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Decluttering is self care

Removing the things that is of no use is equally important as taking care of the things that are important. Decluttering was a popular phenomenon that is observed among highly successful people. It doesn’t involve making each and every things as simple. It is to make the place that we require to spend most of the time less cluttered. For a thinker it is to master his area of expertise instead of wandering deeply in everything. Narrowing focus has  enormous benefits associated. Once the place, if it’s tangible or digital becomes decluttered, the possibility of spending time results in quality output. The input-output ratio or gap turns out to be inconceivable when the barrier shows its way up. Barriers certainly need not to be of tangible, it might be something invisible that could only be perceived. By eliminating the subtle (or quite big) things that appears to be the barrier impacts equal to adding an assistant equipment.This is making it easy to execute.   We can call it simplicity

Why you need to reach tipping point ?

It wasn’t until it (a process, a habit or a system) surpasses the tipping point the real change shows off. All the work put in the initial stages until it reaches the tipping point makes a lot of sense when it crosses the tipping point. The tipping point may take few weeks or few months to show up, it is factor of where you are expecting the point. Some people and organizations see tipping point as a hope that it would pay off the hard work and patience.  And some induce fear for both themselves and others by crafting a disaster that might happen. Concept of Singularity in the field of artificial intelligence is great example for both of the scenario. We could argue endlessly about whether we would end up in immortality or extinction. Let’s respect both the opinions.    Tipping point now can be simply stated as where something big is lurking. The things that happened amid the initial and final point (where it tips) determines the future. This hope leads billions of people to do the

Trend is only for short time

Using a specific technique for an interval of time could be best prescribed as trends. Trends exists everywhere regardless of the industry. The reason trend is so popular and at a hype is that, it ends with in a period. We like to try the things before it ends. We like to be a part of the temporary trending community that is in stardom right now. It’s like showing the attitude that catching up with present. Old fashioned way became an out trend when we started believing that old is not so cool. In fact in many of the cases we must have to leave the old ways. That trends are similar. Early adopters make things more difficult for laggards. Laggards don’t like to skip their so used pattern. Early adopters are nerds and are curious enough to feel the new launches. They are very much useful to the companies and societies. They provide a lot of money to the company and are the fore bearer of change. And the gap between these two group of people is quite large. By the  time laggards replac

Influence of core beliefs

This is very interesting to look at the life of people and their belief in accordance. They are related very much. In fact the total identity can be extracted from their belief. We can articulate the kids likes bullying believes that he can laugh by hurting others. Beliefs are certain. It is correlated and confused with the truth. Since belief is what complied with the truth, it is robust as truth. A kid bullying his mates feels absolute fun and fulfilment believing unconsciously the beliefs are getting implied. Since most of the time none try to alter their thought. No one actually cares the street wicked children while their parents keep fed them with wicked lulls. Some of these kids even miss proper parenting. But the one getting bullied gets a great attention from their parents. And that is why they are getting bullied. These kids believe that the way to get fun is through making friends, not the otherwise. This single belief have the capability to draw the entire graph. We can


The best way to deconstruct the existing old system is to alter the principle roots. It means scrutinizing the core in depth and arranging in a different order for different outcome. The series of layers of belief caring for the root principle won’t become visible without peeling of the layers. But it is very tough. The layers starts to protect the principle once it is embraced. It is very much easy to embrace. All you have to do is to provide a notion with no questions. Make it more easy to fit in. Introduce timely suitable idea and by giving an urge to share. It will create a wild fire and it construct the base thereby securing it’s position. Once it settled it won’t leave that easy. It is a leech. You must do work to get rid of it. By the time we finish to reconstruct by demolishing the old, the process turns easy. What’s hard in this process is to peel the first layer. That’s where the maximum resistance hides. It won’t give up until you won’t give up. The difficulty rate starts to

Why ideas thrive in vacuum ?

