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Blockchain advancement

 The blockchain concept is spreading like a wildfire. Right after the announcement of Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, the concept of Bitcoin came into existence. Some people were thought of it as a revolutionary thing, but most of the people thought it was a foolish idea to have everything decentralized. People who believed that was a minority. But when we look now the minority is no more a minority. The acceptance of Bitcoin and Blockchain is really disrupting and more people are getting to know about this. If we look at the county's central authority, although they are unhappy about the concept of bitcoin, they are interested in the technology behind bitcoin, the Blockchain. Estonia being the very first early adopter of Blockchain trusted it and paved the way for a new revolution. The countries which once banned the system are now experimenting with it. The panic that is created at the beginning of its emergence is not at all a panic anymore, instead, it became a

Trading psychology

Requirement is needed before placing a trade. While observing for the trading opportunity in intraday, it is best to be done with a series of requirements. These requirements needs a long time to forge and once it formed naturally, then it is very much easy to take trade based on that. Here the thing is not the creation of requirements, it is sticking to it, ie. in other words developing discipline. A lot of people might believe that one of the common advises in trading is never to exit manually. It must either be a target of stop loss hit. Of course it is best advice, but what it does is it develops the discipline. A trader have this tendency of acting based on his emotion. Emotion in trading is dangerous. It always leads to big trouble. Trade like robot is a quite advanced form of advice. It implies everything about discipline. Once we master this art of trading, it is very much easy to make profit. It is not the lack of strategy or technique, it is lack of discipline. Once psycho

NFT can protect you digitally

 Nostalgic has its own stand regardless of the age we stand in. In retrospect, we could see a lot of things that made us emotionally attached and then went far. But when we think of it, it reminds us of the things we enjoyed or experienced. There are a lot of ways we can actually make those emotionally attached things or moments with us. With the help of technology, we can even declare ownership. That may sound crazy and stupid. When everything is going digital, then why not the digital product itself cannot have this ownership. That is the only concern among some people about keeping their digital lifestyle memory ownership. But now there is nothing to worry about. With Blockchain we can create the digital age ownership to anything digital. NFTs are at the early stages of their digital ownership ventures. We can make those really important things more important and close to ourselves with the help of NFTs. Only a few people are making well use of this technology. By few people, I mean

Benefits of index trading

People when came to know about the benefits of index trading, they migrate to it. There are several reasons. It varies from person to person. One may say trading in indices are reliable. Newbies are always advised to trade in equities before entering into the derivative market. Equities are less volatile and very good to learn and earn. You pay less for your losses or in other way, for the things you learnt. This is obvious and people go through this as usual. But there are people who skips the equity market directly to the derivative with only one and only reason, to get rich quick. With that in mind loss is guaranteed. Experienced traders choose indices for not or less being manipulated. Because of the volume and less volatility, it is safer to trade than other segments. It is also very reliable. Even the disappearance of number of heavyweight cannot make the indices disappear. That is a very good point to remember and keep in mind while selecting which one to trade. Whenever we t

Private blockchain

The ledger in blockchain need not necessarily backed by a currency. For a system that need large amount of nodes, like in case of public permissioned blockchain, it is essential to give an incentive either in form of reduction in transaction fee or some currencies. This is a high incentive for those who works with high computational powers. They would demand this. But in case of private blockchain there is no need of providing a currency in the form of incentives. Private blockchains are used when the peer nods comes to know each at least half of them. They form a network of peer group and validate the transactions. Since private blockchain entitles the identity of each nodes, it is impossible to get a lot of people through. So these private blockchain lacks popularity and hence there is no coin. But this is extremely helpful in large corporations to store and validate data. They can create a supply chain where everything could be traceable form the very beginning. It involves no s

Make better decision

It is said that people who do best at interviews sucks at job. Not everyone, but mostly. Whenever we hire a person to our company, we go through a long process of recruiting. It involves a lot of things from written test to group discussion and finally leading to an interview where we sort out the final candidates. The problem with these kind of processing is that these people are selected by a foxed set if procedure where the modules are fixed. When it comes to business everything is momentary and needs a lot of decision making skills. Skills are really important, especially decision making skills. But what these people lacks is the same thing. That is why sometimes CEOs directly recruit people from other companies without even having a permission from board. All that matters is his effectiveness in decision making. Form time to time a business is prone to challenges and needs a good leader to execute the right work. So the important thing in any of the thing that requires a food

problem solving

How to prepare for a good test. Preparing for any problem infront requires an in-depth analysis of the problem itself. When we go through the problem we will get to know where we should make the improvement and where to leave it as free. But only in few occasions people give that much of analysis review before entering into a problem solving method. When we look at the largest problems that had been solved, we could see how that problem got studied before. Because without understanding what the real heck problem is, we cannot find a solution. If we try to find a solution to the problem that we drawn out by our fragile analysis, we will get the solution for the things we discovered, not the actual problem. So while before solving every problem we should learn about the problem before getting into work. Once we enter the working world, we probably won’t care about the study. That is why it is important to have a habit of in-depth analysis before confronting with the solution. Solution r

Technology and crisis

  Now the world is dependent on every single occurrence from any part of the world. An attack in the extreme west affects the employment status in the east. The reason is the interdependency that is getting forged strongly every moment. One of the prime examples was that the market crash that occurred in the US in 2008 left people in the east jobless. We could say that the US was the global power and any minor sentiments might make the rest of the world a crisis. It is true, but the kingdom is slowly shifting, not to a single entity, but to series of economic powers. This keeps expanding and every country will be able to create a global catastrophe by the civil turmoil. We should look at the involvement of technology here. It enabled the news to spread within seconds all over the world. It actually accelerated every process. The good things get even better and bad to worse. So in this arena, it is mandatory that technology should not use its manipulative power to make the world a b

Learning before investing

 Which is the time to invest in one of the popular questions among the newbies before they invest or even after they made their initial investment. The reason they ask this question is the hard-core obsession behind becoming rich in a matter of weeks. They come to the market and invest expecting a greater return in a matter of weeks. Becoming rich is the main source of motivation behind every investment. People rarely invest based on the technology or growth factor. Those people who take time to learn about the thing they are investing in before investing actually end up with tons of money. The reason is the effort they put into understanding the work. This lets them study more before they invest. It is a well rewarding behavior or habit. Because when it comes to money, you should be keen about the way you invest. Investing becomes hard when we don’t know that asset. Maybe that so-called asset is a liability. Who knows? Those who study, know.   Investing for money isn’t bad. But fixing

