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Knowledge gap

Sometime the barrier lies in lack of knowledge. People often tend to develop their life using their existing knowledge which they tried and failed many times. Even while taking the financial decision people focus on planning what's they planned before and slay there. They might be good at the existing tried and failed planning. But learning about the different methods and concepts, they can actually make a better decision. 

Digital growth

Digitalization sometimes takes much effort to get accustomed. Companies tries their maximum to make people go digital and therefore benefiting from their usage. They do ad campaigns with movie stars, give incentives and rewards to those who engage constantly and even provide free tools that they might have to pay while processing offline. It became successful to an extent, but people won't change their traditional method unless they see any cause. Making a change is that tough. But with the pandemic strike, people were forced to go digital in every mean. They must go meeting digital,shop using digital providers, consume entertainment digitally and every other basic need integrated digitally. This is a huge advantage for the companies those are prepared. No one expected this pandemic and the sudden boom in the demand for digital products and services made the companies valuation rose. The companies with good quality products and services during the pre pandemic era benefitted a lot.

Instict behaviour

No one actually like being submissives. But they do love to put submission over others. It is an instict behaviour that is innated in the genes. This is why it is hard to suppress this thought and this is the basis of most of the problems. By ine way or another we are invading those who are weak.

How to invest?

It is evident that people migrate their assets to which gives good yields. Those who holds position in stocks at the time of bull run consider themselves as long term investors. But that won't last longer. Whenever the fed comes up with good bond yield followed by the inflation, these long term investors becomes short term investors and sell all their positions to build new positions in government bonds. This is swing. Wherever they see big number, they switch. But this is not how an actual investor do. He invests and stands still, may be even for decades. At the end of his tenure, we call him successful and study him. But the only thing that we see different there is a simple factor of patience. He never swings with the news, but stick with the guts.

What to do in bear market

 What to do when the market is heavily falling down? It is not certainly cell. Of course, you can sell if it is calculated and like you intended. But for the majority of the mobs fall into the mode of panic selling. The reason is quite simple. They are out of their wits. And they are acting like nuts. That won’t solve any problem. It actually makes things worse. What often people don’t realize at this time is that they are actually under the sunk cost fallacy. Sunk cost fallacy is simple to explain. But the practical solution is often to perform and very much rare to find a person who actually does above the fallacy trap. Sunk cost fallacy can be simply defined as an action inspired by fear and panic. But sadly these are the times we mostly do insane things captivated by decisions taken out of our wits. To make a better decision, either we have to be mindful or must be prepared. So when we are prepared, we know the decision that is ought to be taken at unanticipated times. Do it now

Getting out of comfort zone

Getting out of comfort zone is lot harder than you think. But once we surpass that barrier, it becomes less fearful to do another thing that is challenging. By breaking up the comfort zone, we are actually making ourselves stronger.

Why should you own your method?

Why you should develop your own analysis method for sorting outnthe stock is  a really important question. This question is relevant to most of the speculators in the market. We call them investors once they know what they do, which only could be attained by developing your own method. The irony is each way of investing is pegged with emotions. So, even if you copy Warren Buffet formula of investing, you will get a poor result unless you peg with emotion.

Controlling the inner self

It doesn't matter what is gonna happen in the world. We cannot control what's gonna happen, but our response is always in our reach. We can take accountability for the reactions that we incur. If we learn to control our response, we'll no longer get worry for the external adversity.

Perils of assets classes

Imperialism meant to take the possessions as much as possible. When the ideology of imperialism thrived at the period where everyone considered having more land is the sign of power and wealth, it is quite natural to have such a bias. The war were in the name of lands, bribes were measured by how much acres therein and certainly the wealth both of an individual and a kingdom. This was practised from the very beginning and multiple centuries before. The more land you own, the richer you are. Because there is no equivalent alternative to measure wealth. It took centuries to sway away from this notion. Slowly people started believe in assets. By then the most favourable one was gold (among matals). So the greedy ones went to hunt for gold, they dig deeper and deeper until they found some trace and they did. But with a short period of time, when compared with the duration at which people veered from lands to gold, people started believing in more assets classes are preferably the ownership

New technology

Web 3.0 is a game changer and it is sparkling many of the innovators. once they arrive the equation that matches their passion they'll change the world. Being resilient in the new unwrapped technology might create wonders.

Investing skills

Investing is a healthy habit. It creates wealth and wellness. But investing isn't easy. It is easy to create a broker account and our money in. But inorder to be a good, patience and courage is the skill.

Plan the day

Planning the day is gonna be real helpful to make it as productive. We often say that we don't have enough time to do all of these things, but by directing our time as the way we wanted will improve the situation.

Reminder for death

A reminder for death is a motivating factor. It helps us to filter out the unwanted things and narrows our focus into the things that is most important to us. We keep reminders of all the unwanted things and making our life miserable. To make it meaningful we should be aware that we are nearing the death and hence a reminder is helpful.

Overpriced stocks

When the current price of a stock is way higher than its book value, then it is the time to think before investing. It means then the share is over priced and we can expect a correction sooner or later. Once the fundamentals are equally balanced, them the further movement indicates the real trend.

Cash flow of companies

One in three main thing that can be used to evaluate a company whether to invest or to learn is to analyse it's cash flow statement. It is equally important as reviewing the balance sheet and p&l statement. Everyone keenly focus on the numbers in these colomns before investing. Everyone should if he is to invest. But cash flow, they mostly give less importance. One reason is that they just need to know whether it is positive or negative. If it is positive, good. Negative, then need to analyze further more deeply. We can get a sense of the operational and financial activities from cash flow statements. And by combining our findings from here to over-all findings will lead to a good sense of this company.

Investing with index

Expecting return a way more than the index average can be of greed influence. Index do gives a handsome return that sometimes even surpasses majority of the stock performance. But it is also true that index may stands still for some years. Yet in the very long it is way better than FDs.

Be an intelligent investor

Investing is more of a common sense than intelligence. An investor with high IQ and low EQ is not intelligent at all. In the contrary world on intelligence is considered as a measured value of IQ, but in the investing world it plays little role. Sure a person with high IQ can calculate the risk and rewards, the sectorial cage growth or even can find his own formula to find multibagger. But if he is fragile on patience and discipline, he won't be the intelligent investor. Investing is a fun process until we see a major loss. When confronted with such situations, we forget everything and the primitive brain of flight or fight gets activated. So most investors sell their holding along with the masses instead of buying more at the discounted price. They know the market is gonna revive sooner and stronger, but they won't listen to their logical mind and keep their selling activity on. Here the fear surmounts every knowledge and experience. So it is important to be an intelligent inv


Whatever the situation will be, the only thing that we should be caring is to make use of our time at its best. This makes the difference.

Pledging can be useful

Pledging of share can sometimes be seen as a positive thing. By pledging we can earn an extra money using the leverage that is available from the money invested without losing the money. This is great only when we are sure about the possible outcome regardless of its nature can be endurable.

Running out of time

Death is a constant reminder that we are running out of time. When we look at the world, we see people running behind fame, material possessions and money. But what they are missing is the fact that these are all external placebos for external world. But what matters the most is the inner world. Once we know how to satisfy the inner world, then we no longer be the prisoner of this external dilemma.  We can sort out the things by making use of our time doing the things that makes us feel proud and satisfied. But this requires courage and persistence. Because here problems in the shape of emotions strikes is. We may get mocked. We might hear rude words. But it is okay as long as we are doing the right things. In order to do the right things we must be cautious about the time that is slipping by us.