There is nothing to wonder when a car moves fast in an empty road. Everyone loves to pace up when there is less risk and less danger. When confronted with problems, resistance won’t allow us to make the same leap. But that makes sense. There is greater risk involved in travelling fast along a busy path. More likely to crash and greater threat to life. Same things goes with almost everything. One simple and profound example might be to introduce how ideas proliferate . Lot of ideas makes their leap so successfully with the help of emptiness. In fact they don’t rely on anything. Once it enters in a competition, it shrinks. Rather than making itself elaborate it goes wild to compete. Competition could be avoided for the greater good. There are two sturdy ways: 1. You can blindly avoid them by concentrating on the necessity. 2. You can enter the void or vacuum. To discuss the former one requires an involvement in the competitive arena and the relevance. It is highly discussed since majori

Saying NO is an art

Saying that you don’t like is often difficult. Especially when we need to say to our friends. One of thing that lurks behind this faking is the fear of misinterpretation. We say what we meant to say, but they take what they take. Most oftentimes we mean no offense, but the scenario makes it worse. We say most politely that “ I’m grateful for your offer, but I don’t do it “ through a single NO. But sometimes they take it as regarding. They hear something like “ I don’t want your shit “. We can read it from their face all the frustration and indignation ,even when displaying fake smiles. If that’s the case, then we conclude that NO is getting us and our relationship ripped. What we don’t realize is that the after effect of it, such as we blaming them for the entire thing. Here things get even worse and may lead to the demise of the relationship. Once you become comfortable with saying “no”, then it becomes easy to sort out the unimportant from important. Your priorities become explicit.

Ideas can spread fast

When an idea spreads, it has a lot to do with the medium it’s travelling. Now it is ever easy to spread an idea with the help of available advanced technology tools. Every once in a minute an Idea is leaping overseas. Yet only few ideas make it to real thing. They just don’t travel, they are changing the way used to think. Only impactful ideas which have the capability to change the way people think, act and talk proliferate healthily. They get carried by different mediums. Even sometimes it even get out of grasp, which we like to call phenomenon. When an idea could easily make it to the status of phenomenon, there are lot of benefits. Here I’m not talking about the exaggerated version of the existing story, but a more effective and efficient when spread. These are easy to spread of fed properly. We can sense by the statistics when and when not to feed an idea. And it’s better keep in mind to have the copyright, if you don’t want to steal it. If a billionaire gets impressed by that not

Subtle things make difference

Using the image to manipulate is the most vulgar thing anyone can perform when it comes to selling. When an organization stops innovating, the possible way to sell its crap is through manipulation. No one likes what’s not best. And yet it’s what dominant in the market. There are making a way more money than those actually makes a difference, providing the value. When a popular face shows up with any shit, it is easy to raise the popularity of that product with himself. Most of the products sells this way. Those who buy these products don’t actually wants it. Those who buys them are less certain about their priorities. They get confused amid the status quo and reality. When a movie star promotes it, then it would make to the list and those who haven’t bought it must blame themselves. They go and purchase just to avoid the blame. This bragging mentality could be manipulated. These subtle emotions bring tons of money when used wisely. And those who markets and sells are the masters of it.

Focus on Early Adopters

A product isn’t meant for everyone. Not everyone uses every product availability in the free market. Free market offers countless number of products. But these companies weren’t targeted at everyone. Every organization focuses on people whom they believe have the curiosity to experience the new. A brand new product, it may be a gadget, a movie or a book goes into a few thousand people before getting into those who wait for the reviews of other recipients. The people who are eager to adopt the new ideas in form of products are early adopters . When something is released, it goes through the early adopters before getting massive audiences. They serve as an information hub for the laggards. They are both good for the company and the mass number of existing laggards. The creators profit the product through early adopters. They review the item and pass the information to those whoever interested. That’s their job. None of the leading creators appointed them. They just sprouted to serve and

Why not go crazy ?

It is true that the greater number of herds don’t dare to dream billions. Or then pursuing what they dreamt of. And some even drop the dreams thinking why dream when not capable. This is common and we see everywhere. At least we must’ve witnessed by ourselves. These are the mediocre people who are afraid of dreaming. They offer countless resistance to themselves and others pulling both down to mud. They create a negative energy sucking atmosphere. If you’re lucky enough to be born in this drowsing vibrating field, you are probably f*cked . Unfortunately there isn’t any society or tribe there exists where all you have to do is to enter and rest will manifest. No it does not exist. You must create your own environment. Which is not that easy. The difficulty in spotting someone who dares to sacrifice his possession to achieve the dream keeps most of the explorers in frustration. The reason these indispensable are rare because they defy the society (or vice versa). The kids growing up in a