Concentration is important

 I heard a lot of times about the importance of concentration. Once we know what it really is and how it is gonna change our life we realize that we wasted a lot of time. Growing up we were taught to do many things. We were forced to study the unimportant things which add no value to our life. But important things such as finance and mind, which everyone needs were never even addressed. We might end up in disaster if our mind is in turmoil. This is observable in everyday life. We always fall into the trap of wandering thinking and practicing the mind to even wander more. In the end, we feel stupid and wasteful thinking about all the negative things. It is essential to understand the mind and how it works. Because we can program it once we understand it. This is important as every other important thing, or even more. To understand our mind we need to first observe our mind. How is it behaving and what are the thoughts popping up. If the output thinking is good, then good for us too. Bu

Time and procrastination

  There are multiple benefits while assigning time to the task. Whenever we see ourselves procrastinating at a task, we must have noticed that we had not had any time frame on when to start and when to finish. This is really important because once we have this clear idea about when to start and finish, we can save a lot of time. After the end of the time, we are free and independent enough to do our favorite task. Most of the time we procrastinate on the things that someone assigned to us. It is not our willingness, yet we have to do this. At these times become the problem of procrastination. We tend to put things for tomorrow day after day until we reach a point when there is not enough time to do even half of the task we are supposed to do. With a time-scheduled process, we can actually calculate the process of work and the time needed. This saves a lot of time for procrastination. I can say procrastination sucks. It sucks everything. But being a non-procrastinator is impossible,

Innovation and business

  Before starting a company, the foremost priority is at starting the company. We go to any extent in order to do that. But soon after having an idea and starting a business, the real problem starts to emerge. It comes form every department. Needs innovation at proper time and very good convincing marketing. When we look at successful companies, they are still working very much hard to stay on the top. Because when it comes to business delay means death. The field competition gets tougher year after year. So every company strives to be more innovative each time. Habit of people changed from having a product different than the old one for couple of years to every single year. This was reinforced by those corporate organization itself. This created a sense of urgency in customers to frequently change the product. They need better one different than before. It again forced companies to be innovative more than ever. This cycle gets tougher each time. The time durability decreases and n

Consistent practice

 What happens when we fail to do the things that we had to do, it either collapses everything or shows us our potential. Even after knowing the extent to which we can procrastinate at the most important thing and the consequences it brings, we procrastinate every time. Steven Pressfield said, “ we procrastinate most on the most important things”. So it is not a matter of finding the foremost things that are yet to complete, but to do the works is harder. What is even harder is starting the work. After a very good start we can actually enter into a flow, but to start is difficult. Because of this, we procrastinate not on the work, but to start. Anyway or anytime we have to start if it is assigned for us. The more we procrastinate, the more we suck. It is not that easy to do the work the drains the energy and bores the shit out of you. It needs practice, the practice of being uncomfortable every time and do the work. We were conditioned to procrastinate on the most important things a

Trading psychology

 When it comes to trading the patterns play a huge role in reaping the reward. The reward for the risk is what each trader hopes for. Sometimes the risk shows its part by showing us the loss. But loss is just a part of the game. Whenever there occurs a loss we tend to go in full revenge mode burning all the rest of the money. We know that is a wrong approach, but we do it frequently. The reason is we don’t like being a loser. At least we need the money we put in. Forget about the profit and focus on the investment. But that is wrong and dangerous. Because markets work against psychology. An emotionally weak person always has a weak portfolio and a weak profit and loss statement. When you become a person with a rigid mentality and have the patience for the right time execution, then it is very much rewarding. That is why when we a good trader he is patient and well disciplined. Discipline is necessary since money is involved. An indisciplined person keeps liability more than an asset. H

Pitching an idea

Pitching an Idea to the investors when we desperately need money is quite challenging. Convincing investors is not an easy job. We have to go multiple time to receive first round investment. Investors care more the enthusiasm and mentality of the founder than the idea that they are pitching. In order to show the driven passion, we must have a very good communication skill. Most of the founders keeps their skill at convincing investors at its peak. When they see the opportunity along with it, they tend to invest. Even investors with years of experience fails to spot the right person and idea. But if you ask whether they regret, most of them would say no. They did made their decision based on their knowledge and capability at that time. Investors don’t need to know all successful ideas and companies, they just focus on the ones that aligns their fundamentals. Everyone has their own view of analyzing and selecting. Therefore pitching an idea to the investors might bring the investment i

Being an early investor

 Investing in some companies or technologies at its early stage is beneficial. We often see people or even ourselves regret being non-investor in those world-changing companies. One of the reasons that people find a reason for not investing is not having enough. These people always complain about being financially poor and point that as a reason for not investing. But later when those invested became multi-billionaires, these poor people starts to complain about not knowing the opportunity. In fact, they knew what is happening around, but chose not to invest. Instead of changing, they complain every time. Even at the present moment, they say they don’t have time or money to invest paving a way for days full of regret. What is important here is not having enough money to make a good investment, but the mentality of an investor. Investors back the technology that changes the world. Most people don’t want to change the world, neither they invest nor build a startup. But they are experts

When things slips today

 Weeks before the actual commencement feels like a heavy load. The reason is the amount of stuff that is to be completed. It takes a lot of energy and time. Whenever we confront such a situation, we tend to do two things, either make a plan or leave the plan. The former is a lot better. Because with the least amount of time and inaccurate decisive situation, we might have come to the conclusion which is more precise than the latter. Speaking of it making a plan is really daunting. Here the plan itself reveals the work and effort that need to be put in. So some people finish as per their will finishing the desired portions within time. But the others keep it on procrastination. They are resting because they have done a mountain task of structuring and planning. The rest of the day goes for entertainment. As soon as they find their former plan is no longer valid, they make another with the same willpower and attitude. This happens multiple times finally reaching the exact date of complet

Technology and scalability

Every areas of development could be integrated to other areas as well. We invented and discovered many such things and integrated to many other things. Famous Newton’s law when found out might be little difficult to put in action. But after a couple od decades we discovered it’s essence in everyday life. Even space crafts use this same law at the time of its propulsion. This is not new and is happening in every where. AI when discovered hadn’t had that much of everyday implementation. But now almost half of the things we do is assisted by it. It is even helping the astronomers to find new planet and the presence of aliens. It was not believed to be a game changer in the field of astronomy. But it dad and will continue to impact for a long period of time. Experts predicated it’s user scalability and threats.   This same thing will happen with Blockchain. It is still at its initial stage and it is now identified as a synonym for Bitcoin. This will change in the near future. Change is al

Surviving a crash

A company which survives all the negative forces thrives in the future. A company or a startup generally focus on solving problem. The bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity, and sometimes the bigger the risk. But taking such rewards yields better results. Results really defines the success. So whenever a company makes good amount of return as per their vision or greater than the previous year. And more probably we can see that those organization which survive the dip offers a very good incentives to investors as the future. During the dotcom bubble that happened in the late 20th century, those ventures which survived yielded a very good return to the investors later. Only a fundamentally strong company could survive such kind of dip. After that people are convinced about it bright future and those who then became the retail investors made a try. Therefore a dip or even a horrible dip has such kind of advantages. It can convince people and investors to trust.