Descipline for success

The greatest impediment to achieving our goal is the lakh of se elf descipline. Descipline is sometimes or mostly underrated because of the reason that most people talk,but don't really apply. We can start anything because of the initial rush and curiosity. But it won't sustain and what matter will be the why. Without a why we won't be desciplined.

Industries to looks for

Industries that is gonna thrive for the time ahead is what is in demand the most. Now demand is for those which makes our life easier and better. With better technology and place we can live a pretty decent life. So to build a new portfolio next year, we should look into EVs, green energy and tech spaces. Because these would definitely turns out to be the game changer.

Journaling as a resolution

Journaling is an outstanding habit that worth doing. The rewards are worthy to have it. Especially we are just few hours away for next year, although time is just an illusion, journaling can be a very good choice for a resolution. People often crave for self improvement and by some virtue they start something and eventually gives up. For those who do this, it is worth doing nothing, at least it would save some confidence. 

Investment with fundamentals

The common two types of benefits by doing fundamental analysis is that you can make money and you can become wise. People while mentioning about making money they often inscribe the situation as out of control. Their financial is like not their job to manage. And finally they end up in financial trouble. By actually studying a company fundamentally, we make make better choices for better return. And even if we fail, we can take those failures as an oppertunity to understand the process of investment better. Second as like I said about becoming wise. There is no scarcity for any scam. People do want to make money. Some people cares about the ethic while others don't. This happens everywhere. When it comes to investment, we can see some people offering tips about picking the right choice of stocks and that often turns out to be bullshit. By learning it by ourselves we can actually become wise at choosing the right industry for right kind of investment.

Practice for good

 To be great at something requires practice. You must have heard about the wisdom quote " Practice makes a man perfect". The case is no different for obstacles and adversity. We must face obstacles frequently so that we can strengthen our will. There is no lack of obstacles and adversity in our day-to-day life. We are being blind to it because of fear. Unless we face those obstacles we never grow. We tremble at those kinds of similar situations, not knowing how to face them. But only after getting acquainted with facing such adversities, we can become stronger.

Learn to earn

There is nothing insaner than investing without knowing the basic fundamentals of a company. A company should be subjected to study before investing. People those who invests based on news and tips often get in trouble and finally concludes that stock market is a gambling. This is wrong and stupid. But with internet we can make better decision to win the stock market. And guess what? Everything that you need to become a successful investor are freely available in the web.

FOMO dilemma

With an obsession over a thing, the given effort seems effortless. We will spend hours tirelessly and even make it to the next top level. But we develop this affectionate obsession with only a few items and most of them are addictive as well s destructive. We see this happen with people eagerly waiting for an episode of their favorite TV show. Since we do most of the fundamentals with what is most pleasurable than what is actually productive, we often fall into this trap of fake FOMOs. FOMO can be interpreted in two ways.  The first one is in the form of pleasing the external world. Protecting ourselves from being an idiot in the crowd. This is embarrassing to most people since they seek validation from the external world all the time. They are not allowed to miss what's trending, the new episodes of tv shows, celebrity divorce, millions of viewed videos, and much garbage stuff. In the process of showing the external world that you're up to date with what is happening in the tr

Failure as an opportunity

 Every adversity can be turned into an opportunity. Whatever we do, we are faced with barriers. Some can be crossed without any effort, but some barriers are really hard to cross and even some people quit here. Those people who quit at these stages are afraid of failure. They failed one time and they are scared about the unprecedented outcome. An outcome is not a certainty, it is a possibility with more than one possible outcome. But what we only think about is failure. That is the only outcome we see in front of us due to the impact caused by just one failure. But what here matters is persistence. The quality that only a few people in the world have. Those people are the founding fathers of the nation, self-made billionaires, great authors, and great athletes. They influence the world and change the world. They were not born with these qualities, they instead developed them with disciplined effort. We can do the same, but we must be disciplined. With this quality, we can make every fa

Startups boosting economy

 A developing startup ecosystem is a sign of a developing nation. Once a startup comes into existence, there comes with plenty of opportunities. That is why government are so exited about the growth of these entreprenaurial ventures. These emerging companies do what the governments do and what governments wants them to do. They provide them with jobs,security,payable taxes and an incredible increase in the GDP. The cash inflow is the most sort out thing that government sees in these startups. with more cash in hand, they can build better infrastructure, provide free education and foods. By taxing the private organizations, they will be able to provide pensions and bonuses to the government employees. This is quite intresting. A lot of wealth is generated through the existance of these companes. They are fast and efficient since they manage the operational cost fro, their own pocket or from institutions where they are obliged to return.

Usefulness of audiobook

Technology enabled us with a lot of things. Things to improve our life. Among them was the invention of audiobook. The greatest benifit of audiobook is that even people who don't know to read can hear. It is that much powerful. With less time more information can be collected.

Checklist important

We should create a checklist that matches our profile for our investment. Investing without checklist is like going to a tourist place without a map. Checklist guide us through good investment by backing with a good decision.

Keep up with trend

It won't matter much whether the company is at the number one position in market cap, if it fails to keep up with the trend, it will go out of the business. there are a lot of examples in front of us. This busting off will result in the rise of the next big thing. The general motor was once the market cap champion. But the rise of the internet and technology brought thousands of companies, which now rules the entire business era. And companies in this field is now valued extremely high than any industry. The Internet gave access to the information that is once only available to the presidents and prime ministers to a common man. this is revolutionary and it changed the world. the world order keeps changing. every major change leads to revolutions. when this happens successfully with business, it is the next big thing.

4 types of investments

 A retail investor, he must know the different phases of investment that companies undergo. Not each and every, but almost all companies. The first ones are from the founders. They muster their hard-earned money or money in exchange for some obligation to build the company. Actually, this is the initial investment and the best part is they can take as much as share they want. If it is founded by a single, he owns every share at the initial stage. But as the company grows, like any other company, it requires money for its future growth. So what the founders and chiefs of the company do this time is that they go to an Angel. Angel investors are the second-term investors backed up by their own money. This looks closely to each and every corner of the business and after a lot of obscure examination, they either accept or neglect the offer. If they’re to invest, they will do so by pledging share in return. Since the company is still at its initial stage, the ‘angels’ will get a large numbe

Invest after learning

Any investment we do must be fro our own analysis and study. In the financial market, we see people investing in stocks and bonds based on what they hear form their friends and colleagues. They say "it may give good returns". If we want to invest and don't know how to do oit, then most probably the chances would results in we slaying towards the tips and news. The good part about tips and news is that its role as an educator. We can look into the specific financial advice and draw our own conclusions based on our analysis. Investing based on pure news and tips is a disaster. It may give handful of returns in the short term, but in the long term it is dangerous.

Optimism is essential for achievement

Optimism is a great tool for changing the world. Only those who changed the world are optimists. They see opportunity in every adversity and somehow make it out to the goal. Being an optimistic is not that easy. Often life tests is with difficult times and very few stands with their view even at those times. And not surprisingly these people make it to the top.