End of the day

How we spend our time datermines how we spend our life. The productive minute spend makes the hour great. It is just the acts at one in sixtieth of an hour. Just a minute of greeting could turn the entire hour into a blossom. We can observe the high energy and enthusiasm throughout. Yet most people neglect this simple fact of turning a minute to impact an hour. The entire blocks of hours slips this way. The case is not different with day. An hour of favourable act alter the entire day. Here the ratio of time spent wisely to spent vaguely is relatively small. Yet the avoidance is common. This can can be extended into year, decade or lifetime. The same feel we experience at the end of the day when spent an hour in purpose is similar to the reinforced version of it at the end of life. So it's not so difficult to figure out how the final stage of life would be like. By carefully measuring the blissfull experience of each decade, we can most accurately predict what it would be like to b

Rescheduling and thrashing

Rescheduling and thrashing are both different words. But they are connected and dependent. One won’t (mustn’t) survive without the other. This was best described by Seth in his masterpiece Linchpin . It make sense when both are studied which levels the confusion of delayed shipping. Shipping isn’t confined to products and services, but it extends to anything. To think shipping as doing as per the schedule makes it more easy to grasp. Even the subtle things that hide along the appears to be meaningful.    Thrashing is nothing but excuses due to fear that delays shipping. And rescheduling is a by-product of thrashing. Thrashing occurs at everything and every time. Mostly due to the weak resistance, we are nullified about this. At times when resistance peaks, we consciously prefer to stay the same. We can’t relate the circumstances happened at the start and happening at the end. The usual cliché “ it happens each time” is the best explanation the resistance wants us to believe. But th

Fortune in internet

Winning a lottery when nothing actually left to try on was a hope that might hit as a jackpot. In this internet scenario, this is much different. You can hit jackpot by hundreds of thousands of way. It isn’t only the money the jackpot brings us. It includes much more. Fame, pride , success and a lifelong career might get open. This is no joke anymore. People who made fun of others who tried their luck in internet are now turning themselves to internet. Internet isn’t like the invention of wheel or fire or even machines, it is much more. The latter changed the world. But internet opened a new world. A digital sophisticated world. It’s is pretty much sophisticated than the real world. No one exactly knows what’s really happening in the world of internet. These are the stuffs which are yet to be visible. The things that we once practiced in the real world now can be done through internet. Infact there are things that is only possible in the internet. We are inventing new methods and com

Evolution and communication

We communicate to share or thought. That thought may be a hilarious or serious. It makes an impact when shared. The number of people receiving that information get stimulated. They either accept the thought or neglect. They even expelled their own view. But this is done through communication. From an inferno where we stumbled to express our feelings to a paradise where we can easily cast it. It took several thousands of year to land upon a language. That was an evolution from moaning and crying to a fixed modulated wave pitch. That wave pitch is the word. Hundreds of tribes crafted hundreds of languages and through them they converged their ideas to the belief and gradually to the culture. They weren't inept at communication when the formation of tribe. They were teeming with vocabs. That literally paved the way to cognitive revolution. The things that used to convey through drawing and gesture were easily and efficiently transmitted through language. It saved lot of time and fru

Observation is the key

Too much focused on work or anything is not good at all. Not for both personal and professional. Yet we repeat the same pattern. Insanely focused in a work could bring better results. But these might lead to filter out the things we think is not at all important. But it turns out that is wrong. Often the things we wish could have were the things we merely ignored. Relationship is an example. Relationship with children and spouse often get cold when obsessed with way too much work. It is very much easy to eliminate the non essential and focus on what's important. But as the life progresses, most people realise that is not true. Giving time to nurture the relations are important as much as finishing the task. In the end all that matters is how well the life gets better. Just merely by observing the things that we thought as irrelevant may seems like a great choice to have. You might rethink and crafts the better one.

Thinking has a choice

You have a brain and you can think. It is bless. Animals held by us have brain too. But they can't think. They feel pain,hunger and fear. When confronted with multiple ways, the unconsciousness works and leads to where there is less pain, more food and less threat. They don't reason and think twice. So we are lucky to have a more sophisticated brain than our peer animals. Considering the evolution theory, our relatives. It's this brain that made who we are from who we were. It is what keeps making the world a better place. It is what making us laugh and cry. It made us capable to believe in the things not yet seen or built. We believe in the future which is yet to be invented. Fouling this we can manipulate the brain and cna make really bad people capable of doing really bad things. Which is common practice that we could not necessarily forget or avoid. The root of terrorism, Nazism and dictatorialism are the by-product of the manifestation of the above pattern thinking. Us