Testing the strategy

When it came comes to trading we see people using different strategies. There is no fixed strategy for success. People find their agreed will at one thing which may or may not suit us. So the real challenge is not to master the strategy but to find it. We may even tried multiple strategies multiple times. Even now that confusion pops. People choose strategy not based on how much winning percentage it has, but does it resonate with their style. Even people trading just based on their will can make more money and can have a great winning percentage than who tried thousands of them. Even after choosing a strategy, people find it difficult to take trades based. Because they are not sure about whether it is what they actually need. If we have a strategy which we think might suits us, we have to test it and back test it. People jumping from one to another never have traded multiple timed based on that. Not a single strategy could be understood within days or weeks, it takes months like the

Better problem leads to better society

Creating technology based on generation is essential. Because at the time of creation, it will be introduced to solve a problem that the current generation is facing. We could see from history that the problems are inevitable and gets better with time. Decades ago people faced a problem of not having enough information. To gain knowledge we had to put hours to find the source. Google solved the problem. But it doesn’t mean Google settled thereafter, instead they are solving better problem to further make humanity more advanced. This process of solving problems generation after generation actually made the modern world. Like Google, any company that is not limited to its predevelopment solution will find a great future. Regardless of any industry, problem occurs one after another. By solving a problem means creating another. If we can’t find a solution to this chain of problem, then someone else will and we are kicked out. It is a competition that led us to discover and invent many

Action and fruit

What’s there to take credit from when they say that you contributed to their growth? Nothing. We do nothing for the better or improvement of other. All we do is giving their returns for the things they did in the past. We may think that it is because of us that they are here or he is rich or successful because of you. This is wrong and foolish to think of. We did our duty of spreading the message which we were obliged as a result of our past actions. Same with them. His past actions and character which resulted seek us demanded the aid. It is he who decides to make the change. It is he who thought of trusting us. It is the past action due to Karma led him here. What we did was our duty which we devoted to help. No credit for us. Neither we are allowed to expect any return. Because return is the consequences of action. And every action bears a fruit of consequence. Like Murphy’s law, whatever is about to happen will happen. Therefore the action that we performed will reflect in one way

Blockchain and change

 The introduction of Blockchain at its early stage required a lot of work. Technology becomes powerful when it reaches more people. It is like getting democratized. Blockchain itself is a technology of democratization. Making everything decentralize, is gonna create a revolution. Most of the time when we think about liberty and free act, we would often consider being able to express ourselves freely. That is sure of putting as it implies the literary meaning. But liberty also means letting ourselves keep our most important things. Rise technology and advertisement led every organization to collect as much data as means of advertising. Earlier data was not certainly necessary, now it is inevitable. Without it, it seems like the world is going to freeze.   Collecting data is good when we get the most out of it. For several reasons, we are obliged to give our data for free in exchange for the service they provide. We cannot resist ourselves from its influence. We care less about data and

Keep updated

 Sometimes when something like disruptive level change happens, some of the organizations working in the field have to make the move. The case applies to anything. A couple of years before, companies used to charge more than enough for their services. But whenever something happens so disruptive, then this model works no more. Gathering information in the early 90s was not that cool. You have to go to the library to get enough information. Moreover, you have to go through line by line for a specific set of knowledge. But now we can get whatever information we need at our fingertip. So the information is overloaded here. What happened to the loads of books that were settled at the stalls was forced to go digital. And that was successful. Almost half of the people who read consistently are through digital devices. That is very comfortable to do so. We can read any number of books from that simple device. This is great. Some people say they miss that nostalgic moment in retrospect, bu

Identifying noise

 Discovering noise while investing is a very important step. Because we tend to make mistakes based on that. Even investing in a very promising company sometimes lead us to withdraw funds. This happens to all investments. How noises leads to bad decision could be narrated by everyday example. We must have seen that when the price of a certain assets go down, we have this urge to withdraw money. But what if it goes up ?. So we wait for couple of days further to see the assets going down. So we withdraw money instantly with half of our invested money in hand. But after the withdrawals we see the price going up and wait for few days for the confirmation. After confirming that it is in a bullish run, we invest. But after a few days of investment the prices shoots down again burning our capital. This happens every time and we react same each time. By reacting to the markets this ways opens a wonderful opportunity to burn or capital in no less time. But when we zoom out the graph and inq

Trading with no money

 The thing with trading with real money comes with a lot of problem. The first reason is the lack of experience. Since trading involves a lot of things, it takes time to get in flow. During those times trading will the real money causes a lot of trouble. People often go out money because of the inexperience in trading. On the other side, experience only comes when we trade. This is a paradox. But money is not a very good option to start with. With the kind of technology available today, we can create any experience that is not real, but gives the taste of the experience. In the field of trading, it comes in the way of paper trading. People born at this era has this advantage, they can practice as much as they want until they develop their own strategy. But a couple of days ago, this is not the case. In order to enter into a trade you have to play with real money. That is why most people never ever tried trading in their life. Once an individual trade with real money, but with lack of k

Attachment difficulty

One of the hardest thing to do is to work without attachment. We are attached to everything regardless of their existence in nature. Even the things that have no life form sometimes makes us emotionally touched. I had experience of hearing from people saying that their favourite tv show ended and they fell like drained. Although they were aware about its fictional side, they are attached and highly expressive. So there is nothing to wonder in case of things with life beat. There happens attachment at its peak. We have also seen people with far more live to their electronic gadgets than any other thing. They never let go of their gadget and sometimes decided to keep it for ever. The worse thing happening from the last couple of months was the attachment to the intangible assets. It is getting auctioned like the same real tangible product. The technology that make it happen is Blockchain through NFTs. Some thinkers are also afraid of this attachment might lead to a cultural collapse w

Price movement and news

 Demand can be very well related to the need in the market. When something of nominal value gets high in demand, it usually gets attention. So, when the attention rises it draws masses towards. This time we can observe a price surge. This happens often in tradable assets. Let’s take an example of a particular stock. Usually, the price of the stock rises whenever good news is associated. This good news makes traders bring attention. Risk-takers invest based on this soothing news, which raises the price further. And soon it breaks the resistance and all retail investors start investing making the price move even higher. Even after days of news, it keeps the pace. Here people slowly start to form a consensus within themselves that the price won’t go much higher when reaches this or that point. Which makes people like him exit from there. When masses do this, it slowly reflects in the price movements. This leaves a panic among the general investors and they will start withdrawing money m

