nations are way ahead. They are already
leading the revolution. What happens after a few decades will be game of
monopoly like it happened just a few decades before. Countries taking over the
other. It might not seem practical in this independent world balanced by UN.
But this time the case is not invasion, instead by request. Everyone is now
convinced that being left behind is the worst that could happen to a country.
We can plot similar story from history. So, in order to be on the track, aid is
needed. Here the diplomatic relationship is worth having. It is easy to ask
help from a friend than an enemy. Enemy demands more and tries to play games in
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