Web 3.0

 The need for web 3.0 is a hot topic among innovators and tech pioneers. It is gaining rapid attention among people. People should know about it. It is a third-generation form of the internet where consumers and creators can directly do the business instead of a middleman in between. There will be no giant corporation to collect and regulate our data. We can choose whether to sell or keep our data on a server. And only with our permission can we see ads. This is like democratizing the power of the internet. Even from the very initial days of the internet, people claimed that we were democratized. Of course, it did. It gave an equal opportunity for every man who has access to the internet to get the information he desires to get. It is like putting the entire search process on the internet and was a huge success. But gradually corporations came in between and started monopolies. Monopoly will never end, even with 3.0. Only the mode of surveillance differs and those corporations must

Usefulness of sectorial indices

 Sectorial indices are greatly useful when it comes to economy of nations. By viewing their rate of growth, we can say how the country is aligned with the global trend. For the past couple of days we see the rapid growth of IT sectors and how they are affecting the economy. We can briefly calculate the number of opportunities they are offering.  

Learn to think

 The ability to think better is a skill. Even Einstein said “ the purpose of education must be to teach a person to think better”. We see in schools and colleges, the academic is denser with assignments and records to be submitted. The act is to find the information available and veering them to a single place. This is a good work. But as soon as the work get complete, then there is nothing to do. To think we must create something new instead of finding what’s already there. It requires courage and patience. Courage is to believe in our self and abilities and hoping that it would somehow get in our way.  

Mental barrier is there to cross

 Emotional barriers are there to cross. Only those people who realize this make a good outcome. This when viewed from another perspective, we can say this is a play by the universe to make us better and stronger. We need to be mentally developed to live a better life. We see people becoming fragile when they confront with a severe life situation, they panic and get anxious. Soon they fall into depression. Until we cross this mental barrier, we won’t grow. But most people instead of facing and solving this problem, choose to escape from it by some quick fix. Of course, they would get some short-term pleasure, but the problem remains there forever until they overcome the mental and emotional barrier it puts in front. Next time a different problem arises with this level of the mental straddle. We have to break it, else it will show up in different forms.  

What investors look for?

An investor should look at the team more rightly than the idea. Idea is important. A good novel idea that can engage people to talk about it travels like a virus. Those ide virusee may get global recognition. But without a good team, it won't sustain further. The same idea might get cloned by some other inspired teams.  A good teams is an inspired team. They are inspired by the impact it is gonna deliver. They will work towards making the world a better place ( a cliche for a good idea). That is why investors closely monitor the team and the founders. They analyse their work, their ethics, their past and their perception. Whether they have skillss and talent is considered less important than attitude and vision. Even a mediocre idea with a good team can return multiple time ROI.

Economy class

Economy should be taught as early as possible. We see educational reform curating their curriculum on vast topics which ranges from things happened centuries ago to new age technologies. These are all good and must be taught. But the economy has its prime importance. Each and every person is a part of the economy and it is affecting us directly and indirectly.

Financial literacy

Learn to earn is a very powerful way to express the need of financial knowledge. Everyone dreams of becoming financially independent, yet majority learns nothing about finance. They can learn at least personal finance management. Financial world is a never ending way. There are millions of things to learn about. But people don't even know the very basics of finance and they struggle their entire lives to make more money. They don't know how to make their money grow even when they are sleeping. There are multiple ways to do that. We can easily spot a financially educated and the other by simply observing their life. One always stays in debt and other in profit.

Having a plan

There are several ways to improve your life every single day. The best one is to have a to do list. Even if we don't complete the whole to do list, it makes a lot of difference. In the long term, it yields staggering results. A day without a plan is like a life without a purpose. People with purpose knows what they want to do and when they want to do. There is little confusion in between. At the end of the day all that matters is the fulfillment that gained from doing those things. Even if we don't know what is the purpose of life, by simply ordering the day based on our understanding of what is important and not helps to identify it. It slowly moulds in the way. The fear whether we would be able to complete the task in time is what, for some people, a refraining factor. But that is a great reflection of our true self. It helps to stabilize the actual value. 

Cutting expenses

Cutting down the expenses is one of the way to increase revenue. Some companies perform better from last year due to increased number of product sales and services extended. This surely get reflected in the financial statements issued. Therefore more revenue can be generated without cutting the unwanted expenses. Even for companies with solid management teams, cutting expenses are really hard as it requires a total makeover. But some times it makes sense to do so.

Technology and belief

Effects of our beliefs are now interfering with what’s called the tech revolution. This happens every time. Before going through the process well, the so called leaders arrive at a destination where everything they find is not good for the community. They even showcase the proof to uphold their claims. What is wrong here is that they over estimate the calculated adversity and under estimate the power of it. Community leaders when they study, they overlap the religious or community theories in the notion of those technology. New technology comes with the power to change the status quo. Changing the status quo means changing the beliefs, which is extreme violation against the law of tribe. So either they say tribe members should keep distance from it or it is wrong. Holding crypto currencies, in the eyes of some Indonesian Muslim tribes, is haram. This is a perfect example.

Investing require patience

Starting the investment journey as early as possible can make you wealthy. Investing any time is good, but during the process, we will go through a lot of learning processes which is inevitable. Warren Buffet once said that investing is the process of moving wealth from an impatient investor to a patient one. This is very much true especially we're dealing with money growth in the midst of  get rich quick segment. Without patience, wealth creation is almost impossible because we jump from one plus to another before reaching the destination.

Dips in investment

Market always makes some corrections during its journey. For a short term investor, it is the stage where he books profits. And many times they misplace their trade loosing money. But for an investor with long term view, it is just a other minor dip that is to be ignored. Dip are obvious and it happens to everything in progress. It is a universal law that states anything going forward must go through dips. Or we fan see dips as a form of test. For every improvement we make, we must test it whether we are really improves or not. Dips makes us go through it. In investing it is a mental test. Patience is a prime factor for a good investment. While in a dip, when we see other prices moving high making frequent all time highs, we tend to withdraw our price and veer it to other one. In this test we failed to sustain the promise. So dip is a very good thing which makes us to learn things faster and better.


Diversifying your portfolio is the best way to sustain in the market. When one goes down, other tops. But make sure that everything you invested was invested based on your knowledge.

Focusing on few things

Every time it makes sense to get rid of the unwanted things, things that adds no value to our life. Instead of focusing on a large quality of things, it is good to focus on things that matters the most which adds value to our life.

Jote down

Jotting down the important things or even what comes to the mind is good for the exercise of brain. It uplifts the thinking and further pushes the consciousness to think.

Focus on one thing

Concentrating on one field gives us a tremendous edge than giving a shallow focus on various different things. The difference here is that we get a lot of information from one sector which enables us to master the field.