Diversifying the investments

 There is a case with saying that having a well-diversified portfolio is a sign of financial intelligence. People diversify their investments into different assets to increase the security over money. But this is commonly observed among experienced investors. Everyone starts with what generates high ROI. At the initial stages securing a well cashflow is less important than making a ton of money. These people lack emotional balance. When they see the asset price going on, they pour more money. They never allocate money for any other thing. Of course, they make a ton of money, on the flip side, if the market crashes these people go around like nuts. They totally fall under depression. Some may even choose to end their life. Here comes the benefits of having a well-diversified portfolio. It is observed that when the price of one asset crashes, the other soars. By making investments in more than one asset keeps the overall portfolio preserved. With this kind of investment, we could see t

Blockchain as a disruptive technology

The highest growth that is happening right now in terms of CAGR is in the field of Blockchain. It’s growth is a clear sign of change. A change like that happened when internet was introduced, or even bigger. Because only very few times in sometimes this happens that when technology getting introduced at necessity. For every entrepreneur, it would be like a heaven when his business grows in demand. Demands are created of there is necessity. Blockchain is such a disrupting technology. Because it was introduced at the very beginning stage of dictatorship. Blockchain makes the free world even more free, may be free from everything. Because of the decentralization process, the long time authorities are bound to doom.   Anyone can make fortune if observed carefully. Bitcoin more than a crypto, people are using it a digital asset to invest their money. Due to the fact that the growth is out of the chart, those who invested made tons in return. This gave a lot of hope to investors and money i

Technology and pace

With the availability of technology, we can access to any thing in the world. Regardless of which those product belong to, it now became effortless to reach. There is a saying that whenever anything is available without effort, it becomes a product of procrastination. We did this many time if we locate ourselves in a different positions. Due to the availability of free online course, we jave certain opportunity to learn from the greater minds of the world, which is before a decade was even never would’ve imagined. Technology is rapidly growing and along with it the culture. So it is mandatory that everyone should keep a growth mindset instead of fixed ones. Because in the now world, laggards are not only left behind, but will be punished. The main reason for this is the world rewarding system is evolving itself. It no longer rewards those who works hard like cogs in the factory, instead those who keep up with the technologies. Technology evolved from being a subject to necessity. Be

Spiritual goal

 Spiritual enlightenment is more important than intelligence. People we admire were more spiritually enlightened than others. And spiritual enlightenment comes from work. The lessons learned from the experience. Because experience is what makes a person well educated. It is a great teacher. The more experienced a person is, the better he is as a human being. Many people we see around are just cogs. The ultimate goal of an individual must be spiritual enlightenment through his work. In order to do it, he must cultivate experience throughout his life.   Any man engaged in any work is on the journey of self-discovery. With every flaw and good, he is discovering himself. Uncovering each slice of enlightenment. It doesn’t require being lonely meditating for years for self-realisation. Any work when done mindfully leads to self-realisation, the ultimate goal of an individual. What we see around is otherwise and people aren’t mindful enough to understand themself. Swami Vivekananda says in K

Attachment and decisions

 Attachment creates problems. The reason we feel lonely whenever outside of our comfort zone is the experience we are going through is new. When we go through something that we never went through before, we feel a kind of uncomfortableness. This uncomfortableness is resulting in the creation of new brain patterns. Brains neuron activates when we go through something new. The existing pattern when finds it difficult to work with. This is the exact reason why while the new patterns form, we feel insecure and frustrated. Sometimes it creates fear. The brain nature of fight or flee comes to action when we put ourselves in fear. Fear most of the time creates a fleeing sensation than fighting. Because fleeing is less risky than fighting. Your life is guaranteed when you flee. But fighting takes a lot of effort that maintains the required outcome. So if fighting is not a desirable option, the fleeing is the only left one. That is why we see some people easily setting their presence in the new

Blockchain and perception

Many times I noticed people getting skeptical when it comes to Bitcoin and Blockchain. This happens every time when something that is confidential completely unknown to the masses comes to attention. The reason is the lack of proof. People need to validate the history before making sure everything is fine and safe to work. Computers and internet faced the same issue. But within a few decades it proved that this will become an everyday life thing. In case of Bitcoin we don’t have to wait for multiple decades, this can happen within a very few decade. The reason is the exponential growth of technologies and the understanding of human consciousness. In this world of everything is free, all we need is the right sources to form a good perception. A larger difference between just a decade ago and now is the mode of availability of knowledge. We could see people saying that the reason why they missed the Amazon edge was they didn’t saw its rise because of the lack of knowledge. Now this is n

Digital money

The revolution of internet bought changed that humanity never witnessed before. The totality of change that it made changed the planet like never before. One thing that need to emphasize is the field of money. Money, when discovered thought how this paper gonna be trusted. But the slow pace paid the result. It is like we say slow and steady wins the race. People started adopting it and it soon created a revolution. And till now it is going very successful. The reason that paper money prevailed all these years is its relevance and the easiness to handle. We cannot handle tons of product single handedly, but we can easily handle the money equivalent. This simple difference made a large difference. There are lot of benefits such as durability ie we can keep it as long as we want. So then people started accumulating money for their work. Money began to replace everything from there on. It became a single necessity regardless of the language and culture. But what we are witnessing is its

Procrastination and regret

 What happens when you don’t do things that you have to do? That is a million-dollar question. Most of the time we can see this occurrence in our life multiple times. It is a reality and we tend to sway towards it. It creates a lot of problems. This is due to procrastination, the worst of worst. It is a common behavior found among all human beings. Some people are the masters of it and others are the defendants. You don’t have to work to become a master of procrastination. All you have to do is nothing. Literally nothing in particular. Its effect is big in both ways. For a defender he turns and fights. Here the chance is a higher probability of winning outcome. Those are the people stand top in the world. All the things that were achieved throughout history were, somehow procrastination defied action. The same is absolutely true for procrastinators. They don’t do the things that needed to be done and for the time later, they regret it the most. All the things that happened in the

Focus and success

The difference between a successful individual and a non successful, we can call him a miserable person, could be evaluated by hundreds of things. Every adverse situation both these people go through experience different fond of wind. One person (say the successful one) sees opportunity and lessons to learn, whereas the other smells disaster. These are the by-product creation of perception. But those who make well use of their time which is alloted makes the difference. Output measures and output is created by the time efficiently used. To use time more efficiently, we need focus. In speaking of focus, we can make a substantial difference between people who are master and miserable in focusing. It is a quality that is identified among successful people. They are super focused in their work. In that way they create more within less time. It is not the amount of time that matters, but the efficiency on time management. We can observe around or even by an introspection about our self t

Venture and problem solving

The criteria for a long term business success lies in solving a problem. When the business is qualified, by certain customer standard, to solve the existing problem or that is about to exist, we can say that there lies a bright future. Because solving a problem is the riskiest one when compared to being in a community of problem solvers. Bitcoin came as a solution for many problems. Problems of being controlled by financial authorities while making a monitory transaction, the time lag between the transfer, heavy transfer charges and concern of security problems. It is revolutionizing. Because once we verge to make this solution as proliferating as possible, we can find much better problem for a much better solution. Etherium being the future contract provider solves advance problems. In the midst of these, as glittered by the success of these fundamentally strong cryptos, many found opportunity to grab the pie. They created altcoins with no purpose, but they listed In the exchanges su

