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Showing posts from April, 2022

Levels of maturity

Levels of maturity can be attributed to the various developmental stages of life. Maturing enough to take decisions and accepting the responsibility is the stem behind being mature. Maturity often comes with suffering or in an easy sense, seeing reality as reality. It is harder than before. No one actually wants to face the brutalities of the real world. Often we can spot adults and working professionals playing video games to relieve, relief from the real world. We cannot expect age-based maturity from those individuals. They are feeding the monster under the bed. They have to face it sometimes.  Seeing reality as it is the best way to be mature. This way we will reach the conclusion that nothing is permanent and everyone is destined to disappear from earth anyway.

Integrity and trust

Integrity and trust is the most important thing when it comes to leadership. The reason we see many individuals in the leading position as not deserving is because of these two factors. There is no point in leading if none of the followers trust you. Trust comes from being integral to ourselves and others.

Confront the question

The reason we often stumble upon finding the meaning of life is because of our laziness towards finding the answer to the difficult question about life. Often times we came across some difficult and daunting confronting questions comes up that literally have the power to change our life. But what we do instead is immerse ourselves in the pleasure of an illusionary unreal world and thus creating a miserable life.    Like Buddha said, life is suffering. Once we learn to cope with suffering by understanding the reality of life, we can stand emotionally balanced in every situation.

Literature philosophy

We should dive into ancient wisdom to find the deeper meaning in life. The reason I meant to look at that philosophy is that it survived the great barrier of time. Time is the greatest filter. We, humans, survived the time to become dominant in the evolutionary hierarchy. The philosophies are the self-help literature of ancient times. If it stands out after decades, we call it philosophy. Philosophies are nothing but a guide to become better. It requires quality for the survival of literature. Therefore philosophy can be absolutely trusted.

Going beyond the numbers

The ability to go and look beyond numbers makes a huge difference in an organization. Mostly, the leaders do take notice of the revenue decrease and this push layoffs and payment cuts. They should be more focused on what is bothering the employees and what makes them suck at whatever they do. Threatening with salary cut and layoff will work in the short run. But the fuel ceases soon and the individual at the top need to figure out another intimidating stuffs that would make employees ass on fire. It doesn't work.


You cant make it to each moment without hope. I mean what is the point of knowing the future if you can't change it. We still hope that someday everything will be fine. Some take action to make their life better while others still hope someday they get the motivation to take action.

Not giving a shit

Not giving a shit actually benefits a lot when it comes to making our lives better. Some are really paralyzed by the effect of what other people think. The problem is what WE think they think about us. This is shit and it always renders us from reaching our true potential and worse, a disaster for dreams. So there is no point in carrying this garbage habit in mind. The more we put the blind glass, the faster it grows.

Masculinity and extrovertism

Masculinity has its own way of attraction. It is not that masculinity is visible in every man. Some were born with a natural tendency to expose their traits. We can spot them from their extroverted behaviour. They are more likely to be social than being alone and most of the time seek attention. The feminine traits are less visible here.

Real meetup

Why is it more important to develop a mutual in-person connection than online bonding? In fact, there are many, humans are more likely to trust a person when met in real. Here conforming identity is the part. We tend to lend money to people with great trust once we met them. The reason important business meetings are conducted offline is due to the high chances of making the deal as expected. Going online is a great way to get in touch instantly, but the bond won't be stronger.

Managing things

The benefits of doing things on our own must be overrated. The reason is once it is overrated, it will grab the attention of a lot of people who ignore it. This is the process of setting up the foundation of everyday life. Knowing how to prioritize our day is a skill that is worth pursuing.

Controlling the inner self

There is cost for everything when we consume more that sometimes makes us unable to express ourbtrue personality. We have to overcome those obsessions over these items, otherwise the worst scenario will unfold shortly. Everything must be in our control has a subjective meaning to it.  We cannot control the things that is unfolding externally against our consent. External things are certainly the consequences of millions of things. But what should we focus on is the internal self which can be bought to our control by consistent practice. This way we can heal ourselves from the moral disorders and damages that were resulted by the world out of our control.

Preparing for the future

If you don't prepare your kid for the worst, he would probably suffer in the time ahead. The best and most practiced way is that making them naive and not agressive. A kid refraining from a aggressive move always limit himself to the situation that demands courage. And the irony is, anything worth pursuing requires courage.

Diversified investment

The importance of diversification is still unknown to many and they focus on pouring their majority of money into one thing or few things of the same sector. Investment should be diversified and must be done ater thorough study.

Fear is an illusion

Fear is an illusion created by the mind. The human mind is more susceptible to the imagination than reality. That's true. Peoples are more stirred by fear, happiness, and love. We see people committing suicide due to the emotional humiliation that they couldn't handle anymore. Even physical torture can be withstandable. In case of fear, we let our minds run wild and interpret their own stories. Unfortunately, the mind itself believes that the story interpreted is gonna happen and starts to create anxiety. Similarly, anxiety multiplies over time and people with a weak mentality get sick. Even worse they end their life consciously *(in case of suicide ) or unconsciously ( in case of heart attack).  Here it is not the situation that made our life worse, it is our weak personality that we developed over time. It is our inability and the responsibility is entirely upon us. The situation gets worse with time if we don't take responsibility.

Mental development

Why would anyone care about the neighbors while he got loads of shit to do? Whether we have enough time or more than enough time, we do focus on our things. Apparently, this is not good for society. The kids growing up always expresses their curiosity to peep inside the neighbors' home. They are complete stranger to him and when he notices that his neighbors are not in term with his family, it will instill in his mind and he accept the irony that one should not consider smiling towards the stranger even when he is sitting near him. Kids take this behavior and struggle to make relationships in the future.

CPR strategy

Expecting a big move while with the formation of wide CPR is unwise. CPR indicates the movement in advance and studying deeply about it before taking a trade is extremely beneficial.

Weather creation

Wealth creation in stock market is the process of taking money from the impatient to the patient. The reason why 90% of the people will not make any progress is that they don't have enough patience to let their investment grow.