You can't sell it to your family

It's been around for centuries that you can't bribe or monetize your family. Not a tiny family with 4 members, but a larger one, whatever the number might that be. It's is common. The root lies in the DNA. This routine successfully survived millennials. This starts from caveman times where we were first found to be living together and forming tribes. One of the fascinating thing about tribe which is so relevant even today is that the security it provides. Security through food,shelter finance, companionship and learning. A member of the tribe has the rights to have this. This must be done without expecting anything in return. This is not reciprocatory. Once you barter, then the tribe weakens. In a tribe you are not allowed to trade. With the progress of the evolution, people started gathering more information which resulted in the rise of new beliefs. Believes constructed new tribes of new people or with existing ones. It started to split in a random way. It is still. Inord

Beware not to be fraud

Being cheated is common. We get cheated most of the time. Sometimes the effect is large. Only then we realise that we are being cheated. Cheating comes from false beliefs. We believe in the things that we thought to be the truth, at least we accepted as truth. By giving us the false information they are rectifying the probability of manipulation. It's easier to get convinced in this time. There is no scarcity for information. I mean made up false information. They are very likely to get hooked and there is plenty of them in the market. Only thing left to the marketers is to pick one and throw it in the face. You are most likely to engulf. Because the rule book say so, you must do so. You cannot turn your your face when you are nicely getting manipulated, the rule books say. Even the craftsman man who designed these b.s rule must've been frustrated by consequence of these rules made to the folks. They must have thought someone someday would replace it instead of blindly pursuing

You need less resistance

You don't need the genius part. Everyone is born as a genius ,but not everyone becomes a genius. Only a handful of folks. You can easily filter these these guys. They are not hard to find. They are the one who might make some of you uncomfortable and jealous. These are the people who becomes a pivot subject for content creators. And yes they creates job in both ways. They are indispensable. They are artist. They go to the unknown and leap to the dark. We can flatter as much as we want. Or we can get jealous about the genius part. But we cannot avoid the fact that it worth time learning their life. There are lot of things we can learn from them. It could be scribed at the end that they are the compilation of factors that is practiced and sustained over a long period ( maybe lifelong) which is considered to be necessary for success. It's like the secret sauce. But they are not secret anymore, but they are resistive. Most likely to skip ( or avoid). They are repellent, because you

Why we don't need jargons ?

Before giving why we don't need jargons, why not look at why we need jargons . Jargons play a key role in presentations, meetings, classes and even at interviews. They play in such away that we can extend our fake identity. Using such jargon terms, we can play pretend like we knew everything. We can make them believe that we are the right person. Actually we can fake them consciously by faking our own selves unconsciously. Do not paly this dirt with the field experts, you're likely gonna tear yourself. Beware especially when you're in the midst of mob. You can fake the fools. A great salesperson when confronts her customer never goes with cold terms that turns everything more complicated. They understand the psychology and closes the deal as simple as possible. By simple I meant, she never leaves the customer with; " What's is that thing you said just before ? " Jargons provide an actual safe and effortless place where you can hide your naive knowledge. And yo

One click away from a wave

Rise of celebs and social media influencers are peaking everyday. Now wonder tomorrow by a sudden phenomenon of a viral video you might get a celebrity status. It is the connectedness of people by ease with the help of technology that is responsible for this. Responsible might be a hard word ,a  perfect replaceable one will be fortunate. We are fortunate enough to be born in this time as humans,can you imagine being born as a tree in this century. The power of technology is at the stage of exploding. People used to say about making a fortune in stock market and oil industries earlier, but the tone is veered to the phrase " Let me try my fortune in instagram". Weird! . But this thing made so much difference in the old dusty patterns of thinking. It convinced most of the youngsters that they are something truly magnificent since their last video 100 more views than the previous one. And the fools, they believed. They changed their whole routine. Since they are convinced by this

Which story you believe ?