Subsidiaries and business opportunities

The rise of new industries bring it’s subsidiaries. These subsidiaries, like the industry creates a massive business opportunities. Everything that changed the world itself has created industries that led to the creation of oppertunities. It is a ripple effect and it gets widen. The rise google created such things. Many people found an opportunity to put their work online since they found a successful startup connecting customers to the creators. Then came the advertising and the rise of digital marketing. These all created millions of oppertunities. Likewise, the new technology of Blockchain is such a disrupter. It is a common problem that is being circulating is the environmental problems that is created by the mining. It is serious problem because of the scalability of its power consumption. But there is a saying that big problem means big business opportunities. This is quite famous and we have proof of businesses converting big problems into oppertunities. To mine crypto, espec

Free is good

 The saying in marketing (mainly as a precaution to the victims) is that if you’re not paying for the product, then you are the product. This marketing strategy of making people a product is widely successful and people indeed have no problem in being a product. Since we don’t have to pay for the services they offer, we are comfortable with them using it as a product. If not, YouTube and Facebook never have survived. Since I mentioned these two companies, it is thoughtful to inquire about the scale of business this business strategy brings. There is nothing wrong with giving their services for free. If we look at the positive side we can embrace the amount of change it brought. But of course, it has its own drawbacks. Since the ratio of their proportionality is highly irrational giving good an unfair advantage, we could say those are life-changing technologies. And this strategy is visible almost anywhere. Giving a free trial is a great example. Besides we get news, articles, mov

Investing for greater good

 Being an early investor is not just a position to earn a lot of money, it is much more. The thing that distinguishes between an early investor and a normal investor is their ability to take risks. It is easy to invest in a blue-chip stock, but what is hard is to find those blue-chip companies at its infant stage. Those who find those companies are not just investors, there are visionaries. They push the change and make the world a better world. These investors when they find companies with great potential, capable enough to change the world, they risk their money, not just for them, but for the greater good of humanity. If it wasn’t for them, the world would be a different place. Founders of companies don’t go behind the banks as a means of finding their initial investor, instead, they go and find a new investment firm that holds trust in the future. That is why Y Combinator is so in demand among startup founders. They provide everything necessary for the growth of the organization,

Afraid of crypto

 Because of the failed attempts to make new technology at bay, the authorities are forced to use it. In all cases it benefited everyone. So no one got the frustration of being left behind or not up to the mark. But this not the case when it comes to cryptos. Because of the ravaging feature of decentralization, it became a nightmare for the central authorities. The fear of economy not on the hands, looking from their side is daunting. All these years the most powerful tool used to control the economy is now shifting. But some of them are mistaken and eluded under false interpretation of crypto lovers. It is not the digital existence that’s what people find most attractive, it is the decentralization. With no authority to trench and peep, it is safe. Since there needs no validation from any officials, it reaches right away into the person at the opposite end. The growing popularity of crypto is also the reason for growing concerns of financial authorities. A messed up financial country,

Where most people fall

What’s more difficult in a process of formation is the initial part. Not only at the very beginning stage where everything is completely unknown and averse. Because the same concept of brains uncomfortableness with change. But when we undergo change for a reasonable amount of time, it becomes a habit. Although these habits are formed by consistent effort, it sometimes feels like in vane. Because once we start anything new it will go through a series of process. The part od process is same for everything, but the time for which it to pass differs dramatically. After starting something new the first few attempts might be interesting due to the curiosity involved. Then the curiosity decays with the time and only those who started in search meaning survive the part. Here we can spot the people with an attitude to learn. They must have found something purposeful enough to keep them go further. After surviving the dip they will go forward with past sour experiences. They know where people w

Raise your hand

 The raise  your hand strategy is   well-known   and practiced widely by people who do talking from any field. It is a simple and a call to action strategy. What it does is helps to engage people, more precisely,  the audience with   whoever giving the talk. We can call him the controller. He controls the crowd and their emotions. A   well-practiced   and experienced man can make people laugh or cry when he wants. That’s why they often let people laugh at the beginning by cracking some old jokes and making them emotionally attached to the end.   To actively engage a group of people is difficult than an individual. Because attention diversifies and an individual in the audience gets a fraction of it. So, here the possibility is to make them concentrated, fully engaged. Everyone knows that when the number of people increases, the effect of it which it reaches fades. As a result, the core intention of spreading the notion becomes vain. Only vagueness exists. So what successful entrepreneu

Mindset matters

  The first mover advantage maybe a myth like MySpace. It is not necessary to have a first mover advantage, but it may do good if managed correctly. In the world of crypto we could see Bitcoin reigning over a decade as the leading coin. It got its first mover advantage and it is way ahead than other altcoins. But does it means it will lead forever ? Not really. I’m case of Amazon the first mover advantage was a great benefit. It is not that because of Amazon being the first to deliver goods through online, it is the ever growth mindset of Jeff Bezos. Like in case of any other thing, the important factor is not the advantage, but the mindset that drives it behind. Last day I wrote about having a progressive mindset. But when it comes to BTC, the driver behind it is clearly absent. Its first mover advantage is getting it to the top, but as soon as when one person with growth mindset comes with an equivalent product (which already happened), the first mover advantage may slay.   The

Investment in business and self

  Investments are always referred to do for the long term. That is why the term trading came into action. When we refer to investments, it is basically for a year or longer. It could be a decade or even more. The premise is that the growth must be certain. It is no big deal to find a company that is growth-promising. Yet many people fail to find a good investment company. They still rely on investing gurus for their portfolio expansion. But here the bad thing is they go with half of your product. That makes sense because whoever has this information earns the money.  So when growth is certain there is no reason not to invest. The returns are 100 percent sure. Yet for a visible return, we don’t invest. That is in ourselves. We know that investing in our self is the best investment and it yields a greater return. Exponential growth is guaranteed. But here the problem is, although we have this proof of self-growth, most people don’t see any direct pool of money formation from here. Here p

Growth for business

 The growth of an organization progresses till the founders or those who are at the top position progresses with the same goal as when they started. During the initial stages of a business, it is meaningful to do in accordance with the goal of those who founded it. But as the company grows and grabs a lot of customers, it must go beyond its initial goals by making why substantial. The difference here is the mindset that leads the individual to the top. Those who possess a growth mindset make the company grow on both sides. They expand their own outlets along with diversifying the serviceable products. Each time they introduce a new product, they aim at decades of growth ahead. Growing happens for both the individuals and the company.  If we look at the leading companies of any era, we could see them expanding their businesses from time to time. They introduce new products and services, but the reason remains the same. They do not expand because of their obsession with money, but with

