Over diversification is often seen among many people. Those who
knows well to manage can actual manage it, others just fails miserably. These peoples
who diversify the things that they think they can make something out of it are most
probably driven by reputation. Also sometimes by fomo. This is not only the case
of a personal level, it applies to everything. But the common thing we can observe
during this diversification is the lack of focus. Instead of directing their focus
to make anything better, they give their fractured attention to lot of things. When
they do this, they often get exhausted at the level of thinking. If someone is important
enough, then it is important to make good amount of time analysing and reflecting
upon specific problem instead of launching a new venture. Every time the new venture
consumes significant amount of time for its growth.
So the prime focus should always be on the foremost problem.
Because without solving what is important and veering the attention to new startups,
it is likely to collapse, not one but both. It is like standing on two
different boats. Different boats travels to different direction at different. Without
leaving one we cannot make it to the destination.
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