With the availability of technology, we can access to any thing in the world. Regardless of which those product belong to, it now became effortless to reach. There is a saying that whenever anything is available without effort, it becomes a product of procrastination. We did this many time if we locate ourselves in a different positions. Due to the availability of free online course, we jave certain opportunity to learn from the greater minds of the world, which is before a decade was even never would’ve imagined. Technology is rapidly growing and along with it the culture. So it is mandatory that everyone should keep a growth mindset instead of fixed ones. Because in the now world, laggards are not only left behind, but will be punished.
The main reason for this is the world rewarding system is evolving itself. It no longer rewards those who works hard like cogs in the factory, instead those who keep up with the technologies. Technology evolved from being a subject to necessity. Be...
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