Descipline for success

 Discipline is sometimes underrated and sometimes overrated, but it is critical to know the importance of it. For a disciplined person, everything seems fine and can achieve anything. With experience and lessons, he will learn to take decisions according to his capability. He knows when to take action on what. An indisciplined person may take every work he sees when he sees some rewards. That is foolishness. He doesn’t know what he is capable of. When he takes everything in hand, he accomplishes nothing and feels deprived which affects the further action. Motivation ceases and a number of these processes result in a lack of confidence. Confidence drops gradually and it takes double the amount of time to rebuild it. When we feel low and dried, we seek social media for instant motivation. This is a quick fix for quick pleasure. In the long term, it is only for a disciplined person, can make the most out of life. He knows which actions to take and when to finish to build further confi

Bitcoin and DeFi

When the popularity of bitcoin increases, those who fear the most is the authoritarians. Government and great financial regulators are the prime ones. Bitcoin is a major concern for them. It is not because bitcoin is doing something harm to the world, it instead gives the power back to the common people. They can choose the value of money whether to deteriorate over time or to grow. It is a simple matter of choice. Earlier there institutions and government of thought of bitcoin as a fad popular among nerds and techs. But when it reached in big hands, they really started to get panic. Today’s market, the market capitalization of crypto is about 2.7 trillion. Where would have this money go if it is not invested in crypto? The possibilities are stocks and banks. Of course there are lot of other options, but majority of it goes to these two places. In either way banks get a fraction of involvement in money circulation. Or we can simply say we need banks for any kind of transfer. This is ex

Investing and holding

Investing is not just about buying at the dip and selling at the news. There are lot of things in between. One of the primary thing that investing requires is patience. The patience to wait for the returns we saw when we did the analysis. Many people buy stocks based on tips and what they hear in the news. These people become fragile at the investment journey. They move their portfolio multiple times to get the returns that their mind eluded. Without a proper research and study we don’t know how and when we gonna get the return we expected. Some people make their investment based on their study and understanding of the market. They spent weeks and months learning about the field and companies before investing. The advantage here is that they know exactly how the price behaves to a greater extent. They know when to expect the return they hope for. What it does is that it filters the confusion. If the price crawls as hell, they must have know it and they keep their patience on hold. Ho

Bitcoin can solve this

Bitcoin as a tradable asset gains more popularity than ‘bitcoin as a medium which brings financial sovereignty'. Amid the rise of growing popularity among crypto currencies and the big players manipulating the market, the vision is getting limited to what would happen in the crypto world instead of how it is gonna make a difference in the world. It is true that the popularity is among the traders and investors, these are the early adopters who adopted bitcoin as a part of wealth creation. But those who needs bitcoin the most owns nothing. Even worst, majority of them knows nothing about bitcoin. It is just a fad of jargon among traders and gamblers. This notion alone keeps them away from acquainting and acquiring bitcoin. The real solution to those problems are still yet to be understood. The so called bitcoin promote it as ‘why bitcoin and not fiat currency’ instead of buy at the dip and sell at the top. When it comes to share holding of a company, it is two separate entities t


Searching for the things we think important often leads us to a prominent path. When we do such endeavours, we discover more things related to our fields. 

Looking at the financial ratios

 Financial ratios are great when it comes to investment. These ratios are useful in calculating several attributes of an investor. We know that most people with an investor's eye look for return than value. Because money is luring.  While investing, it is advised to take a look at the asset through the different financial spectrum. We can't track the everyday activities of the companies. Some companies make a lot of money with little expense and others make losses from it. Even the performance of management decides the performance of the company. We cannot analyze each of these. But with the help of financial ratios, we can arrive at a solid conclusion for an investment.  Here number defines a lot of things than the words of the management team. They can fake you with fake words, but the number says everything.

Buying at the dip

Buying at the dip is one of the proven strategy that many people use to buy assets. The reason they do this is because they can see profit right from there. When they see profit at the very initial stages of investment, they will invest more. 

Bitcoin for everyone's good

 Bitcoin as a digital asset is in trend now. The exponential growth of bitcoin or generally speaking of cryptocurrencies is what makes hot news every more often. This can be misperceived as a gimmick, the false asset that is used to pump the money and dump when it is done. But this is not how bitcoin should be perceived. For u, living in a well economy balanced nation, the essence of bitcoin is shrunk to a digital asset. But this is not the case with countries that dread economic disasters. Ongoing crisis that is leading to a financial shutdown. People living in those countries see bitcoin as a hope and an opportunity. Never in the history of mankind has there came an invention like bitcoin or specifically blockchain that transfers power from the authority to the hands of people. Internet was one such invention, but the authority still remained. Its o performance decides the economy. A poor country has poor economics. People leaving in those countries earn less for the same work and wo

Time frame

 The best way to avoid a common sense trap is by changing the time frame. Once we learn to do the correct time frame chart, we could easily see that things are not as much as complicated as it is depicted in the short frames than the larger ones.

Manipulating the coins

 Since there is no authority to control or tonoutnthe regulation on crypto world, the manipulation can be observed. This is due to the fact that people getting greedy. They never let them self to settle for enough money, instead they go for profit ad much as they get. People with large sum of money manipulate the market by pumping and dumbing the shit coins.

Learn before investing

Instead of going behind a financial advisor, we can choose our own assets to invest in. There are a lot of benefits if we do invest based on our own analysis. One thing is education. If we don't have anyone to guide us through investment and portfolio allocations, we are forced to learn. When we learn we grow intellectually and emotionally.  The intellectual part is easy to understand because when we feed our brain growth is inevitable. But the latter part might confuse some, how could we grow emotionally if we learn and invest. The answer is we have no one to impose responsibility upon. We have to bear the losses and take responsibility. Once we do that, we realize that we did something wrong and need to improve to get the desired result. This makes us realize in the long term that no one is perfect neither do we.

communication power

When we look at the victims that fell for a scam, we could see that these people went from a suspect mind to a believer mind. Scammers use their skill of communication to trap common people. Hence communication when learnt, its application decides the wavelength of outcome.

Finding a good investment

 It is better to be an early investor. Early investors get the opportunity to raise the technology and can reap the maximum reward. This is because the CAGR shows the maximum number at the initial stages. The more it grows the rate of growth in terms of percentage decreases. This makes a lot of investors search for opportunities that are yet to explode. It takes a good amount of work to find those multi-baggers. The finding isn’t enough. When we find a company that is perfectly aligned with the situation and the filler of the void, some companies still suck. The reason is the founders. If they don’t know what they are not passionate about giving something to the world, then the prime focus veers to money. This is bad, especially for a company. A good founder with great intention can turn a mediocre company into a world scalable one.

Holding the asset

Holding is the key for wealth. Holding seems like a simple thing to do. I’m fact it is the hardest jobs when it comes to making money. People find it frustrating because it shows results vey lately. They lack patience, they are newbies and needs to see the profit as soon as they enter. But market is designed exactly opposite. It rewards those who wait.

Analyse a stock

It is advised that before investing it is a healthy habit to analyse the asset fundamentally. We see people investing purely based on news and short term information. News and media will not cover a story about a fundamentally strong multi bagger stocks. It takes time for them to analyse and media’s rarely do this. But whenever they find something, let’s say stocks, flying it is immediately covered and they compete to out the coverage first. This is observed globally. Besides doing fundamental analysis requires lot of time and patience. There are thousands of companies out there and to find the good one with great potential is hard and risky. Risky means we have to trust our instinct that somewhere somehow we will find those stocks by sacrificing our time. It is a risk when it comes to time.

Do the purposeful work

People do start something as soon as they find interesting stuff. The curiosity behind what is in it is the driver. They see someone doing a particular thing the he never tried before. So a keen interest develops inside him and he eventually think about it for a while. If he sees it again the curiosity rises again and the urge to do it develops more seriously. As a result the temptation increases so rapidly eventually leaving him to do that. This is the base behind every new act. We see people doing things they never did before. But this is not the right way or specifically not the right mentality. Because without the understanding of what they are doing and in the absence of purposeful why, things won’t last. When the curiosity and entertainment ceases, it gets boring and frustrating. The reason is the factor that motivated him to perform this activity is no longer alive and he needs new injector which is not available. So the easiest option is to quit. To continue anything we must b

Dip is there

Learning curve acts like a flee bull. When we try to learn or master anything, we spend good amount of time immersed in it. Anything new needs to be highly cared because it takes sometime to fire and wire the neurons together. After that the process become less difficult and more of a routine. The process of routine is not difficult since it is in a state of automation, but the journey to the automation is difficult. It requires us to go through the curve. The curve contains a lot of dip. Each dip is designed (by nature or universe) to reward those who survives. This is same as of what Darwin said in his book. It is the survival of the fittest. One these who works, wins. Each dip like said makes the participants stronger. It is must and inevitable. It may seem hard at first, but eventually proves the best. It applies to anything that is happening around.

