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Giants not playing right

 When there is a place to fill, those who see the opportunity and have the resources fills it as soon as possible. There are two notions behind this action. It is either to create a change or to make money. Rarely sometimes both. The primary objective would be either one of it. After filling the gap and being the first in the business they can actually disrupt the newly founded industry. They designate their name, sometimes by power creation of a brand and thereby gaining the trust. This is a traditional way of rising as an unshakable industry giant. New babies have work so hard to level this. Which is not so valuable since the time and energy can be detoured into anyways of multiple possibilities.

   Sometimes the giants, known for making great leaps , makes mistakes. There is sure element of greed behind it, most of all they just forget their motto. They are not who they were. It may be due to the wrong people at the important position or ego driven right people. But the mistake makes a great deal of misfortune. Sometime even threatening the position. Then thriving becomes surviving. Being in the motto is best.


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Business asteroids

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