so easy in this day to become a marketer with a smartphone. We could craft a successful life story as a marketer within less than enough time. Even posting a picture of product considered as marketing. The worse comes when they say self marketing after posting own picture. Which is why it is prioritised to take a look at where this is going.
It is fair to admit as myself as a marketer that the scenario is getting absurd. That healthy thing was long gone. Now it's like you have to be careful about your own data being theft by trenching marketers. Ethics are no more concern of anyone since the competition is extremely high. You gave it or not, somehow they know what you are typing on Google. Somehow they know what's the colour of your underwear or even whether that is absent or not. How bad is that? Careful to the device away next time doing anything personal. Unless we don't come across with the dirty techniques of marketing, we don't seem to be informed about our information. It's a global network. You can't erase your information from a single source and pretend to be never happened. And can't make any accusation hoping it would get fine. That might have worked in the industrial age. Now that's too brittle. Learning about marketing and online sales would make you realise that how you are gonna rob and how you got robbed. Intresting, isn't it? Make yourself palpable and prepare worst the worst, because you are already in the middle.
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