Why get rich quick scheme?

Get rich quick scheme is very much overrated. People get attracted to getting rich than building a long term wealth. It is quite obvious, all of us want it achieve our goals as soon as possible. I mean for lot of us it is meaningful. And most of people in this planet consider work as the mean of earning money, which is partially true if the purpose is neglected. So all want to get rich within a very short span of time. This is desirable because it brings financial freedom which further brings the true freedom. This is luring. So we chose the get rich quick scheme.

Pandemic accelerated business

The pandemic like we know did more adverse effect than good ones. But it also made some industry to thrive. Mostly digitally pivoted industries found a rapid growth during these fields. When the whole world were instructed to be in home, the demand for online services soared. The entertainment industry which were struggling to survive made to the top. Thousands of digital based startups reached unicorn status. This is clear indication that where the world is going and how the future business model should be. Everyone knows that the world belongs to digital giants in the future. All of us are somehow spending hours and hours in the internet. Researchers indicates that this number will only go up. This is one of the reason we see a lot of tech startups founded by non techies. They saw the opportunity and tried their own hands. Even industries focusing of physical or tangible product and services are integrating their business to the internet. What this pandemic did was it accelerated

Watching negative news

For a lot of reason some people avoid reading news. It is convinced by the society that reading newspapers or watching news for hours is good for us to get updated. In a sense that is true. News is something that should be watched or read. But what if the news itself diverges from its . Instead of delivering the news, these media’s are keenly focused on delivering addictive contents. A culture of attracting views got the foremost prioritization. As with the internet, the competition for getting views or subscription soared. This led the media companies to focus on customer acquisition than delivering news. They broadcast contents that are addictive and short term pleasurable. Our minds are readily acceptable to negative news than positive news. A bribe investigation is lot pleasurable a development project. We all know that negativity is bad for the mind. Yet we consume it as like we do with alcohol. What is even worse is we do this in the morning when our brain is fully functional.

TA and FA

 For a short term use in assets, we can use technical analysis. It gives us a brief Idea about where the price is moving and how fast they are pacing. It use more useful in short time frame trading. For long term Fundamental analysis is needed.

Price manipulation

 Manipulation in crypto is a common thing. Whoever with a big follower base can alter the value. It is not that great. There are some problems related to it. When we see someone with tones of crypto investment, we could observe the variation in the asset value when he withdraws. This is the case with every asset which is open to investment. And by pouring his money into the asset makes its price surge. When he couples with some other investor, the power becomes stronger and it is hence easy to manipulate. This is actually the migration of power to those who have more. But Bitcoin came into existence to cease this same thing, a central authority being the decider of price movement. It takes a good diversification to adjust the growth rate of cryptos. An asset being easily subjective to manipulation is not a healthy investment to think about. Because the person who holds more possess more power and manipulation is easy to practice. He can make a small retail investor poor or rich with p

scammers are everywhere

Fake peoples are everywhere. They are looking to make profit form scamming other people. Sometimes it is hard to identify these scammers. They are very much skilled and ready to go any extent to make money. All they care about is money and ready to do anything on behalf.

Short term pumping

 The Internet opened a lot of ways to do a job. It opened opportunities for a lot of people. The business started to grow fast and the pace of everything related accelerated. It is no new thing. Whenever a disruptive technology disrupts the industry, it collapses the whole factors that were meant to be the status quo. As it touched and changed multiple industries, it also changed the way of making money. The Internet alone creates half of the billionaires living today. In fact, if we look at the top 5 richest people in the world, four out of them were internet accelerated billionaires. They are promising a better future through the development of the internet. Among this revolution, a lot of people found their way of crookedness in making money. One such thing pumping the price of an asset with the support of a strong community. That is clear manipulation. But when it comes to a decentralized asset, it is quite legal and good for short-term gain. By decentralized assets, I clearly

Society can be a trap

There are lot of traps out there. Only after falling or getting out of that trap we realize that we were bondaged for a very long time. We were born into the society trap where everything is predefined. Everything is written and all we have to do is to obey them. We are not allowed to wander with our will and certainly not with any other rules. Predefined are the prime ones. When we look at those cultural scribings of activism, we could see that everything is limiting and designed to refrain is from our true potential. The hardest thing is not being unaware of this trap, it is being in the trap even after knowing you are in a trap. This makes us to think differently. Because we found something, probably, no one around found. It would be game changer for everyone. It could transform the society and culture, paving a more promising future for the generations to come. But what happen when we introduce this theory to those blind people is quite depressing. They mock and joke you, laugh a

Work involved

For lot of reason, people avoid confronting reality. It is very much scary to them. You must have heard that everything is first created in the mind and then in the reality. That is true But it is difficult to execute and to put into practice. Involvement and lot of work is required. Very few people make this transaction. What filters this out is the work involved in between.  

Long term investment

Both long term and short term investment are hard. Both requires a specific set of skills. When it comes to long term investment, patience is must. Because the money when invested for a decade needs no withdrawal to see the real compounded growth. Everybody see this power of compounding and they land into investment as soon as they can. Those people with real poor mindset always rely on their emotions for placing further entries and exists. If we look at those who had succeeded and made a massive wealth, we could see that one of the most important thing that aided their process of wealth creation is holding. They have this ground level patience and they hold for decades. That is a skill. Waiting for the returns from an investment that was initiated decades before. It is very much easy to see investment as an option with less work and preperation. But it is not. It requires skills to analyse a company fundamentally. Among thousands of companies, the one with right set of values gets i

Focus makes the difference

The amount of work depends on the amount of time we spent on and the amount of focus. To be precise, it is the product of those two. There are various types of practices that makes up to a perfect finishing time. But whenever we look at it, the core always lies in the amount of we focused. We can even say that focus is solely responsible for completion. Without focus nothing cannot be completed. It may stay unsolved forever. People try to make their lives better by doing several things, in the end we could say that they were indirectly trying to improve their focus. Focus helps is to accomplish things within a very short span of time. There by reducing the time wastage and leaving things perfectly finished. With focus, we can complete even the task that now feel like impossible. People often neglect this fact try their best to make a difference in their lives by merely altering the surface. That may do good in the short term. But in the long term, it does nothing. We have to change

Asking questions

Questioning to wonder whether the existence is real is a very good habit. There are lot of benefits. Questioning opens our minds and leads to different possible outcomes. It makes us to act in a certain way of finding the solution. We often times heard that finding solution is the hardest part. But it’s not, it is finding the correct question to ask. That is both challenging and rewarding. Because once we find the real question, we can make a better solution.


Small everyday improvement leads to a large improvement. The compound effect is real and must be experienced. It is like witnessing our own growth for near as far. There is nothing to wonder that it is the eighth wonder.