The existence of tribes are solely dependent on two things, story and leadership. Organizations, groups and corporations are pivoted around the story. The more stronger the story it is, the more longevity it gets. By stronger I meant answer to most questions. Even bed time stories has this strong sense of accuracy. They are definite and clear in answering the questions before it popes up. It's a robust trait for a story. Maybe it's happened through decades of evolution. It gets better like sapiens. But to make the things more proliferative within a century is difficult. When it survives the uncertainty tha rises,it wins. It can be of in highly demanded like equality or something that yet not discovered like the internet in the early 20th century. Both weren't there when they thought they could bring a change. Now it's tangible and it changed the world. It doesn't spread like the newly launched entertainment show unless by introducing a celeb. Unfortunately in this c

Commitment is good

When we take care of the important things and constantly measure its progress, we can say we are committed. Commitment can be of different types. Commitment to relationship, commitment to job, commitment to growth and it goes. Most of the time this commitment tends to fall. And we are thinking different than we used to think before making the commitment. It definitely concur with thinking. Any fool can commit, but only few actually takes the responsibility. Commitment is actually the responsibility after knowing the responsibility. Here think twice before you do is inevitable. You'll either get strong or weak after a commitment. It defines your identity. Before getting here you need to think. Think what you are upto. Is this you took at your will or to please anyone? You're about to loose if it's for the latter. The worst part comes when you realise that you can't manifest whatever you thought you could. The reason: you are failing at the promises that you made yourself

It's not chef vs cook, it's chef creates cook

There is hardwork, diligence,focus and behind success. It might be a successful person or a product. People crafts successful stories with these elements. I mean how can there be a winning story without them. The hardness in choosing the career also intensely extends to pursue them. There are plenty of career to choose them. The more options we have, the more confused we are. You cannot implement the same philosophy of choose what tastes better specifically here. There are millions and you would waste your entire life chasing one after another. The sooner we find it, the better. It's important to get informed about many before the selection, but at the risk of increasing confusion. Well after all those procedures, you'll end up in a career that will or will not suites you. Hope for the best. If it suits you'll be a successful person. You've chose the right path. Be ready to spread the words of wisdom. You chose the opposite of what the mediocre wants you to be. But is t

Ask it before you lose it

"Ask and you shall receive" this is a pondering quote for many of us. Some how you are brought up to hear this. It's a universal thing. Wherever you are brought up, you're most likely to hear this. It's is transformed intany modern day theories and terms. Law of attraction is certainly one of it. There are some contrary opinion about the law of attraction and this universal stuff. Some people say this works like hell and other sway on " this is shot thing". Whatever that is, let that be. We are not taking any position. But isn't true that that you are most likely to get aid when you ask in person, instead of universe ? Of course you will. This is universal too. It's not that hard, what it requires is the courage, which by the way needs a diligent digging to find for some atleast. You won't get disappointed since the treasure was confirmed. Courage is a treasure. All of us want that. Charlie mackesy in his book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and t

Easiness is what they want

Both the creator and buyer wants the same. It's the easiness and simplicity. Although they don't often know their need unless you provide it with. The craftsman makes it better so the customer gets a better experience. Good for both. This is wht improvement is about. This is what amazement is about. This is a manifestation of what the brain likes to have. Brain in very resistant toward novelty. That's the main reason for our uncomfortableness when we are at the new company or new college. Because we don't know how things are operating here. The unusual new way doesn't always suits us. Remember the scenario when you were amid unknown people with unusual behaviour which you found crazy? Brain needs the time to adjust to what is newly exposed. Whatever it is, that thread need to untie from the knot and pair with the new. This is not a man thing. All the living organic creature feels the same way. Even trees are not excluded. Atleast for a minority of this is matter of

When marketing exceeds the threshold

It's been around at the infant state of industrial revolution that the now known modern type marketing started fueling on. That was a healthy practice. People found fortune in it and it really turns out to be working. Upto this day, marketing is a significant invention that led world to be more diplomatic than any other. Trade led national to shake hands and it paved the way to millions of jobs in hand and billions indirectly. Modern day freelancers often are dependent on marketing. It's so easy in this day to become a marketer with a smartphone. We could craft a successful life story as a marketer within less than enough time. Even posting a picture of product considered as marketing. The worse comes when they say self marketing after posting own picture. Which is why it is prioritised to take a look at where this is going.  It is fair to admit as myself as a marketer that the scenario is getting absurd. That healthy thing was long gone. Now it's like you have to be carefu

Branch of possibilities

Possibility can be defined as the things that are possible. This is by catagorizing the different number of outcomes. Each outcomes could be a possibility. Every results as a consequence of action leads to a possible outcome. The number of outcomes is different for different activities. There is a direct proportionality between the number of outcomes and number of decisions. A single trivial decision could lead to multiple results. And every choice has its consequence. Every product, experience,art and relationships are the stories of series of executed decision. If something doesn't work we can always review the chain of choices and could spot the wrong done. Atleast half of the chain might be good. But this chain of decisions turns out to be hard when the outcome wasn't as expected. The hardest part isn't the first or the last thread, but the millions of threads waiting to be knotted in the middle. This happens to everything. The decision we make have lot of impact. And e

