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Showing posts from December, 2021

Industries to looks for

Industries that is gonna thrive for the time ahead is what is in demand the most. Now demand is for those which makes our life easier and better. With better technology and place we can live a pretty decent life. So to build a new portfolio next year, we should look into EVs, green energy and tech spaces. Because these would definitely turns out to be the game changer.

Journaling as a resolution

Journaling is an outstanding habit that worth doing. The rewards are worthy to have it. Especially we are just few hours away for next year, although time is just an illusion, journaling can be a very good choice for a resolution. People often crave for self improvement and by some virtue they start something and eventually gives up. For those who do this, it is worth doing nothing, at least it would save some confidence. 

Investment with fundamentals

The common two types of benefits by doing fundamental analysis is that you can make money and you can become wise. People while mentioning about making money they often inscribe the situation as out of control. Their financial is like not their job to manage. And finally they end up in financial trouble. By actually studying a company fundamentally, we make make better choices for better return. And even if we fail, we can take those failures as an oppertunity to understand the process of investment better. Second as like I said about becoming wise. There is no scarcity for any scam. People do want to make money. Some people cares about the ethic while others don't. This happens everywhere. When it comes to investment, we can see some people offering tips about picking the right choice of stocks and that often turns out to be bullshit. By learning it by ourselves we can actually become wise at choosing the right industry for right kind of investment.

Practice for good

 To be great at something requires practice. You must have heard about the wisdom quote " Practice makes a man perfect". The case is no different for obstacles and adversity. We must face obstacles frequently so that we can strengthen our will. There is no lack of obstacles and adversity in our day-to-day life. We are being blind to it because of fear. Unless we face those obstacles we never grow. We tremble at those kinds of similar situations, not knowing how to face them. But only after getting acquainted with facing such adversities, we can become stronger.

Learn to earn

There is nothing insaner than investing without knowing the basic fundamentals of a company. A company should be subjected to study before investing. People those who invests based on news and tips often get in trouble and finally concludes that stock market is a gambling. This is wrong and stupid. But with internet we can make better decision to win the stock market. And guess what? Everything that you need to become a successful investor are freely available in the web.

FOMO dilemma

With an obsession over a thing, the given effort seems effortless. We will spend hours tirelessly and even make it to the next top level. But we develop this affectionate obsession with only a few items and most of them are addictive as well s destructive. We see this happen with people eagerly waiting for an episode of their favorite TV show. Since we do most of the fundamentals with what is most pleasurable than what is actually productive, we often fall into this trap of fake FOMOs. FOMO can be interpreted in two ways.  The first one is in the form of pleasing the external world. Protecting ourselves from being an idiot in the crowd. This is embarrassing to most people since they seek validation from the external world all the time. They are not allowed to miss what's trending, the new episodes of tv shows, celebrity divorce, millions of viewed videos, and much garbage stuff. In the process of showing the external world that you're up to date with what is happening in the tr...

Failure as an opportunity

 Every adversity can be turned into an opportunity. Whatever we do, we are faced with barriers. Some can be crossed without any effort, but some barriers are really hard to cross and even some people quit here. Those people who quit at these stages are afraid of failure. They failed one time and they are scared about the unprecedented outcome. An outcome is not a certainty, it is a possibility with more than one possible outcome. But what we only think about is failure. That is the only outcome we see in front of us due to the impact caused by just one failure. But what here matters is persistence. The quality that only a few people in the world have. Those people are the founding fathers of the nation, self-made billionaires, great authors, and great athletes. They influence the world and change the world. They were not born with these qualities, they instead developed them with disciplined effort. We can do the same, but we must be disciplined. With this quality, we can make ever...

Startups boosting economy

 A developing startup ecosystem is a sign of a developing nation. Once a startup comes into existence, there comes with plenty of opportunities. That is why government are so exited about the growth of these entreprenaurial ventures. These emerging companies do what the governments do and what governments wants them to do. They provide them with jobs,security,payable taxes and an incredible increase in the GDP. The cash inflow is the most sort out thing that government sees in these startups. with more cash in hand, they can build better infrastructure, provide free education and foods. By taxing the private organizations, they will be able to provide pensions and bonuses to the government employees. This is quite intresting. A lot of wealth is generated through the existance of these companes. They are fast and efficient since they manage the operational cost fro, their own pocket or from institutions where they are obliged to return.

Usefulness of audiobook

Technology enabled us with a lot of things. Things to improve our life. Among them was the invention of audiobook. The greatest benifit of audiobook is that even people who don't know to read can hear. It is that much powerful. With less time more information can be collected.

Checklist important

We should create a checklist that matches our profile for our investment. Investing without checklist is like going to a tourist place without a map. Checklist guide us through good investment by backing with a good decision.