Start-ups growing hub

Start-up ecosystem around the world is evolving. Whenever we talk of startups, there is a tendancy to sway towards American tech hub. But that is changing. Evey country learned those lessons form their mistake of letting companies go to hell. Now even states are focusing to build massive startup ecosystem. They found that today’s startup will bring lots and lots of wealth to their country. Countries even with a poor economic backgrounds are trying very much hard to involve youngsters to build their own ventures than finding a job. There are lot of motive behind this. One is that the government need not work hard to get every citizen employed. Even some companies could give jobs with attractive salary than the government jobs. Another one is paving the seed for the future. Younger generation see this evolution and male their way to the similar path. But it might take a lot of years or even decade to achieve this. Through giving incentives on local startups, these countries are attract

Everyone is different than you think

Why it is wrong to judge a person by his looks? This is a common thing to acknowledge. Although we often hear ourselves and other people say that you cannot judge a man by his looks, all of us do it all the time. This is ingrained in the humane gene. We tend to defy that but often ends up in which we thought we wouldn’t. Most of the time our calculations gets wrong. The person who we thought wasn’t the person we thought. If we engage with them, we could see a lot of different things. Even things that we can apply in our own life.

Trading probability

Booking a loss in investing or trading is a part of the process. No trader in the world has become a trader without booking the loss. Loss is inevitable while trading. Look at any field or any career path, there we can see failure ad a probability. Failure means a test where we can check ourselves whether we would be able to sustain or not. Everything in the universe brings failure as a probability. Without failure nothing is complete. We can even congest it with death. Death is an equalizer and life would be incomplete without it. That’s how failure is associated with success. In order to taste the sweetness of success we must first taste the failure. Trading we can say is a volatile and riskier game. There is no middle ground. Either you lose money or win the jackpot. Our goal is to convert the success probability as the most possible outcome. Once we win this, we could see ourselves getting improved. We can say the more we try the more we fail, thus the more we succeed. One of

Blockchain advancement

 The blockchain concept is spreading like a wildfire. Right after the announcement of Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, the concept of Bitcoin came into existence. Some people were thought of it as a revolutionary thing, but most of the people thought it was a foolish idea to have everything decentralized. People who believed that was a minority. But when we look now the minority is no more a minority. The acceptance of Bitcoin and Blockchain is really disrupting and more people are getting to know about this. If we look at the county's central authority, although they are unhappy about the concept of bitcoin, they are interested in the technology behind bitcoin, the Blockchain. Estonia being the very first early adopter of Blockchain trusted it and paved the way for a new revolution. The countries which once banned the system are now experimenting with it. The panic that is created at the beginning of its emergence is not at all a panic anymore, instead, it became a

Trading psychology

Requirement is needed before placing a trade. While observing for the trading opportunity in intraday, it is best to be done with a series of requirements. These requirements needs a long time to forge and once it formed naturally, then it is very much easy to take trade based on that. Here the thing is not the creation of requirements, it is sticking to it, ie. in other words developing discipline. A lot of people might believe that one of the common advises in trading is never to exit manually. It must either be a target of stop loss hit. Of course it is best advice, but what it does is it develops the discipline. A trader have this tendency of acting based on his emotion. Emotion in trading is dangerous. It always leads to big trouble. Trade like robot is a quite advanced form of advice. It implies everything about discipline. Once we master this art of trading, it is very much easy to make profit. It is not the lack of strategy or technique, it is lack of discipline. Once psycho

NFT can protect you digitally

 Nostalgic has its own stand regardless of the age we stand in. In retrospect, we could see a lot of things that made us emotionally attached and then went far. But when we think of it, it reminds us of the things we enjoyed or experienced. There are a lot of ways we can actually make those emotionally attached things or moments with us. With the help of technology, we can even declare ownership. That may sound crazy and stupid. When everything is going digital, then why not the digital product itself cannot have this ownership. That is the only concern among some people about keeping their digital lifestyle memory ownership. But now there is nothing to worry about. With Blockchain we can create the digital age ownership to anything digital. NFTs are at the early stages of their digital ownership ventures. We can make those really important things more important and close to ourselves with the help of NFTs. Only a few people are making well use of this technology. By few people, I mean

Benefits of index trading

People when came to know about the benefits of index trading, they migrate to it. There are several reasons. It varies from person to person. One may say trading in indices are reliable. Newbies are always advised to trade in equities before entering into the derivative market. Equities are less volatile and very good to learn and earn. You pay less for your losses or in other way, for the things you learnt. This is obvious and people go through this as usual. But there are people who skips the equity market directly to the derivative with only one and only reason, to get rich quick. With that in mind loss is guaranteed. Experienced traders choose indices for not or less being manipulated. Because of the volume and less volatility, it is safer to trade than other segments. It is also very reliable. Even the disappearance of number of heavyweight cannot make the indices disappear. That is a very good point to remember and keep in mind while selecting which one to trade. Whenever we t

Private blockchain

The ledger in blockchain need not necessarily backed by a currency. For a system that need large amount of nodes, like in case of public permissioned blockchain, it is essential to give an incentive either in form of reduction in transaction fee or some currencies. This is a high incentive for those who works with high computational powers. They would demand this. But in case of private blockchain there is no need of providing a currency in the form of incentives. Private blockchains are used when the peer nods comes to know each at least half of them. They form a network of peer group and validate the transactions. Since private blockchain entitles the identity of each nodes, it is impossible to get a lot of people through. So these private blockchain lacks popularity and hence there is no coin. But this is extremely helpful in large corporations to store and validate data. They can create a supply chain where everything could be traceable form the very beginning. It involves no s

Make better decision

It is said that people who do best at interviews sucks at job. Not everyone, but mostly. Whenever we hire a person to our company, we go through a long process of recruiting. It involves a lot of things from written test to group discussion and finally leading to an interview where we sort out the final candidates. The problem with these kind of processing is that these people are selected by a foxed set if procedure where the modules are fixed. When it comes to business everything is momentary and needs a lot of decision making skills. Skills are really important, especially decision making skills. But what these people lacks is the same thing. That is why sometimes CEOs directly recruit people from other companies without even having a permission from board. All that matters is his effectiveness in decision making. Form time to time a business is prone to challenges and needs a good leader to execute the right work. So the important thing in any of the thing that requires a food

problem solving

How to prepare for a good test. Preparing for any problem infront requires an in-depth analysis of the problem itself. When we go through the problem we will get to know where we should make the improvement and where to leave it as free. But only in few occasions people give that much of analysis review before entering into a problem solving method. When we look at the largest problems that had been solved, we could see how that problem got studied before. Because without understanding what the real heck problem is, we cannot find a solution. If we try to find a solution to the problem that we drawn out by our fragile analysis, we will get the solution for the things we discovered, not the actual problem. So while before solving every problem we should learn about the problem before getting into work. Once we enter the working world, we probably won’t care about the study. That is why it is important to have a habit of in-depth analysis before confronting with the solution. Solution r

Technology and crisis

  Now the world is dependent on every single occurrence from any part of the world. An attack in the extreme west affects the employment status in the east. The reason is the interdependency that is getting forged strongly every moment. One of the prime examples was that the market crash that occurred in the US in 2008 left people in the east jobless. We could say that the US was the global power and any minor sentiments might make the rest of the world a crisis. It is true, but the kingdom is slowly shifting, not to a single entity, but to series of economic powers. This keeps expanding and every country will be able to create a global catastrophe by the civil turmoil. We should look at the involvement of technology here. It enabled the news to spread within seconds all over the world. It actually accelerated every process. The good things get even better and bad to worse. So in this arena, it is mandatory that technology should not use its manipulative power to make the world a b