Learning curve

 The learning curve is an actual depiction of what happens when we start to learn something new relative to time. It is easy for a novice to think that whatever he learns is not that hard. But the time goes, it is understandable that the motivation is dropping down and the learning is not as fun as before. It starts to decline down and down until to test the persons' enthusiasm. Those who just started as a fun activity drops here. it is really hard to sustain motivation here because this is the hard phase. Those who survive here go for long shot. This dip in the curve eliminates about 80% of those who started. It is a very mean way of finding the best, but it works. This can be observed from our own lives. it is the reason why we left some of the things that we thought would be beneficial for us. Those who are experts in their field went through this. They have gone so far by now. If we keep the process for so long until it crosses the dip, then it is possible to become an expert

Influencing action

  How the things we did in the past influences the present is a visible truth. Whenever we look and at our journey, we could observe that everything we did made us. It created the perception, the character, and the mindset. If you think you have this poor mediocre mindset, then it is the sole action that you did in the past. It is clearly visible. Even the small portion that is influential could be the highest impactful one. Even the pace of our breath contributed to the present feeling.   The famous saying what brought you here won’t get you there is quite true. It is most certain hereby now that, like the things we did in the past influenced our present, the things we do now creates the future. Every bad and good action contributes equally to the development of character and mindset. It includes both physical and mental blows. Each contributes a well-structured lesson to make us lead ahead. We may not observe the actual contribution that now has on the future. Now could be a br

Simple interface

It is not the new technology that makes the difference, it is the rate at which it spread that makes the difference. A fast-moving technology that is easy to assess and simple enough to understand makes the difference. May the rise of the internet is a big thing, but only after Mosaic and Google, it became transparent. The easiness of use and simplicity in design attracts people to spend time upon. What’s now novel, but has the potential to grow exponentially soon become easily accessible. So the creator won’t get the maximum edge, it is who decentralize makes the difference and profit. To truly make a change, the change must be proliferated easily and rigorously. Once the technology is introduced, it becomes a piece of equipment for growth. Every tool was discovered to replace the old one or to get more results. So it is tough for the old ones to sustain in the market. Market rewards easy and simple tools, with every update, things are becoming more simple and popular. So, whatever t

Incompetence and communication

 There is a strategy that is gaining its popularity at its peak within the last two decades is the mechanism of copycat. It is not new, but the copycat usage is at all time high. It took actually decades, in the early 90s and before, to actually copy the business model. There are multiple reasons behind that. The two most important ones are the lack of communication tools and incompetence.  When a business model becomes successful, it rewards the owner and some of the partners. And their success only limits within their reach and there were no things such as viral marketing. If it had to spread, it must go through word of mouth. It is slow but powerful. Moreover, the business tycoons of that era were not ready to reveal their secret recipes. They themselves developed and applied to every venture. Whenever the organization became successful, they will reign the field, most probably forever. And people thinking of starting a business won't even think of starting one with a heavy-

Making good decisions

Dealing with situations, when it won’t go as expected, is a skill that anyone can develop over time. Like any skill, it requires some effort and hard work. Most of the time people came to know about its value only after having gone through it multiple times. They fail initially at balancing the situation. More precisely, they fail at keeping their own mind in line. It is seen everywhere, but only a few people adjust to make an improvement in dealing with the problem.   There are a lot of benefits to it. By handling the situation very clearly, we can refrain the circumstances from going bad to worse. It saves a lot of money and time, especially for a business. This is a part of good decision-making skills. Whenever we find a person who could outperform in dealing with harsh situations, if we scrutinize, we can observe his insane ability to make good decisions without an emotional influence. This is a skill that needs to be developed. Because no human in the world is free from proble

Listening for selling

One fallacy when comes to selling is the methodology of listening. It is one of the hardest job. Because we always love to say than hear. We want to express our feelings and emotions. We don’t like when people talk always about what they do and what they believe. We have our own ideology and beliefs. But it is a key holding when it comes to selling. Selling involves emotions. Once we know how to manipulate the emotion we can easily make the deal. That’s what a good salesperson do. What is hard for many people will be mastered. He throws every hint, then learns a lot from it. People always to talk about whatever their thing is. It doesn’t matter if it is win or lose, everybody loves to talk about it. They expect us to show some me empathy or jealous. It is a bad habit to talk without a limit. Like every bad habits brings a consequence, being manipulated is one of them. Sales people found this and they created a separate module for its manipulation. They extract information from this an

Selling by creating need

When is the right time to sell a product? An experienced seller can sell at anytime. There is no division of time of any kind of rime frame that he chooses to sell. Whenever an opportunity gets( keep in mind that a seller don’t seek opportunity, instead he seeks it), he proposes his plan. You might wonder how, the truth is you never know he is selling. In fact he is not selling, you are buying. What is the difference and why isn’t it same?. A seller sells a product even when the customer don’t interested. But the master seller creates a want in the buyer to buy. That’s all his job. He doesn’t emphasize on the qualities of the product he is about to sell, instead he expands the awareness of the customer about insecurities that this product is about to solve. Then, the problem almost solved. And people like to purchase form trustable sources. Of one points your flaws instead of flattering, he is to be trusted. Creating a want or the interest towards a product is more important than spe

Prediction and results

 When it comes to predicting things, only an experienced person can predict it with the most probable accuracy. Because prediction involves a deep understanding of the behavior of that predictive thing. When a novice person enters into the game of prediction, he must go through different circumstances to increase the probability of an outcome. Every time when a prediction goes wrong, it is an opportunity to learn. The prediction stands when the pattern repeats. Pattern for different things repeats at the different time frames and different levels of outcomes. That is why trading became difficult. It needs years of experience to make a most probable move when there are plenty of outcomes. But it is also rewarding. A person who predicts the weather earns much less than the one who predicts the price of a stock. Just think about a person in demand who can predict death. Prediction of death is nearly impossible because of the infinite number of infinite numbers of probability. It is a perm

You can start a business

Not ever before that there existed this much opportunity to start a new business. If we look a couple of years back, we could see people aspiring to be an entrepreneur or simply to be the boss of their life, they must do it on their own. Or in other words, there is no one to mentor them. The drawback of those ages was the lack of entrepreneurs. People started business at that time or the rate at which the entrepreneur born was extremely small. So, people need to go farther to get mentorship or to start a business with a high probable win. The roles models are not there to inspire. That was a beginning stage and now it is booming. Especially with the introduction of technology, business communication (even better, customer acquisition) became a high probable winning game. It is now easy to get advice from. The stories and advice of successful entrepreneurs are only a few clicks away. Anyone who has the access to the internet can get information that, a couple of years back, is only av