Keep up with trend

It won't matter much whether the company is at the number one position in market cap, if it fails to keep up with the trend, it will go out of the business. there are a lot of examples in front of us. This busting off will result in the rise of the next big thing. The general motor was once the market cap champion. But the rise of the internet and technology brought thousands of companies, which now rules the entire business era. And companies in this field is now valued extremely high than any industry. The Internet gave access to the information that is once only available to the presidents and prime ministers to a common man. this is revolutionary and it changed the world. the world order keeps changing. every major change leads to revolutions. when this happens successfully with business, it is the next big thing.

4 types of investments

 A retail investor, he must know the different phases of investment that companies undergo. Not each and every, but almost all companies. The first ones are from the founders. They muster their hard-earned money or money in exchange for some obligation to build the company. Actually, this is the initial investment and the best part is they can take as much as share they want. If it is founded by a single, he owns every share at the initial stage. But as the company grows, like any other company, it requires money for its future growth. So what the founders and chiefs of the company do this time is that they go to an Angel. Angel investors are the second-term investors backed up by their own money. This looks closely to each and every corner of the business and after a lot of obscure examination, they either accept or neglect the offer. If they’re to invest, they will do so by pledging share in return. Since the company is still at its initial stage, the ‘angels’ will get a large n...

Invest after learning

Any investment we do must be fro our own analysis and study. In the financial market, we see people investing in stocks and bonds based on what they hear form their friends and colleagues. They say "it may give good returns". If we want to invest and don't know how to do oit, then most probably the chances would results in we slaying towards the tips and news. The good part about tips and news is that its role as an educator. We can look into the specific financial advice and draw our own conclusions based on our analysis. Investing based on pure news and tips is a disaster. It may give handful of returns in the short term, but in the long term it is dangerous.

Optimism is essential for achievement

Optimism is a great tool for changing the world. Only those who changed the world are optimists. They see opportunity in every adversity and somehow make it out to the goal. Being an optimistic is not that easy. Often life tests is with difficult times and very few stands with their view even at those times. And not surprisingly these people make it to the top.

Web 3.0

 The need for web 3.0 is a hot topic among innovators and tech pioneers. It is gaining rapid attention among people. People should know about it. It is a third-generation form of the internet where consumers and creators can directly do the business instead of a middleman in between. There will be no giant corporation to collect and regulate our data. We can choose whether to sell or keep our data on a server. And only with our permission can we see ads. This is like democratizing the power of the internet. Even from the very initial days of the internet, people claimed that we were democratized. Of course, it did. It gave an equal opportunity for every man who has access to the internet to get the information he desires to get. It is like putting the entire search process on the internet and was a huge success. But gradually corporations came in between and started monopolies. Monopoly will never end, even with 3.0. Only the mode of surveillance differs and those corporations ...

Usefulness of sectorial indices

 Sectorial indices are greatly useful when it comes to economy of nations. By viewing their rate of growth, we can say how the country is aligned with the global trend. For the past couple of days we see the rapid growth of IT sectors and how they are affecting the economy. We can briefly calculate the number of opportunities they are offering.  

Learn to think

 The ability to think better is a skill. Even Einstein said “ the purpose of education must be to teach a person to think better”. We see in schools and colleges, the academic is denser with assignments and records to be submitted. The act is to find the information available and veering them to a single place. This is a good work. But as soon as the work get complete, then there is nothing to do. To think we must create something new instead of finding what’s already there. It requires courage and patience. Courage is to believe in our self and abilities and hoping that it would somehow get in our way.  

Mental barrier is there to cross

 Emotional barriers are there to cross. Only those people who realize this make a good outcome. This when viewed from another perspective, we can say this is a play by the universe to make us better and stronger. We need to be mentally developed to live a better life. We see people becoming fragile when they confront with a severe life situation, they panic and get anxious. Soon they fall into depression. Until we cross this mental barrier, we won’t grow. But most people instead of facing and solving this problem, choose to escape from it by some quick fix. Of course, they would get some short-term pleasure, but the problem remains there forever until they overcome the mental and emotional barrier it puts in front. Next time a different problem arises with this level of the mental straddle. We have to break it, else it will show up in different forms.  

What investors look for?

An investor should look at the team more rightly than the idea. Idea is important. A good novel idea that can engage people to talk about it travels like a virus. Those ide virusee may get global recognition. But without a good team, it won't sustain further. The same idea might get cloned by some other inspired teams.  A good teams is an inspired team. They are inspired by the impact it is gonna deliver. They will work towards making the world a better place ( a cliche for a good idea). That is why investors closely monitor the team and the founders. They analyse their work, their ethics, their past and their perception. Whether they have skillss and talent is considered less important than attitude and vision. Even a mediocre idea with a good team can return multiple time ROI.