Learning before investing

 Which is the time to invest in one of the popular questions among the newbies before they invest or even after they made their initial investment. The reason they ask this question is the hard-core obsession behind becoming rich in a matter of weeks. They come to the market and invest expecting a greater return in a matter of weeks. Becoming rich is the main source of motivation behind every investment. People rarely invest based on the technology or growth factor. Those people who take time to learn about the thing they are investing in before investing actually end up with tons of money. The reason is the effort they put into understanding the work. This lets them study more before they invest. It is a well rewarding behavior or habit. Because when it comes to money, you should be keen about the way you invest. Investing becomes hard when we don’t know that asset. Maybe that so-called asset is a liability. Who knows? Those who study, know.   Investing for money isn’t bad. But fixing

Concentration is important

 I heard a lot of times about the importance of concentration. Once we know what it really is and how it is gonna change our life we realize that we wasted a lot of time. Growing up we were taught to do many things. We were forced to study the unimportant things which add no value to our life. But important things such as finance and mind, which everyone needs were never even addressed. We might end up in disaster if our mind is in turmoil. This is observable in everyday life. We always fall into the trap of wandering thinking and practicing the mind to even wander more. In the end, we feel stupid and wasteful thinking about all the negative things. It is essential to understand the mind and how it works. Because we can program it once we understand it. This is important as every other important thing, or even more. To understand our mind we need to first observe our mind. How is it behaving and what are the thoughts popping up. If the output thinking is good, then good for us too. Bu

Time and procrastination

  There are multiple benefits while assigning time to the task. Whenever we see ourselves procrastinating at a task, we must have noticed that we had not had any time frame on when to start and when to finish. This is really important because once we have this clear idea about when to start and finish, we can save a lot of time. After the end of the time, we are free and independent enough to do our favorite task. Most of the time we procrastinate on the things that someone assigned to us. It is not our willingness, yet we have to do this. At these times become the problem of procrastination. We tend to put things for tomorrow day after day until we reach a point when there is not enough time to do even half of the task we are supposed to do. With a time-scheduled process, we can actually calculate the process of work and the time needed. This saves a lot of time for procrastination. I can say procrastination sucks. It sucks everything. But being a non-procrastinator is impossible,

Innovation and business

  Before starting a company, the foremost priority is at starting the company. We go to any extent in order to do that. But soon after having an idea and starting a business, the real problem starts to emerge. It comes form every department. Needs innovation at proper time and very good convincing marketing. When we look at successful companies, they are still working very much hard to stay on the top. Because when it comes to business delay means death. The field competition gets tougher year after year. So every company strives to be more innovative each time. Habit of people changed from having a product different than the old one for couple of years to every single year. This was reinforced by those corporate organization itself. This created a sense of urgency in customers to frequently change the product. They need better one different than before. It again forced companies to be innovative more than ever. This cycle gets tougher each time. The time durability decreases and n

Consistent practice

 What happens when we fail to do the things that we had to do, it either collapses everything or shows us our potential. Even after knowing the extent to which we can procrastinate at the most important thing and the consequences it brings, we procrastinate every time. Steven Pressfield said, “ we procrastinate most on the most important things”. So it is not a matter of finding the foremost things that are yet to complete, but to do the works is harder. What is even harder is starting the work. After a very good start we can actually enter into a flow, but to start is difficult. Because of this, we procrastinate not on the work, but to start. Anyway or anytime we have to start if it is assigned for us. The more we procrastinate, the more we suck. It is not that easy to do the work the drains the energy and bores the shit out of you. It needs practice, the practice of being uncomfortable every time and do the work. We were conditioned to procrastinate on the most important things a

Trading psychology

 When it comes to trading the patterns play a huge role in reaping the reward. The reward for the risk is what each trader hopes for. Sometimes the risk shows its part by showing us the loss. But loss is just a part of the game. Whenever there occurs a loss we tend to go in full revenge mode burning all the rest of the money. We know that is a wrong approach, but we do it frequently. The reason is we don’t like being a loser. At least we need the money we put in. Forget about the profit and focus on the investment. But that is wrong and dangerous. Because markets work against psychology. An emotionally weak person always has a weak portfolio and a weak profit and loss statement. When you become a person with a rigid mentality and have the patience for the right time execution, then it is very much rewarding. That is why when we a good trader he is patient and well disciplined. Discipline is necessary since money is involved. An indisciplined person keeps liability more than an asset. H

Pitching an idea

Pitching an Idea to the investors when we desperately need money is quite challenging. Convincing investors is not an easy job. We have to go multiple time to receive first round investment. Investors care more the enthusiasm and mentality of the founder than the idea that they are pitching. In order to show the driven passion, we must have a very good communication skill. Most of the founders keeps their skill at convincing investors at its peak. When they see the opportunity along with it, they tend to invest. Even investors with years of experience fails to spot the right person and idea. But if you ask whether they regret, most of them would say no. They did made their decision based on their knowledge and capability at that time. Investors don’t need to know all successful ideas and companies, they just focus on the ones that aligns their fundamentals. Everyone has their own view of analyzing and selecting. Therefore pitching an idea to the investors might bring the investment i

Being an early investor

 Investing in some companies or technologies at its early stage is beneficial. We often see people or even ourselves regret being non-investor in those world-changing companies. One of the reasons that people find a reason for not investing is not having enough. These people always complain about being financially poor and point that as a reason for not investing. But later when those invested became multi-billionaires, these poor people starts to complain about not knowing the opportunity. In fact, they knew what is happening around, but chose not to invest. Instead of changing, they complain every time. Even at the present moment, they say they don’t have time or money to invest paving a way for days full of regret. What is important here is not having enough money to make a good investment, but the mentality of an investor. Investors back the technology that changes the world. Most people don’t want to change the world, neither they invest nor build a startup. But they are experts

When things slips today

 Weeks before the actual commencement feels like a heavy load. The reason is the amount of stuff that is to be completed. It takes a lot of energy and time. Whenever we confront such a situation, we tend to do two things, either make a plan or leave the plan. The former is a lot better. Because with the least amount of time and inaccurate decisive situation, we might have come to the conclusion which is more precise than the latter. Speaking of it making a plan is really daunting. Here the plan itself reveals the work and effort that need to be put in. So some people finish as per their will finishing the desired portions within time. But the others keep it on procrastination. They are resting because they have done a mountain task of structuring and planning. The rest of the day goes for entertainment. As soon as they find their former plan is no longer valid, they make another with the same willpower and attitude. This happens multiple times finally reaching the exact date of complet

Technology and scalability

Every areas of development could be integrated to other areas as well. We invented and discovered many such things and integrated to many other things. Famous Newton’s law when found out might be little difficult to put in action. But after a couple od decades we discovered it’s essence in everyday life. Even space crafts use this same law at the time of its propulsion. This is not new and is happening in every where. AI when discovered hadn’t had that much of everyday implementation. But now almost half of the things we do is assisted by it. It is even helping the astronomers to find new planet and the presence of aliens. It was not believed to be a game changer in the field of astronomy. But it dad and will continue to impact for a long period of time. Experts predicated it’s user scalability and threats.   This same thing will happen with Blockchain. It is still at its initial stage and it is now identified as a synonym for Bitcoin. This will change in the near future. Change is al

Surviving a crash

A company which survives all the negative forces thrives in the future. A company or a startup generally focus on solving problem. The bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity, and sometimes the bigger the risk. But taking such rewards yields better results. Results really defines the success. So whenever a company makes good amount of return as per their vision or greater than the previous year. And more probably we can see that those organization which survive the dip offers a very good incentives to investors as the future. During the dotcom bubble that happened in the late 20th century, those ventures which survived yielded a very good return to the investors later. Only a fundamentally strong company could survive such kind of dip. After that people are convinced about it bright future and those who then became the retail investors made a try. Therefore a dip or even a horrible dip has such kind of advantages. It can convince people and investors to trust.

