Starting the investment journey as early as possible can make you wealthy. Investing any time is good, but during the process, we will go through a lot of learning processes which is inevitable. Warren Buffet once said that investing is the process of moving wealth from an impatient investor to a patient one. This is very much true especially we're dealing with money growth in the midst of get rich quick segment. Without patience, wealth creation is almost impossible because we jump from one plus to another before reaching the destination.
Getting out of the matrix is an easy part. All you have to do is analyse the person who has opposite views than yours and try to learn from them as much as you can. What is the hardest part is to realise that you are in a matrix. This matrix is a lot more similar to a prison. The difference is that you know you are in a prison when you are in a prison, but you don't even know there exist a matrix when you are in a matrix. One is visible and the other is not. The only way to realise your position is to ask questions about everything everytime and never stop the process until you get the answer that satisfies you.
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