There is no lack for big opportunities

The best time to start something is to start as soon as possible. This might sound old, but it is powerful. The saying” the best to me to do the thing was yesterday, and the second-best time is now” has its own relevance. At any time, we can observe numerous things at their initial stages of development. Looking and scrutinizing history is proof of that. Even in this day l, something might be at its development and yet to be released. This gives us hope to look at the future and see the brighter side Revolutionizing things happen within the gap of every few years. But only a few partake in its development. This is a flaw in the culture. Many people believe that once a technology is revealed and they lose there, they back out easily blaming the circumstances and sometimes themselves for not being able to produce their own version at that movement. After a few, they will find that again a new technology passed by them and they could not do anything this time either. This is not a fault

Explore the problem

The scale of the universe sometimes makes us to think our problem in a different way. The problem we face were the creation of us. Not so far it happened. Most of the time, when we confront with a problem it either makes as weak or an enthusiast. Weaker person might go back and blame the situation and the things that is happening around. He never looks at the inefficiencies that his persona stands. Because he is not accustomed with accepting problems. It is easy to spot these kind of people get into the mode of complaining and often ending up as a failure. On the other hand the enthusiastics go through it and explore the moments. They are keen about the problem and the solution it brings. They are not known for having a bias towards fear or giving up. Even if they fails to make it to their expectations, they are happy about the opportunity they got and the lessons they learnt. They find solutions and go towards more creative problems instead of stumbling upon the same problem multip

Analyse and accept

It is very hard to articulate how the things unfold. It never leave like how we expected to happen. We can either get thrill from it from it for all the unexpected moves or we can shift ourselves in the dark with an aversion. We can actually make to different outcome from these two options. But only thing that highlights at the end is the effect it made it ourselves. One brings good and other, not necessarily bad, but nothing. It is same as not doing anything. Whenever we face with a situation, there is an equal probability to make it as we expected or it turns other way. Seeing that possibility before it happen will not certainly refrain it from happening, because whatever gonna happen is gonna happen. But those perception can mould our lives by accepting the situation. When we start to accept the things, we starts to analyze. When we start to analyze, we starts to improve by making good decisions. So whatever the outcome, even it is on our side, accepting and analyzing is useful. Tha

Winners and the history

When we look at the history, all the losers are depicted as the wrong one. Always the hero got a lot of hype and were considered as the role models by many. It is a human nature to put the winners in an exalted position and losers at the opposite. The power a winner get equals the reputation and the power the loser looses. One occupied the success, then those who represents ( family, group, or a nation) get exalted as well. We saw this with many. When the British conquered majority of the land, the privilege was extended to the next many generations. The great grandfathers made their grandson the lords. They could beat, tax, trade, or kill the slave in accordance to his will. The slaves are suppressed to follow only the commands. History privileged few generations. It took many life’s and great protests to break the shackles of slavery. But this is just one case, whenever a history was made and declared the winner, then the losers are the “immigrants”. They are not permitted to do anyt

Attention and present

  Attention became a core factor now. It is considered as essential for both personal and professional gain. Most of the time without our knowledge our attention is drifting away from our grasp. The reason is our inability to focus, to concentrate upon the things brings outputs. We are what we focus upon. When attention flows to one thing, energy flows with it. Energy is the core where anything needs to manifests. That is all of us crave for attention and sometimes attention seeks validation (not good). We can either get improved or get impoverished by attention. All depends on where it is channeling through. Attention in control provides great benefits. Once it is in our hand, we know where to channel it through. But most instance shows that it isn’t at our grasp. We can affirm that it is the only thing that is to be fixed. The root cause of every problem. Addiction often happens when we go uncontrol in concentration. Concentrating on the things that gives instant gratification is m

When inflation thrives

Whenever the price of goods and services increases, it is normal that there must be an involvement of central banks to increase the interest rate and thereby balancing the economic growth as with inflation. It is global and most practiced. But when something other than usual happens and central authorities standing on the same decision is what induces a threat. In the surge of covid, while people tried and landed upon investing in public and private equities, it generated a great cash flow in the free float market. After a quick dip, the stock market recovered and made it to the track. That is good sign. Amid this the global governments were forced to decrease the repo rate, fearing the growth of economy. The decision that happened is yet to reveal the results. But the results might not be controlled, because once the participants tremble to stay upon momentum and get suspicious, market falls down brining download most of the goods with it. The employed people might get unemployed aga

Content matters

The 10000 hours rule actually came to vent viral after Malcolm Galdwell’s book Outliers. This concept is not novel, but with Outliers it became easy to interpret and Gladwell made it really easy. And it went like viral. The marketing is not done by the author, instead people took it and spread it. It went through multiple levels of marketing. Word of mouth made it concrete and viral marketing proliferated it like a fire. People did gave the feedback and turned into feedback marketing. It travelled through almost all of it became a powerful movement. This is one such example of how markets and people accepts powerful and useful contents. I’m not talking about Outliers, but the movements happened with it.   In fact, sometimes these movements are created by the markers. They must have equipped enough to carry on. And it works too, especially well with good content and timeless lessons. Products those met with these criteria always travelled faster than any other products or services at t

When dominance ceases

Whenever a transaction to happen, it must have to go through a lot of unnecessary procedure. Those procedure making the transition difficult was a major barrier and third party intervention is unbearable. But by using crypto, it could be reduced. The amount of time and transactions. We love simple and time saving methods. With the universality of cryptos, it is even enticing to use it. Manipulation through monetary power now becoming fragile. Which is a kind of threat of the governing authority. Because the amount of wealth that these authorities are making contributes a significant growth. The growth of GDP by taxing the transaction is a very good example. Even in third world countries the main problem people face is their own currency which is weak and less in demand. Even when they earn lot of it, considerable amount of time is needed to convert the currency when doing large scale business. That is not soothing at all. With dollar dominant over the world, its demand as well as price

Innovation goes dark

Technology disruption is a topic we often talked about. It is a relevant and an observable phenomenon. The reason most of the organization can’t stand in front of the wave of Disruption is due to their inability to perceive the future. Whenever a person starts a company one of the focus would be at making money. But what decides the existence after a couple of decades is the importance we give it to the monetary value. If it becomes the primary goal, then the company won’t last long. People adopt monetary based values instead of ethical ones. They keeps on expanding the scale horizontally by hiring number of employees and setting up more branches. Where they is to make the service or product better. An organization sustains its customers because of the product they launch. It is the quality that attracts more people and sometimes repellant. Innovation dies when we fail to inspire the employees. They do what the founder say. Founder must be willing to adopt new ways and to lead them ahe

Good information

To get the information we want, we get to the sources. The available sources where the information lies determines the quality and amount of information we receive. That received information now guides as forward. Now in a over informed world, it became necessary to have a good source of information. Since people are more attracted towards the negative and over hyped stimulating news, it is plenty everywhere. The task now come down to filter the news and search for the truth. That is very difficult nowadays. Because it is difficult to distinguish between the two. Even when we find the actual information, the relevance of it has considerably reduced. We cannot spot a group of people talking about what’s important without effort. Every here and there we could see mobs gossiping and having fun instead having creative talk. This is a consequence of what they are consuming and consumed before. Those garbage information induces them to eat more. They crave to get what’s the hot topic instea