Testing the strategy

When it came comes to trading we see people using different strategies. There is no fixed strategy for success. People find their agreed will at one thing which may or may not suit us. So the real challenge is not to master the strategy but to find it. We may even tried multiple strategies multiple times. Even now that confusion pops. People choose strategy not based on how much winning percentage it has, but does it resonate with their style. Even people trading just based on their will can make more money and can have a great winning percentage than who tried thousands of them. Even after choosing a strategy, people find it difficult to take trades based. Because they are not sure about whether it is what they actually need. If we have a strategy which we think might suits us, we have to test it and back test it. People jumping from one to another never have traded multiple timed based on that. Not a single strategy could be understood within days or weeks, it takes months like the

Better problem leads to better society

Creating technology based on generation is essential. Because at the time of creation, it will be introduced to solve a problem that the current generation is facing. We could see from history that the problems are inevitable and gets better with time. Decades ago people faced a problem of not having enough information. To gain knowledge we had to put hours to find the source. Google solved the problem. But it doesn’t mean Google settled thereafter, instead they are solving better problem to further make humanity more advanced. This process of solving problems generation after generation actually made the modern world. Like Google, any company that is not limited to its predevelopment solution will find a great future. Regardless of any industry, problem occurs one after another. By solving a problem means creating another. If we can’t find a solution to this chain of problem, then someone else will and we are kicked out. It is a competition that led us to discover and invent many

Action and fruit

What’s there to take credit from when they say that you contributed to their growth? Nothing. We do nothing for the better or improvement of other. All we do is giving their returns for the things they did in the past. We may think that it is because of us that they are here or he is rich or successful because of you. This is wrong and foolish to think of. We did our duty of spreading the message which we were obliged as a result of our past actions. Same with them. His past actions and character which resulted seek us demanded the aid. It is he who decides to make the change. It is he who thought of trusting us. It is the past action due to Karma led him here. What we did was our duty which we devoted to help. No credit for us. Neither we are allowed to expect any return. Because return is the consequences of action. And every action bears a fruit of consequence. Like Murphy’s law, whatever is about to happen will happen. Therefore the action that we performed will reflect in one way

Blockchain and change

 The introduction of Blockchain at its early stage required a lot of work. Technology becomes powerful when it reaches more people. It is like getting democratized. Blockchain itself is a technology of democratization. Making everything decentralize, is gonna create a revolution. Most of the time when we think about liberty and free act, we would often consider being able to express ourselves freely. That is sure of putting as it implies the literary meaning. But liberty also means letting ourselves keep our most important things. Rise technology and advertisement led every organization to collect as much data as means of advertising. Earlier data was not certainly necessary, now it is inevitable. Without it, it seems like the world is going to freeze.   Collecting data is good when we get the most out of it. For several reasons, we are obliged to give our data for free in exchange for the service they provide. We cannot resist ourselves from its influence. We care less about data and

Keep updated

 Sometimes when something like disruptive level change happens, some of the organizations working in the field have to make the move. The case applies to anything. A couple of years before, companies used to charge more than enough for their services. But whenever something happens so disruptive, then this model works no more. Gathering information in the early 90s was not that cool. You have to go to the library to get enough information. Moreover, you have to go through line by line for a specific set of knowledge. But now we can get whatever information we need at our fingertip. So the information is overloaded here. What happened to the loads of books that were settled at the stalls was forced to go digital. And that was successful. Almost half of the people who read consistently are through digital devices. That is very comfortable to do so. We can read any number of books from that simple device. This is great. Some people say they miss that nostalgic moment in retrospect, bu

Identifying noise

 Discovering noise while investing is a very important step. Because we tend to make mistakes based on that. Even investing in a very promising company sometimes lead us to withdraw funds. This happens to all investments. How noises leads to bad decision could be narrated by everyday example. We must have seen that when the price of a certain assets go down, we have this urge to withdraw money. But what if it goes up ?. So we wait for couple of days further to see the assets going down. So we withdraw money instantly with half of our invested money in hand. But after the withdrawals we see the price going up and wait for few days for the confirmation. After confirming that it is in a bullish run, we invest. But after a few days of investment the prices shoots down again burning our capital. This happens every time and we react same each time. By reacting to the markets this ways opens a wonderful opportunity to burn or capital in no less time. But when we zoom out the graph and inq

Trading with no money

 The thing with trading with real money comes with a lot of problem. The first reason is the lack of experience. Since trading involves a lot of things, it takes time to get in flow. During those times trading will the real money causes a lot of trouble. People often go out money because of the inexperience in trading. On the other side, experience only comes when we trade. This is a paradox. But money is not a very good option to start with. With the kind of technology available today, we can create any experience that is not real, but gives the taste of the experience. In the field of trading, it comes in the way of paper trading. People born at this era has this advantage, they can practice as much as they want until they develop their own strategy. But a couple of days ago, this is not the case. In order to enter into a trade you have to play with real money. That is why most people never ever tried trading in their life. Once an individual trade with real money, but with lack of k

Attachment difficulty

One of the hardest thing to do is to work without attachment. We are attached to everything regardless of their existence in nature. Even the things that have no life form sometimes makes us emotionally touched. I had experience of hearing from people saying that their favourite tv show ended and they fell like drained. Although they were aware about its fictional side, they are attached and highly expressive. So there is nothing to wonder in case of things with life beat. There happens attachment at its peak. We have also seen people with far more live to their electronic gadgets than any other thing. They never let go of their gadget and sometimes decided to keep it for ever. The worse thing happening from the last couple of months was the attachment to the intangible assets. It is getting auctioned like the same real tangible product. The technology that make it happen is Blockchain through NFTs. Some thinkers are also afraid of this attachment might lead to a cultural collapse w

Price movement and news

 Demand can be very well related to the need in the market. When something of nominal value gets high in demand, it usually gets attention. So, when the attention rises it draws masses towards. This time we can observe a price surge. This happens often in tradable assets. Let’s take an example of a particular stock. Usually, the price of the stock rises whenever good news is associated. This good news makes traders bring attention. Risk-takers invest based on this soothing news, which raises the price further. And soon it breaks the resistance and all retail investors start investing making the price move even higher. Even after days of news, it keeps the pace. Here people slowly start to form a consensus within themselves that the price won’t go much higher when reaches this or that point. Which makes people like him exit from there. When masses do this, it slowly reflects in the price movements. This leaves a panic among the general investors and they will start withdrawing money m

Diversifying the investments

 There is a case with saying that having a well-diversified portfolio is a sign of financial intelligence. People diversify their investments into different assets to increase the security over money. But this is commonly observed among experienced investors. Everyone starts with what generates high ROI. At the initial stages securing a well cashflow is less important than making a ton of money. These people lack emotional balance. When they see the asset price going on, they pour more money. They never allocate money for any other thing. Of course, they make a ton of money, on the flip side, if the market crashes these people go around like nuts. They totally fall under depression. Some may even choose to end their life. Here comes the benefits of having a well-diversified portfolio. It is observed that when the price of one asset crashes, the other soars. By making investments in more than one asset keeps the overall portfolio preserved. With this kind of investment, we could see t