They must know WHY

When it comes to motivate people we use strategies after strategies. Offering them incentives and bonus. Medical reimbursement and insurance. Everything is financial and greatly luring. It's like exploiting the needs to the benifits of companies. Money is a great motivator untill the need become non financial. People also like to have status and high profile. They like being famous. Fame is an  inherent instinct from the very beginning of mankind. Organization and employees tend to bargain for each others need. They say you do more work, we give  more money. This might feel perfectly okay for both since they are satisfied with the offer. But neither of them get anything better. There could be more work done and more money exchange, but no big difference. It applies to corporations and employees in two different ways. 1 . For employees, it won't solve any of their financial problems. 2. For the companies, the graph still be the same.    Giving an interpretation might be good to

Encryption is in demand

From the last few years storing a non readable data gained attention throughout. It's not been considered as worth giving attention by many unless it hadn't affected them. But the exponential growth of technology caught the attention of people by actually intervening in their daily lives. Slowly becoming a part of their routine, it integrated into the whole life. Infact everything is shrunk to the technology by getting easy to access with the help of electronic devices. Vastly by the invention of cheaper smartphones. Now technology became the foremost priority. And there opened a limitless oppertunity. We started realising the power and drifted our attention. Millionaires and billionaires started pouring their money into this tech world and nerds followed their career path here . And the intresting part is everyone except a handful of people made their fortune.  Since they were convinced that this thing is changing the world, they decided to partake as a life long career.  Even

Breaking down to the elements

Although after spending lot of time in studying and learning a particular subject , we stumble upon coming up with ideas. No creative way of expressing the bit of information gathered so far. Reading some books, going through multiple articles and talking to a lot of people (master at the things you wish to know )might help to boost the knowledge. But no use to making it a part of your thinking. I mean you can't. But it could be done. It doesn't mean that you have to work eighty hours a week, it means you have to know how to learn before learning. It's like making a smart move. Lot of scientifically proven techniques are available in the internet. All of it points at the same direction , it is to break the elements into its basic elements. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur craving to come up with innovation and creative ideas you must dig into the roots.   The reasoning done through own scrutinizing study leads to connect the probability streams to a great idea. " It

Managing in the order

When lot of things surge around it is easy to get manipulated by the intentional intuition which is crafted along the number of years lived. But to priorities the things is what frustrating. It's to make things in order and aligning them as a routine or as a to-do list is what resistive. When plenty of things got structured, it reflects the beauty and brings the satisfaction although things are undone by then. The most irritating and frustrating part is not to do things, it is to simplify it. It is to eliminate the unwanted things and filtering out the best. This process needs pretty good focus. The destination appears when things are aligned. And it becomes clear to follow them.     The latter part comes meaningful when seen with a progress made with sort out plan. When the cycle of motivation and performance comes to play, it is wise to take the notion of being motivated by initiating the process. Careful ! Not the otherwise. Cause if we wait to get a motivation before getting in

Why people radically ignore philosophy

From infancy to the geriatric days of our life the philosopies we subscribed and dissented made the whole bunch of years a life . It's common to hear from old people "I lived a fantastic life" with a smile and pride or "I'm a failure"with great regression or even they express displeasure with a frown and stare when asked how they lived their life. It takes a life time to put this in a nutshell. The reason why these saying goes so is a simple factor. The inability to spot the unwise advices. It doesn't need a cumbersome effort to account for good ones,but to embrace it there requires some effort. Seems bizzare. Why is that ?. Because it is itching and dreary boring.It takes tremendous amount of energy to put your instinct diligently forward, especially when you are told to do. We don't like when we're forced.  Wait a minute...  But what if you are not told to do anything? I mean anything.Let's have brief look,  After the very minute of your bi

You need to read this

This is a blog for those who are expecting the unexpected niches of life at unanticipated time. This is expectable. You don't feel like reading when you are reading. You might wanna stop at uncertain moments, because you are not certain about the idealistic conviction.This is not about the things you need to hear, but the things you scrutinize in times ahead.It is said "When you visualize,then you materialize".I can expose the lear you likely skip, but totally need to digest. 100% productive reading guaranteed. Thanks for being here.Your presence means a lot. Quality stuffs are on their way.