Investment options

Ever since the dawn of business and markets, collecting funds as form of investment with good ROI became so enticing to both the entrepreneur and the investor. Due to the technology available at the time there witnessed a large gap in the mode of attracting money as an investment. The powerful and rigorously available back then and now is from the institutional investors or individual giants. That is traditional and sure way of money accumulation. Although this is the most widely practiced one, it wasn’t the only one. Different methods were practiced and the fastest and wealthiest mode made it to the top. But those cases were a reflection of lack of tools. But the rise of digital communication altered the usual way and made lot of other ways reachable.   Money accumulation through crowd sourcing and brand promotions are few, yet powerful examples. This is made possible with the help of technology. Anyone can have the access. Many a times, proper communication had been the problem. An

Right strategy

Since there is a difference in the personalities of each person, different strategies works for different people. Our personalities are molded by our experience that was perceived through the senses. This is different, hence the personality. As a consequence each of us see the same thing in a different angle and interpret our own view. We can say about the personality by the option we choose. That is how the mind operates too. With this mind, it makes a lot of sense when we look at people struggling to follow one method and be a successful at it. It cannot happen. Sure proved way success is hard work and there are lot of ways to do it. Once we try to install a habit, the foremost thing we might do is to copy from where we learnt it. That might have worked for him, it doesn’t mean that you must follow the same. You can scribe your own pattern before actually starting the installation process. Once you install the system, it is better to follow it. Because if you don’t, you are going b

Decentralization is near

How decentralization became a necessity should not be perceived as a novice movement, it is log forgotten suppressed once. When nation became a supreme power of dominance, they decided to peep everything that the citizens are doing. They may be feared of citizens turning against. But that inquisition started proliferating and now expanded to more personal level. From every Google search to monetary transactions, the record is well kept by the authority. I’m not emphasizing at the dictatorship, but even the democratic nation practice this. That say it’s a matter of security and gained the rights forcefully. With little as much power of an individual or a group it is almost impossible to not to rely upon the government and live. But the technology disrupted even the democracy. Making democracy as democracy.   Now decentralization became a necessity and could be attained by anyone with the help of technology. Transferring messages without the involvement of a third party hand and no delay

Addiction paralyse

Abstaining from addiction can be considered as a period of purification. Whatever we think we are addicted will make our mind and physique derail. It can cause serious problems. Sometimes to those around us. When we are addicted to anything, it is clearly visible in our nature. Everything we did in the past is no longer the way we do new things. It is associated with the new personality. Because addiction alter the personality. There are lot of cause for being addicted. One of them is the indiscipline. Whenever something that is so momentarily stimulus, we get to go often. Our brain craves to take a taste more often and we lose control of ourselves. This might have happened to anyone who is undisciplined. Unfortunately, most of us grown up in indiscipline. Indiscipline compounds and makes it harder to get disciplined after few years. That is why old peoples are more resistance towards the change. The brain is already molded. The least they can do is to try. The possibility of getting

Being curious is option

The point of being a curious person is it helps is to grow. A passion for learning comes from curiosity. It is like being the idiot in the room. Id we don’t know what a person is talking about, we mostly try to ignore. But this is not in the case of a curious person, he tries to learn those complex concepts. If it seems important, then he will research it thoroughly. This is actually a gift. Only curious mind invented things. The word innovation are pivoted around these people. We can affirm that they are life long learners and hence they grow . These people will not refrain from the mission until they find the answer.    They can be easily identified by the method of execution and behaviour. Some of them don’t care about the outside world. They sometimes refrain from it. And they are monomaniacal about the subject. This is a highly valued skill, especially in this world of distraction. Curiosity led people to conduct expedition comprising of very vast field. Scientific inventions an

When to diversify?

Over diversification is often seen among many people. Those who knows well to manage can actual manage it, others just fails miserably. These peoples who diversify the things that they think they can make something out of it are most probably driven by reputation . Also sometimes by fomo. This is not only the case of a personal level, it applies to everything. But the common thing we can observe during this diversification is the lack of focus. Instead of directing their focus to make anything better, they give their fractured attention to lot of things. When they do this, they often get exhausted at the level of thinking. If someone is important enough, then it is important to make good amount of time analysing and reflecting upon specific problem instead of launching a new venture. Every time the new venture consumes significant amount of time for its growth. So the prime focus should always be on the foremost problem. Because without solving what is important and veering the att

Giants not playing right

 When there is a place to fill, those who see the opportunity and have the resources fills it as soon as possible. There are two notions behind this action. It is either to create a change or to make money. Rarely sometimes both. The primary objective would be either one of it. After filling the gap and being the first in the business they can actually disrupt the newly founded industry. They designate their name, sometimes by power creation of a brand and thereby gaining the trust. This is a traditional way of rising as an unshakable industry giant. New babies have work so hard to level this. Which is not so valuable since the time and energy can be detoured into anyways of multiple possibilities.    Sometimes the giants, known for making great leaps , makes mistakes. There is sure element of greed behind it, most of all they just forget their motto. They are not who they were. It may be due to the wrong people at the important position or ego driven right people. But the mistake mak

Weekly analysis

  It is really possible to outperform our past amount of output having a systematic plan. By sticking to a weekly plan is way more powerful and productive than the yearly plan. In case of scribing plan during particular year, it is a common phenomenon that people make less potential ones and moreover they tend to procrastinate. Procrastination here happens due to uncertainty. It is one of the highly leverage trigger for procrastination. In between the target and the presence, we could see a large gap of non-performance review. This means we never check the results and analyze the progress. All is left to the end and mod time is mostly wasted. It is a mistake not to fix this recurring occurrence. Having just a plan for this is year is same not having a plan. Every one knows after a year things won’t be the same. But our goal is to make the situation and lifestyle better than before. For this evaluation is inevitable. Having a progressive journal is both a reflection and motivation

Optimistic view

Optimistic peoples are driven by hope. They create the things even in the middle of chaos. Whatever the case or scenario, there is an equal possibility for both the positive and negative outcome. Because of the constant exposure to the pessimistic surrounding and culture,we are hardwired to think like a pessimist. In one sense, we could say that it is not our mistake by blaming the society thoroughly. Yet on the flip side, we can say that we could have made a change which comes under our responsibility. So it is paradoxical.    Even by this influence, for luckily, we have many visionaries. All visionary people are optimists and they could see the things that most people don’t. They see opportunity instead of chaos and acts up on it. They are confident and highly energetic. The vision they have in their mind is enough to swap the imprudent breeze of failure. Whenever they approach a failure, they take that as a learning opportunity and learning thoroughly. That is a great difference an