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Showing posts from July, 2022

Invest in businesses you know

Without a basic knowledge in the business, one should not invest in companies. Investing in companies is like being the business owner. If you don't know about the business or not satisfied with the management, stay away from those companies.

Isolating your victim

Isolation is a part of seduction. To isolate your target is nothing but taking them out of their comfort and exposing to unfamiliar circumstances. This will be more seductive if you are familiar with that unfamiliar place. This should not done with a hurry mind. You must let the tie break slowly and you will have the chance soon. It is a gradual process, but utterly effective. Once your target found themselves in a strange atmosphere, as per biology their 'fight or flight' mechanism activates and most probably, for almost everyone, the flight tendancy take the superior position. This is the time you must make the comfortable with your presence. They must feel secured under your wings and let them warm by your words. This has a immense power to make the target vulnerable to each and every actions of yours.

Amount of masculinity

Masculinity can sometimes have a superior effect over faminine. It will certainly attract the opposite sex with a great probability. Buy with extreme masculinity, it would have a reverse effect. Too much of this triat induce fear and dominance which eventually repells people.

Market corrections

Market corrections are inevitable and every correction should be seens as an opportunity to accumulate more good companies. As long as you are invested in companies with solid fundamentals, you don't need to worry about correction.

Existence of god

Gods existence primarily stands at the inability of science to declare what's beyond the universe. Earlier people used to reclaim this belief using the explanation of sun and thunder. But lately scientific improvement led to the discovery of nature of sun and thunder and this thereby ending the myth. Gods existence will only prevail at the unknown phenomenon and unanswered questions.

How to seduce

The difference between music and noise is evident that one is soothing to hear and the other is distracting. One can heal some disease while the other does the exact opposite. We can integrate this into the seduction. Seduction is like music. The perfect way to seduce a person is to do what music does to us. The way we talk must be soothing to hear, able to alter the mood, create imagination, and the words must resonate even after the seductive talking is done.

Know them better

Seduction becomes relatively easy once you have the information that is caught by minute gestures and spells. While having a conversation, try understanding the other person better. It is a skill that can be developed over time. Once you become a master at finding people's information without letting them say it directly. It is much easier to integrate this information with seduction. By showing them that you remember what they said, they get this feeling of heedfulness from them which is much useful in creating a bond.

Conflicts are inevitable

Humans from far hunter-gatherer stage till now, the basic instinct of forming a group and trying to get superiority over others prevails. Back then, it was the communal tribe. Now we could see this same instinct with religion, caste, color, and nationality. There is no permanent solution since human emotion stays the same.

Discovery of gods

While the curiosity of man led to the discovery of many things, it indeed gave birth to the notion of religion and god. Man searching for the origin of mankind and earth, without getting anywhere near the answer found the answer himself was this was all the creation of mighty invisible gods. There ends the solution for lotnof questions.

Do you need to read if you're not taking action?

Reading shouldn't be considered as an actionable procedure. Lot of people say they what is the use of reading if you are not applying what you read. This is the wrong way of approaching reading. Instead reading should be viewd as an experience. Reed for fun, read for knowledge, explore the literature world, walk through greatest mind, see the same things with different eyes, widen your imagination and give your brain some food. From this perspective, reading is fun.

Seduction through mystery

Within the first confrontation, don't give everything at the moment. Seduction comes with the hidden complexity of character. Leave them with a mystery amid nice introduction. With a mystery to solve, they will keep track of yourself to get the clues. That is human nature. Nice introduction is nothing near the seduction when compared to having a complex character that is hard to unfold.

Use information for seduction

The ability to get out of yourself and dig into other people's lives can be useful when it comes to seduction. we must let ourselves subside and know the opposite person well. Know what they want, what they like, how they would react to different circumstances, and whey they like and dislike. During this process of minute scrutiny, never leave a clue that might lead to suspicion. Digest this information and keep tracking the person occasionally and ask them subtly about those private things to show you really care what they said. This sense of feeling that this person cares about us when used correctly can be a tool for seduction.

Experience everything

How could there be any exceptional emotional growth without ignorance, resentment, left out, and rejection. Life will not be fulfilled without tasting these emotions. The mind will not reach its full potential without confronting and overcoming these emotions. We will become more mature once we surpass this situation.

Charming qualities

We say someone as charming person if we see a particular trait that the majority lacks. Something which posses a charismatic effect. It may be boldness, fearlessness, eloquency, calmness or anything that the mob aspires, but few have. Having this ability is an advantage both for a leader and those who wishes to lead.

Keeping promise

There are things that kills confidence. Among the major one is failing to keep the promise we made ourselves. Either keep the promise that you think you can accomplish even when things won't go as expected or do not make it at all.

Economic growth calculator

We can use a daily metric product performance in the market to get an idea about the status of economy. Copper is widely used in most of the industry. Recent months saw the drop down of demand in copper due to the dlslow economic growth and inflation fear. Daily using products are great indication of economic status.